• Puzzletown Match 1
  • Puzzletown Match 2

Puzzletown Match

Category : Puzzle

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Reviews (30)

Kar. W. Sep 20, 2019     

Love it...beautiful illustrations and music. Very addictive. Encountered a few problems especially level 82 not loading properly but suspect they are teething issues? Seems to be a newly developed game? Worth playing 😊

Joh. C. Sep 17, 2019     

Loved the game until I reached level 58. How on earth can someone go through that level without tons of bombs and else. I know I can't and I'm stuck there without being able to go further. Quite frustrating. Was very interesting before

Der. B. Oct 10, 2019     

Good game but money grabber, o played until level 45 then found that you can't get further without spending real cash and at £3.85per time you, ll soon spend a small sum just to carry on with the game story. It's a shame the makers are spoiling what is a nice game this way. A free game should be that FREE not one where you need to spend nearly £4 to get upto the next level

Ter. M. Oct 13, 2019     

Far too many glitches. 😒 It actually didn't just get irritating, but made it impossible for me to continue. I'll try it again if the glitches get fixed. It kooks like it could be pretty great.

Kin. H. Sep 21, 2019     

This game has so much potential.....HOWEVER....randomly fails to launch, auto shuts down, battery hungry, dialogue issues and level 82 doesn't fully load so can't progress.... (only 12 pieces load up down the left hand side rest of board empty)(Galaxy Note 3 user)

Ste. M. Sep 23, 2019     

Was enjoying the game until I hit a level that would not load properly. Tried all the normal things to try and kickstart it but to no avail. Sent an email to support and still no acknowledgment after almost 2 weeks. Such a shame, this game had potential...

Ric. J. Jun 11, 2020     

Oh what a pity, only on level 21 and impossible to win without spending money. Great game as well. Don't bother to download this game unless you intend to spend. And don't believe developers that it s possible to beat this level it isn't. Life is to short to spend hours trying to beat levels. When there are lots of other great games out there. Why do they make them quite so hard, all they do is drive people away. What a pity.

Dia. B. Oct 10, 2019     

On the 4th level the game wanted me to match 4 but there was none to match. I could not access the board to try to match others because it was still in the intro phase.

lyn. f. Oct 10, 2019     

Too many glitches such as the game board not showing up when making a match against boxes they don't disappear played the game for about 5 minutes and had to restart the game 3 times

Kat. D. Jul 13, 2020     

Love this game very addictive fun and very good storyline, would it be possible to give us more opportunity to make more chances with free bombs and dynamite to get past the hardest levels.

Ter. J. Sep 28, 2019     

Was enjoying this game but like a few others have got to level 82, I do not understand how to get passed this level with board not loading properly. No indication either of how to progress

Adr. B. Sep 30, 2019     

Very poor, lot's of dialogue missing then you're asked to make a choice on something you can't even read!!!!

Sie. Sep 8, 2019     

It's interesting! Though there is a few bugs like broken dialogue and ect but it has potential to be great!

Fra. C. Oct 3, 2019     

Downloaded the game today and it won't start. I've tried different things like uninstalling games on my tablet and it still won't work.

Bri. J. Mar 17, 2020     

The game starts well with a great story until reaching level 351 when it is impossible to progress..

Pau. W. Jan 5, 2020     

Can you please explain how to pass level 384 when it tells you to collect 0 red pipes?..3 days I've been trying and spent more money ..I used to love this game but all these glitches are making it impossible to enjoy... awaiting your reply

rob. n. Dec 31, 2019     

Loved this game superb graphics and a good story but no longer seems to play right and still waiting for new content

lou. s. Sep 12, 2019     

Omg.right up my alley.this game is brilliant and the graphic and gameplay are brilliant to.can't wait to see what happens

Jay. F. Oct 8, 2019     

Only just installed this game and I can't even play the first level!!! Flippin thing will not open. Such a disappointment. Am uninstalling.

car. h. Sep 15, 2019     

Addictive game but Level 55 won't load properly I'd deleted it and reloaded it but still won't load properly 😔

Joy. S. Oct 11, 2019     

Might have been interesting but I couldn't get into the second game. Have uninstalled it.

Son. A. Oct 15, 2019     

It says I made a special rocket when it's a lie then I get stuck otherwise it would have been good

Jas. M. Sep 29, 2019     

was enjoying thoroughly until i hit level 82 and it doesnt load properly

Sue. K. Oct 3, 2019     

Great game just hard to read the story when it doesn't let you fun tho

Les. C. Sep 11, 2019     

Level 55 wont load not happy i loved the game till then get it working and ill up my stars

mar. h. Oct 8, 2019     

Cant get further than step 3! Uninstalling. Wont be playing again!

Jea. G. Oct 12, 2019     

I am stuck on level 47 cannot advance unable to use hammer

Jos. L. Aug 9, 2019     

so hard to open always hanging

Nor. G. Oct 25, 2019     

Get to a certain level then carnt carry on.

Dee. H. Jul 22, 2020     

Read other comments to bad developers wont make this game playable if this is how their going to be, wont even consider downloading.