• Prayer of the Day-Daily Prayer 1
  • Prayer of the Day-Daily Prayer 2
  • Prayer of the Day-Daily Prayer 3
  • Prayer of the Day-Daily Prayer 4

Prayer of the Day-Daily Prayer

Prayer – Talking to God God is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. He knows everything you ever did and He still loves you! He knows your future too. He has the best plans for your life. He cares for you so much that He gave His Son so that you could be with Him forever. “For God so loved the world, the He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16).
You can talk to Him about anything that concerns you. Tell Him your desires and passions. Share your concerns for your loved ones. Talk out your fears with Him.

Communicate to God what is inside you without fear.

Prayer – What do I say? Prayer may be accomplished in many ways. The best way is to be natural, just as if you were in the room with Him. He is very anxious to hear every word you say. You can say whatever is on your heart. He’ll even listen to your anger and sadness.

In Matthew 6:9-13, Jesus taught the disciples a pattern for prayer. “This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.’”

Prayer – Why Pray?

Why is prayer important? If God already knows all about you and knows all that He has written, why should you pray? It’s because God created us to have free will. He wants us to come to Him willingly and not as robotic creations. He has given us a mind to make decisions and the most important decision is about eternity. Even though He knows the future, we don’t know the future choices we will make. It’s important to live by His guidance to make the right choices.

In the Bible, you will find kings, prophets, and ordinary people like you and me, averted destruction by praying to God. One prayer stopped the sun, one prayed fire down from heaven, one gained fifteen years to his own life, and one prayer even saved a whole city. These people prayed intensely to the God who answers prayer.

When you pray, God listens to your cries. When you don’t pray, God feels left out of your life. “He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9b). As you pray consistently, you are affirming the existence of God in your life. You are building your faith as you see God’s hand do His mighty work on your behalf just because you asked.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened” (Matthew 7:7-8).

Category : Productivity

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Reviews (30)

W. B. Sep 14, 2020     

The update fixed the crashing problem. It's an outstanding prayer app with a new and modern look.

Dub. B. Sep 3, 2020     

Does not work with the latest Android system update. The app needs to be updated. Was a 5-star app but now useless. Please update.

Maw. B. K. A. Feb 7, 2021     

So helpful to me and my families and I'm able to copy and share to my friends but now it cannot do so, what's happening????? Can't copy and share with my friends anymore. Kindly do something about it, thanks

kar. a. May 8, 2020     

These prayers are inspiring ive been using this a long time,i loved it,thank you.

Jos. N. Jan 12, 2020     

I'm not at all impressed with God or Angels, still playing the waiting game. 25 years waiting is becoming to be a joke. Gods either lazy or very sick in the head

DAV. D. Nov 25, 2018     

Very inspiring, i love it.

RES. W. u. Sep 22, 2019     

Super super super super I love it I thank God for you guys be encouraged and be blessed

Sri. Jul 12, 2020     

I just want to say Thank you for the app makers.. 🙏

Mar. A. Oct 29, 2019     

Thanks for everything I love the prayer app

Ray. N. Aug 5, 2019     

its one of my favorite!!

The. J. Jul 29, 2019     

prayers off the the day enlightened the dark or the unhappy feeling inside

Fra. K. Nov 8, 2021     

Real best prayer app

A. G. u. Oct 30, 2018     

I love God he been with me Thur thick in thin

Ell. M. Feb 13, 2017     

Very inspiring. However please sort out the time zone difference issue. The East African time is always a day behind in your daily update. This was never the case.

Uca. Feb 28, 2017     

Great and Powerful Prayers but i wish the "big" words used that everyday people don't use were not used. Looking up there meaning takes away from getting into the prayer!

Man. B. Jul 5, 2017     

I love this app. It help to do prayer. encourage me everyday! thanks for your app

Sim. T. Mar 9, 2019     

It has been great help to my daily prayer life.

Fe. E. Jun 19, 2016     

Thanks to apps!!that's great.

SBO. M. Oct 18, 2016     

Its so helpful

Deb. L. Feb 1, 2016     

I love this app! Relevant prayers that help lead you into prayer time! 💖

Mar. K. Sep 27, 2015     

Enlightenment, free spirit and spiritual guidance

Sar. B. Oct 17, 2015     

Love it....

Mar. G. Oct 7, 2015     

Love it

Por. C. Nov 21, 2014     

Daily encouraging spiritual prayers. .

Oph. N. Jun 17, 2015     

Totally love this app.

San. R. Jun 20, 2015     

Prayer of the day

Gre. D. Jul 23, 2015     

Trying to be somber and quiet in prayer only to have a loud ad about airport simulators pop up is a real distraction to the purpose of this app. Uninstalled. Defeats the purpose.

Ann. V. Feb 29, 2016     

It is the best way to start your day free of charge,

Hir. V. Dec 30, 2015     

It may my life complete, patient, mature, and living well with my God, Father-Jesus Christ, Son- Holy Spirit.

San. E. Aug 2, 2016     

I love dis app its so inspiring