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Pocket Change!

Pocket Change is an all new game brought to you by Prodigy Games! It is full of fun, money, and tapping the screen like there is no tomorrow! Pocket Change! contains enough features to fill your coin purse! Download today to experience:
- An all new mobile experience of tapping and scoring!
- Simple, yet rewarding gameplay!
- Earning enough change to fill your pockets!
- Unlocking over a dozen medals!
- Winning bragging rights over your lame friends that aren’t as great as yourself! See if you can get the highest score and change total compared to your friends in Pocket Change!

Category : Arcade

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Reviews (6)

Col. G. Dec 2, 2016     

I started my playthrough of Prodigy Games "Pocket Change!" only a few days ago, and I must sadly report that the game has ruined my once successful life. The game's highly addictive nature has led to some unforseen issues. My lovely fiance left the house, as I was unable to support her due to this crippling addiction. As I continued to nosedive down this rabbit hole, I soon found myself unemployed. Friends and family left me. I lost everything to this game. TL;DR It's fun. Got all of the metals

Eri. C. Jul 27, 2017     

The game is okay, but how do I redeem my change? If you don't get actual money then the game is making false claims about the change you can fill your pockets with. If you are able to in fact get the money that it says you can get, I will give it a better rating.

bea. Dec 2, 2016     

You can tell this guy is pretty new the game is actually pretty good it's one of those challenging games but you should totally download it

Jon. P. Nov 29, 2016     

Tricky, better pay attention or you shall fail

fah. m. Dec 1, 2016     

I like it ... u have to try it.

R20. Dec 5, 2016     

love it