• pokitMeter 1
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This app is for use with the PokitMeter multimeter and oscilloscope, available from pokitmeter.com. This app will not be functional without PokitMeter hardware!

NOTE: This app requires location permissions in order to connect to the PokitMeter BLE device!

Measure Anything

Pokit measures, displays and logs a wide range of parameters including voltage, current, resistance and temperature. It also provides a continuity and diode checker. Pokit is intended for low voltage work up to audio frequencies.

Measure Anywhere

Pokit fits on your keychain! With leads that retract at the press of a button, Pokit is convenient and small enough to take anywhere!

Measure with Ease

Pokit connects wirelessly to your smartphone and app. Its amazingly easy to use. Simply touch to change modes and settings, and pinch and drag to pan and zoom waveforms. After using Pokit you'll wonder why all tools weren't designed this way!

Small is Big

Pokit is small in lots of ways... it takes less space, weighs less, uses less power, and costs much less than tools with similar capabilities. After using Pokit we think you'll agree that small is the new big!

Category : Productivity

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Reviews (13)

Koe. T. Oct 3, 2019     

Very usefull app with the pokit meter. But the app is 5 stars when the app also rotates to portrait mode. It is really annoying that it only works in landscape mode. I often have my phone on a dock and want to measure something quick, but have to turn my head to control and read the values. Shouldn't be hard right, except all the rescaling things😅?

Phi. J. Mar 7, 2019     

A little disappointed that the device has almost no indicator lights to show it's on. Scaling on the oscilloscope has incorrect scaling on time values for collection time. The probe clips slip off constantly too. Nice idea but hardware needs QC. Still very early on for the app. UI needs some work - this is very much an App in Beta and not yet a really useful tool yet. 1mS sample time shown as 1s - then when zooming out - yold that time goes to 10 or 40s OS data, despite collecting less than 1s

Sim. A. Feb 27, 2019     

Pokitmeter firmware updated from V1.3 to V1.4 without drama or connection issues (Google Pixe XL with Android 8.1.0). Quirky axis scaling on first entering Data logger mode (10mV & 16min per div) when sampling was on 60V range & 1s. Running for 44s then gave a graph at 21V ??? & 10s per div. Love the device, and looking forward to further upgrades & products.

Way. O. Jul 10, 2019     

Edit, version 1.0.1 corrects most issues. New issue. Version 1.0.1. On the oscilloscope, With the time windows set to say, 100ms, the screen display shows 40 s/div. Should be 40 ms/div. It is wrong on all ranges by a factor of 1000.

Ste. U. Aug 24, 2019     

App UI is poor in really basic ways. Example: doesn't rotate to landscape. As if I have a spare hand to hold the phone in portrait as I'm fiddling with circuits? Example: having to hit Back button twice to exit is a blatant violation of Android UI guidelines. Etc...

Aci. O. Feb 27, 2019     

I like my pokitmeter a lot, but the godawful connection instability is killing it for me. Constant dropouts, no matter what I try. Can't update the firmware as a result. Very frustrating, a shame.

Mit. T. Jun 22, 2019     

Make sure you remove the paper under the battery! but once on- this is impressive! looking forward to a refined hardware which maybe click the probes in and a little more sturdy but overall fantastic!

Gir. B. Mar 7, 2019     

After firmware update to 1.4 with galaxy s8 it became usable on p20 p20pro (no disconnections every 1 to 10 sec. anymore, impossible to update firmware) Resistance test on 0 is with various results from 4ohms to 115ohms. Since wires or contacts are that bad I suggest feature for continuity and resistance to reset to 0 when probes are connected short.

Bri. L. Jun 3, 2019     

My Pokit hasn't worked for a while. Support was replying to me, but stopped on April 17. Attempted to contact them multiple times since.

Tha. E. Aug 19, 2020     

My phone connects, but the app will not. Making the whole tool useless.

Mic. E. Oct 1, 2021     

Always immediately crashes out in Freq Domain mode.

Dav. C. Aug 29, 2018     

Congrats! App will now launch all the way! Thank you!

Mic. T. Aug 31, 2018     

Looking good guys. Can't wait for my Pokit multimeter.