• Pregnancy Workouts by Power 20 1
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  • Pregnancy Workouts by Power 20 4

Pregnancy Workouts by Power 20

Stay fit and strong throughout your pregnancy and get your body ready for delivery. This full version gives you access to all the workouts for each trimester, along with a brief stretching routine. Finish one workout to unlock the next.
Power 20 worked with prenatal yoga instructors to create this safe, fun and effective routines that can be done without any equipment. Safe for both mom and baby, the Power 20 Prenatal Workout is an indispensable tool for moms who value fitness and health.

➤FAST & EFFICIENT: These workout videos are 20 minutes or shorter in duration and target the entire body.➤ROUTINES FOR EACH TRIMESTER: The routines change as your pregnancy progresses. Exercises for the first trimester differ in intensity from the second and third trimesters.➤DO THESE ANYWHERE: No special equipment or outfits are needed to do these workouts.

Want more workouts? Check out the full version of Power 20 for multiple workouts including ab, butt, cardio, leg, prenatal and full-body routines.

Category : Health & Fitness

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Reviews (27)

Lea. O. Nov 18, 2018     

Great app for exercise during all stages of pregnancy with no equipment needed. It can be challenging and the exercises vary which is great. My only issue is that the image of the woman for demonstration sometimes disappears randomly. Luckily, there are still text instructions to go by.

Dan. N. Nov 13, 2018     

I used the Power 20 App regularly and REALLY enjoyed the Pregnancy Power 20 workouts throughout my entire pregnancy. I'm fairly fit, so I always use weights in conjunction with appropriate activities. I also usually do plank during the break periods to up the difficulty level. Overall, this is a great app for a simple and effective workout to use during pregnancy. It helped me to stay fit throughout the entire 9 months!

Dan. B. Nov 26, 2018     

I love how you can pick your trimester, easy to follow, I bought the full version so I can do 5 different workouts per trimester and don't get bored and 5min stretch after each work. Super easy to follow and have spirit run in the background for some beats 😊 great app!

Car. c. Feb 24, 2019     

Great graphics and workouts, but app is buggy with missing animations and repitition.

Sar. S. N. Jan 11, 2019     

Such a great app for pregnant women! instructions are clear and simple. Felt refreshing afterwards!

Mic. D. Sep 21, 2018     

I think this is great for expecting mums :) it's simple and easy to follow. Definitely would recommend.

Ale. M. Dec 17, 2018     

Easy, effective workouts I can do at home! My muscles hurt the day after!

Bri. L. Nov 3, 2018     

Pretty good for pregnant workouts. A bit buggy.

Nat. S. C. Feb 11, 2019     

not to bad

A. G. u. Jan 27, 2018     

This is good for me. Quick 20 minute workouts that I can do at home. Im on second trimester. The instructions are clear although sometimes I have to pause the video and read what the exercise is. For £1.80 you can get more routines but you have to access them in the right order so it looks like it doesn't let you skip a session.

Mau. G. Aug 23, 2017     

It is a good app to exercise. But some bugs make it a bit disappointing. Sometimes you exercise only your left leg for example. Or sometimes the coach has left the video... Pretty annoying... And the sound stops working when you go one step backward or forward. The "join us" popping up is worst than ads.

lup. g. Apr 5, 2018     

Like others have suggested (wish I had taken their advice) stick to the free version. It's an ok app but paying for it is pointless, it's the same as the free version expect it repeats the exercises in various order and for longer periods of time.

Luc. M. Jan 16, 2016     

Before pregnancy I worked out a lot in the gym and outside so I found adjusting to pregnancy quite hard. Finally this app is helping me realise what I am now able to do safely! I have the paid version and it's a bargain! Occasionally I up the anti and substitute jog for march or jump squats for squats and I don't take the full rest. But finding it a good level of challenge. Please try!

Ali. M. Jan 7, 2017     

I have been using this app across all trimesters of my pregnancy & I love the exercises. I actually found the 1st trimester exercises to really challenge me which I wanted. They progress towards exercises to strengthen for birth. They can be a little repetitive if you do them everyday, but that doesn't bother me. If you are someone who works out hard core when not pregnant this might not be enough for you, but I supplement with light weights & cardio as well as yoga and it's perfect for me. Highly recommend

Kel. A. Jan 3, 2017     

Stick with the free version. The paid for version is the same exercises as the free one, just in a different order with each routine. It's a good app to get you moving for a few minutes, but it's just the same exercises over and over. And the constant "join the community" pop up with each routine, after having joined, gets REALLY annoying!

Ash. M. Jun 1, 2016     

I like each exercise but to many position changes from sitting, standing, side to side.. when they should organize to do all all same in a row.. It's very hard to keep switching with a big belly.

Hay. R. Aug 18, 2017     

I started with the free app, but then paid for the upgraded version so I could access more workouts. It won't let me log in now and won't let me do any additional workouts. I emailed support and got no response. Garbage!

Don. I. Jan 7, 2017     

Super straightforward and simple. Once I found you could fast forward through theget ready phase I gave it five stars.

jen. b. Aug 23, 2016     

Very effective for somebody of a sedentary lifestyle like myself. Was sweating in the end of each routine. They are different every time and also include strength and stretching. Good job!

Amy. E. May 14, 2016     

I loved the idea of it but after installing, app crashing and re-installing 4 times I am left disappointed.

Emm. W. May 15, 2016     

Really enjoyed it so paid for the upgrade but it just crashes. Sadly if this isn't resolved soon will be requesting a refund as I have had no extra workout beyond the free one, and am getting rather bored of it now.

Nac. B. Feb 23, 2018     

I downloaded many and this was by far the best. It times you and has great animated demonstrations. Has many variations of workouts for each trimester. Love it.

Bec. H. Jul 31, 2016     

Love this. Easy to follow exercises. Good that it's broken down into trimesters so that you know the exercises are safe.

Ten. H. Oct 10, 2016     

Before pregnancy I was doing HIIT workout with weights and bands. Then I found out I was pregnant and my body told me to slow it down. Then it told me to just not do that anymore. So I switched to PIYO, a pilates/yoga workout, but my ligament pain was still protesting too much. Finally, 3 months left to pregnancy, I found this app and it definitely gives me a sweat because I've been "off" for 3 months. You have to definitely flex your muscles if you want them to get stronger

Chr. Q. Jun 10, 2016     

Good interactive features. I love how she does the workout with you and shows the timer so you know how long you have to do an exercise or hold a pose, and the sound it makes when to start or end a round. Very easy, but still effective routines.

A. G. u. Jan 9, 2018     

It used to work fine but now I constantly get an error message saying it couldn't download and that is my first time using it, which is not. Rip off

A. G. u. Aug 15, 2017     

I paid for this app so I could use it every day, but there are only 5 workouts for each trimester.. that's only 5 days of workout each term. I don't understand this.. unless I'm missing something.