• PokerStove 1
  • PokerStove 2


PokerStove: Speed AND Accuracy.
For 10 years PokerStove has been the gold standard in equity calculators, being the first to introduce the concept of range evaluation in an easy to use interface. Ten years later, it is still the fastest most precise poker calculator in the world.

PokerStove is the fastest and most precise poker calculator in the world. Where most calculators use random sampling to produce percentages that are never the same twice, PokerStove uses highly optimized algorithms to give the exact answer instantly.

PokerStove is simple to use and easy to understand. Your equity is computed from the hands/ranges you enter. Equities for every street are computed giving a full picture of the horse race, pinpointing the exact card that turned the tide.

PokerStove's ability to share results gives you the option to trumpet your victories and bad beats. You can also send a detailed analysis report to yourself.

Category : Card

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Reviews (15)

A. G. u. Aug 31, 2012     

It is an unfinished product. As a result, it's a crap. The pc version is perfect and usable. I don't recmmended it until they fix many bugs.

Tim. A. Sep 2, 2014     

UI is difficult, heads-up only, not multiple players. Top "menus" have obscure icons that are all links to external advertising.

A. G. u. Aug 2, 2016     

Not user friendly been using stove for years but this is not like the original. Ranges difficult to put in and the result not easy to review

Gra. K. Aug 9, 2016     

Not a patch on the web version and much better apps with more functionality around.

A. G. u. Sep 22, 2012     

Just absolute crap, don't even bother installing

A. G. u. Jun 29, 2012     

Not like the full software but easy enough to use and fast at calculations. Droid RAZR Max

jay. s. Jul 19, 2013     

Ranges should be able to be set easily much like pokercruncher! !!! Otherwise great

E. S. Feb 25, 2014     

Functions for HU hands only and this app needs a lot of work.

A. G. u. Dec 6, 2013     


A. G. u. Jun 23, 2012     

Is this really from Pokerstove? I don't think so... Awful, dreadful piece of software. Everything from presentation to functionality. Some really low quality, unnecessary, grating sound effects... the developers should have the Play Store agreement terminated.

A. G. u. Aug 9, 2012     

Horrible software and annoying sound effects. Not even close to the real Pokerstove. The creators should be jailed..

Mar. A. Feb 17, 2013     

It works fine, if you're always heads-up in Hold'em. Needs to be able to add more players and Omaha sure would be nice.

Tyl. P. Feb 11, 2014     

No instructions, terrible AI. Overall garbage app.

Bob. C. B. Nov 15, 2017     

Ads! It opens up about 5 web ads in 5 different browser windows each time I use it. Uninstall

Man. Jul 18, 2017     

No information givin no distributed information