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  • PotensicPro 4


Potensic Pro is a professional flight control application.
The APP boasts real-time video transmission, flight parameter settings and aerial video and other aircraft functions.

Main features include:
1. GPS positioning that allows users to pinpoint wherever aircraft is located
2. Map navigation and viewing, as well as waypoint mission control
3. Real-time HD video and telemetry transmission
4. A flexible aerial photography platform
5. Customizable flight parameters

Category : Video Players & Editors

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Reviews (26)

Eri. R. Apr 1, 2022     

Unbelievable customer service The people at potensic are truly awesome The customer support team is made up of the most professional people I have ever had to deal with. I'm really happy that I decided to purchase my aircrafts from potensic. The equipment the staff and all the potensic people are the best. Keep up the great work 👍

Vac. R. Apr 8, 2022     

Absolutely useless upgrade. Prompted to upgrade. After comletion when I pressed the button to return the drone home, the drone travelled superfast in the direction of the moon 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵 DO NOT UPGRADE!

M.. A. Apr 30, 2022     

The app doesn't work well on my Samsung Galaxy S8+. It takes forever to connect and loses connection mid flight most of the time. I gave up on it. I fly the drone with the controller alone. Hopefully they will fix this issue.

And. Jan 1, 2021     

Works great. Except the waypoint function does not work for me. I can place the points and look lift off but the drone just hovers there. There should be some sort of start journey button or something like that. Other then that great app.

bud. h. Dec 28, 2021     

After last upgrade which i think it was for camera....now wifi signal of drone is nit visible iOS or Android....?????did i do something wrong...but i tried getting help but they asked for sku#...were u bought it and so forth...but it was a chrismas gift...and i think it might if been used but never flown. Potensic 4k dreamer.

Dav. W. Dec 30, 2021     

Im a sure of the app for 6 months. Seen several very good uodates. So I can verify they listened to user input making changes. Honestly very satisfying to see a company provide a working app. Be sure to join Potensic FB group. They provide great customer support.

Ada. R. Apr 23, 2022     

App is no longer available for the T25?.. Do I throw this drone away?

Cha. A. Mar 16, 2021     

Just did the update. Had to calibrate drone 3 times before it would fly. When it took off it flew in circles out of control and crashed. Fix your Firmware update please

Tho. R. Nov 3, 2020     

Drone seems beautiful and in tip top shape however, huge app problem, won't let me do anything cause it says I need to turn on permissions and yet, they're all turned on for the app so I can't access it at all

Wes. B. S. Nov 22, 2020     

Unsatisfactory - as far as I can tell the app is only for the Dreamer Pro and Dreamer 4k. Not what I have. I read the full description and some comments and did not see anything about what drones it is compatible with.

Dre. B. Apr 7, 2021     

The app is great so is drone. I would have given 5 stars of the drones WiFi would show up on all of my devices WiFi scanners. If anyone can help please let me know.

J. Jul 18, 2021     

I'm trying to register an account on the app and it says failure to connect to network. I have mobile data and wifi on. What's the problem? Also what's the drone default wifi password?

4. W. V. Mar 5, 2021     

I'm using this on Dreamer 4K Pro. Do far I've seen updates and firmware update. All with positive results. Very happy an hope the app continues updating to consumers needs.

Gen. P. Nov 21, 2019     

Dumbest developer in history wrote this app. Registration panel says clicking register means you agree to their privacy policy. When you click register it says you haven't agreed to the privacy policy yet. Total idiot must have tested the registration process.

Ric. D. Oct 15, 2021     

Wish it had a little better instructions on using app with your specific drone especially if drone was purchased used, but other then that it's great.

Yel. T. Jan 8, 2021     

I cannot use my samsung a10,ir doesn't show up in wifi settings to connect, does anybody have the answers

Joe. C. Jul 31, 2020     

Very professional and the technology is on point love the lineup of potensic drones especially the dreamer 4 k which I now own. Wow

Fra. J. Oct 20, 2020     

All I can say about this is it's Amazing and I'm loving every Second of it great app.

Vit. D. Dec 31, 2020     

Waypoint has been broken and dangerous for months.

wil. S. Oct 6, 2020     

Very not so difficult to connect very well amounted

Ron. T. Jul 27, 2020     

If I was more computer savvy this would have been nice. Working well 😀 now.

Van. L. Jun 10, 2021     

Wth...in mid flight it loses signal cause the wifi wants a password..you have to be fkn kidding me...talk about a serious concern...

Sha. R. Apr 6, 2020     

For which drones?? How does it connect? Not registering just to see if it'll tell me.

nul. v. Apr 7, 2022     

Horrid won't even sell parts anymore either

Rob. E. Apr 29, 2021     

The Potensic Pro app worked perfectly for Us.

Nic. R. Jul 18, 2021     

Can't register.