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Now .. and for the first time .. Quality coffee available at your finger tips
Qahwa is rising from the region where coffee beans were first cultivated and served as a hot drink, The Arabian Peninsula. Those magic beans have conquered the globe in few hundred years to become the daily habit for billions around the world.

Qahwa app is state of the art development utilizing the latest technologies and delivering seamless experience to our customers.After the first registration, the user is able to order coffee with simple couple of touches on the screen. We use GPS tracking to prepare and serve the host cup of coffee to our customer at the door with hassle-free experience.

Coffee is an experience; all elements of that experience shall convey that sense of satisfaction a coffee lover enjoys.We serve 100% Arabica single origin coffee beans with different roasting profiles to indulge our customers with the right taste of espresso-based drinks.Italians have invented espresso and its machines, that’s why we are using the world-leading (nuova SIMONELLI) machine to produce that creamy espresso for all our drinks.Paper cups, sugar and every other aspect were carefully selected and designed to provide our customer a unique experience.

Category : Food & Drink

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Reviews (3)

Aws. K. Jul 30, 2016     

Do you have an outlet in Abu Dhabi?

Ahm. F. Jul 14, 2016     

Very good app and coffee ;)

Adn. A. Jul 18, 2016     

Love it