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Provo Recreation Center

Download the Provo Recreation Center App today to plan and schedule your classes! From this Android App you can view class schedules, sign-up for fitness classes, reserve a racquetball court, sign-up your child for our child watch, view ongoing promotions, as well as view location and contact information. You can also click through to our Facebook page! Optimize your time and maximize the convenience of signing up for classes from your Android! Download this App today!
Also be sure to check out our website at: http://www.provo.org/community/recreation-center

Category : Health & Fitness

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Reviews (20)

Dan. B. Feb 9, 2019     

Absolutely useless. Cant schedule courts. "Pricing is unavailable for this category" is all i get. I tried adding a credit card to see if that would change anything to find out the app wont accept any valid Visa.

Ash. D. May 12, 2020     

Can't add payment information, keep getting error. Can't sign up on the web either...have to use app. Infuriating.

Jes. H. Apr 20, 2021     

It won't let me use it without updating the app but there is no update available.

Cat. J. Sep 5, 2017     

Does not automatically update

Noa. B. Jul 18, 2017     

Needs to be more user friendly

Jil. C. Mar 16, 2017     

I had to make a new account to even log in. Then I couldn't reserve a spot in any of the classes.

Lar. R. Jan 9, 2017     

It used to show which rooms the classes are and if you could do that again it would be really helpful.

Car. A. Jun 7, 2016     

It shows me when the classes are, but no matter what I try, I can't log in. It doesn't recognize my e-mail/password combination (I double checked using my computer), so I attempt to create a new account, having them link my Provo Rec Center account, and it says it doesn't recognize my e-mail address when I try to retrieve my password even though their system automatically put it there. The app is basically useless. I can find class times online, but what I really want is to be able to log in and reserve spots in the classes.

Jus. H. Feb 14, 2017     

Can't sign in, can't view class schedule, nothing is working. It's completely broken for me.

Amy. H. Sep 5, 2016     

Not working properly

Ste. W. Apr 27, 2015     

I love that I can see the fitness schedule online, however I can't get the reservation system to work. It stalls out every time I try to reserve a space in a class. I also don't like that it defaults to the childcare reservation when you first open it up. It would be helpful if there was a way to know if your class was upstairs or downstairs. The name of the classroom is listed but I can never remember which classes are upstairs and which are downstairs.

All. H. Jan 30, 2015     

I love the rec center and I am really excited to to get more involved with fitness classes. But I can't get the information when it crashes after a few seconds every time I open it. I have tried to create an account but it doesn't stay open long enough. I'm looking forward to using it more in the future when this problem is fixed.

A. G. u. Sep 19, 2014     

It should default to fitness classes or at least give an option to set your default page. Its pretty worthless if you don't have internet. Things like the map should be cached and not require a internet connection. The overall UI is ugly. It has a "programmer art" feel to it and needs some love. I want to use this app, but until these things get addresses I will wait.

ok. o. T. B. Aug 31, 2015     

The app is nice for those who dont do aquatics....but i can never see when any classes are so ive deleted the app

Cla. H. Jan 9, 2015     

The app is great for making court reservations...... when I can log in! I registered once but it has been so long since I used the app that it made me log in again. Okay, that makes sense. So I try forgot password. Password reset, email doesn't exist in system. Register again and fill out all fields, error message saying that I need to fill out all fields but doesn't tell me what isn't filled out (because everything is!). Very trouble UX. Needs some big fixing. Don't just focus development on iOS device.

Aly. K. Aug 17, 2018     

If you want to book classes or childcare, you have to use the app, otherwise I wouldn't. It's slow, crashes every time I use it, and it never returns you to the page/date you were originally looking at.

Cas. C. Sep 10, 2014     

Great start to an even better rec center. Would recommend bill services on here! Thanks!

Lia. C. Mar 27, 2015     

I'm super excited to start coming here. Except it's hard to get ahold of child watch and book a class. :(

Joe. S. Sep 14, 2015     

Why do I need to provide this information just to check the availability of a racquetball court? No thanks, nosy.

Dan. B. Sep 10, 2015     

The app is slow but better than it used to be.