• Play Catan 1
  • Play Catan 2
  • Play Catan 3

Play Catan

This app is meant to assist in tracking the game state and resource generation. Most of the time we don't want to be bothered with dice rolls and just want to know which resource got generated. Once you set up the board as directed by this app and set the number tiles accordingly, this app will help you take turns and keep track of resource generation.
Another reason I developed this app was because of the frequent complaint I heard about unfair dice rolls. The thing is that people setup their initial houses according to some expectation of resource generation probability based on the number on the hexes. The problem with that approach is that we do not take enough turns for the probabilities to play out as expected. To mitigate this issue, this app allows for a twist in how resources are generated. Each player turn now comprises of many dice rolls instead of one. Suppose we set the number of dice rolls to 100 per turn. Then, each one of the hundred dice rolls in the corresponding turn will generate one hundredth of the corresponding resource. You can imagine that each resource has a bucket which is filling up slowly whenever the dice roll shows up the corresponding number. Whenever the bucket gets full, the resource is generated. It might take multiple consecutive turns for the bucket to get full for a resource. It is easy to see that resources with numbes such as 8 or 6 will fill up far more quickly and frequently than those with 2 or 11. The trivial case is a single dice roll per turn(which is the default game mode) and it generates the entire resource corresponding to the dice roll(the bucket fills up in one shot). Rolling the dice multiple times allows for the dice probabilities to play out as expected.

Try it out and let me know how you like this twist.

Category : Board

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Reviews (27)

Jac. B. Dec 16, 2015     

Would give zero star but that is not an option. I don't even know how to play the stupid game.

Aum. Mar 5, 2018     

Would be awesome if it had all the different expansions and for the sea farers expansion if it had the different campaigns in it. Otherwise works as it should not sure what the others are confused on.

Cal. K. Dec 20, 2015     

Game crashes after several turns and game doesn't actually play correctly.

Luk. A. Feb 16, 2016     

The app is great for getting a random setup to your next game. We had a Catan game night and this was used every time.

Col. S. Dec 27, 2016     

You dont get to PLAY .. this . you get to use it to help you play the real game. I think if itnwas named catan assistant it would be more liked.

Luc. M. I. Jan 14, 2016     

This app is to help you to random use the tiled and incorporates dice rolls. It is not a full game. It is to ASSIST.

Dal. R. Nov 11, 2015     

Love the multiple dice roll averaging feature. Makes the game much more fun.

Kat. O. Dec 10, 2015     

What's going on!

Joe. S. Dec 17, 2015     

Is this a joke?

Ban. M. Dec 9, 2015     

What is this thing!??

Tyl. W. Jan 22, 2017     

It is terible

Jef. W. Dec 22, 2015     

Not cataan terrible

Kay. W. Apr 9, 2016     

It's a waste of download. Nothing like the real thing.

Wil. S. Nov 4, 2016     

This isn't catan it's just a bunch of letters on hexagon that you see a die rolling if this wasn't for free I would have wanted my money back

Jos. W. Aug 29, 2016     

Terrible game. Joke of a Moble game. Really a let down to catan fans that want to play on the go.

ste. p. Jan 1, 2017     

This game is horrible don't waste your time it is nothing like the real game

Jar. C. Feb 6, 2016     

You don't actually play game, it just tells you how

Kad. B. Sep 20, 2016     

Does not work like the real game

Luk. S. Aug 8, 2016     

Not what i thought. Not like the board game

Sha. T. Dec 3, 2016     

"Play Catan" does not give the impression of an assistance app.

Cha. F. Jan 9, 2016     

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwful don't waist your time.

Rya. G. Jan 7, 2016     

Not catan. I played the board game and this isn't it

임은서. Dec 17, 2015     

I dont know why this is fun ........뭐가재밌는지모르겠어요......

bra. -. Jan 16, 2016     

The worst version of the game

Efe. T. Jan 14, 2017     

No point in getting it it basically doesn't help at all

McK. M. Feb 19, 2016     

Why would someone make this!?!?

Sil. D. Nov 19, 2015     

This app does not make any sense.