• Primeros Auxilios 1
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  • Primeros Auxilios 4

Primeros Auxilios

First aid consists of the immediate attention that is given to a sick, injured or injured person in the place of events, before being transferred to a medical or hospital center, so it is essential to learn or have a notion of what We could do to save a life while the ambulance is on the way, This application is a summary and practical course of the essential and most relevant to this important work that gives us tools, knowledge, skills, abilities, what to do and what not to do to avoid make mistakes that can cost a person's life.
Since life is not played is essential to know what can be done to a person injured in what is and is within our reach because for lack of this knowledge is a mistake, I remember when I was a child about ten years ago to a neighbor I was hit by a car that left his leg crushed and with considerable bleeding no one of us who were there had the knowledge of a tourniquet to stop the blood even worse I was just a child, said neighbor on arrival at the hospital had lost the life by bleeding but not by the blows. Here we give you a list of knowledge of possible blows, fractures, hemorrhages etc. and what can be done is those cases, that enjoy this knowledge knowing that it is never too late to learn.

Category : Health & Fitness

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