• Quirk CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) 1
  • Quirk CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) 2
  • Quirk CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) 3
  • Quirk CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) 4

Quirk CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)

Quirk is an open source thought diary for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Try Quirk free for 7 days, then for $3.99 a month.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the "gold standard" of psychotherapy and is widely considered to be one of the most effective, evidence backed treatments for depression, anxiety, and panic. If you go into just about any therapist or psychiatrist, CBT will likely be one of the first treatments they try.

Quirk is a companion and self-help app for one of the most common formats of CBT. You may have heard it called "the three column technique" or "catch it, check it, change it." Your brain is really good at making you feel exactly what you're thinking. Often, we find ourselves thinking "automatic negative thoughts" that lead us to fume on something that may not be true. That can cause us to feel depressed or anxious.

CBT helps you record "automatic thoughts," challenge them with cognitive distortions and then train your brain with an alternative thought.

The app is open source under the GPL. You can find the code on Github at: https://github.com/Flaque/quirk

Category : Health & Fitness

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Reviews (25)

Eno. S. Sep 18, 2019     

Despite my 3 star rating, I'm really enjoying the functionality of the app. I'm giving it 3 stars for now because I'm experiencing a lot of tiny, wonky UI/UX issues that need to be fixed. I trust that they will be fixed, but the app definitely isn't "there" yet. Issues so far: - Lots of lag at the splash screen - The app flow is confusing as hell. I don't know how you guys plan on making it more intuitive, but I find myself pressing the back button a lot.

Hol. M. Oct 3, 2019     

Easily the BEST mental health and wellbeing app I have on my phone. Its like having a mini therapist in my pocket at all times. It's so supportive and the interface is so easy to use. Not only is it a beautifully designed app, but the information and material itself is invaluable. It explains aspects of CBT and how they work. I've found myself learning how to use my own mind and how to work against my own anxieties. Definitely a must have for anyone who suffers from issues like stress or anxiety

den. h. Jul 18, 2019     

it's a bit one-size-fits-most but it's a solid concept. two issues: 1. there doesn't appear to be any way to save your input midway thru as a draft, so you have to complete it to save it. 2. within the first few days of use, the app experienced some bug and lost all my previous input. so all the therapeutic work I'd done was just gone. dudes... please fix that bug. or back up the users' input elsewhere. that sucked and felt like a true personal loss.

Tam. J. Dec 3, 2019     

If you want more users, you should let people access the trial period WITHOUT having to agree to the rolling subscription first. It doesn't matter how easy it is to cancel. If I open an app and it immediately asks me to sign up for a subscription without even letting me see what it can do, I'm uninstalling it. Even just letting someone use it for single a day before asking to enter details for the trial would be much, much better.

Hus. G. Aug 9, 2019     

amazing app but there is a glitch, i have used it once and it worked wonderfully with a slow start and processing the subscription. but after that it won't load up again so far... this is crucial because for someone with adhd and anxiety and depression i have lots of thoughts to record all day long and kinda need fast loading to do that or I'll get more anxious and start blaming myself for everything going wrong in my life and that some how I've cursed the one app i found to be helpful.

Pre. S. Dec 8, 2019     

I've given it 5 stars review before but after using it for a few months, I am changing it. This app should be a one off purchase. What services do you offer that I have to pay on a monthly basis? It's not cloud based so I can't sync my data if I change my phone. You have not added any new features. Developers seems not interested to improve the app. Cancelling my subscription. I can just copy the types of distorted thoughts and use a journal instead.

Gab. I. Jun 24, 2019     

Minimal function for the cost. It doesn't have any interactive teaching tools to help you understand CBT, just a list of cognitive distortions and what they mean. There is no feature in the app besides a diary function. Yes, it's cute, but any diary will do the same thing. I appreciate that this took time and money to develop and I think paying for this app is fine, but only one time not 5$/ month. What exactly is this app providing continuously for me that I have to pay monthly for?

Jil. P. Dec 9, 2019     

I installed this for the free trial, but the "how to use" is buried inside. First you have to play a guessing game on the first screen as to how to access the features of the app. I once hit the word "quirk" and it gave me access to the features, but most of the time it just says "error processing order" and then "payment failed." I'm using the free trial! Something is wrong w/ this app.

Rau. G. Aug 11, 2019     

This looks like a good app but im having a hard time taking it seriously and the impending end of the trial period to pay for it because of a bug where all the labels on buttons and elsewhere are truncated. I can send screenshots. Please fix this. Im on a one plus 3T.

BB. K. Aug 16, 2019     

This app is great it truly helps me clear away all the bs focus on the facs and is teaching me the differance between my emotional mind and the rational me. It helps me solve problems in the moment. I get to figure out for myself what distortions are present in my thinking and instantly I get to change them. I literally get to feel better about myself, others, and even entire situations. obviously if your still looking for "the right app" it's because you havent tried quirk yet ;)!

Kie. F. Apr 30, 2019     

Just downloaded on my Oneplus 5. Looking forward to using it in conjunction with CBT, however, just wanted to point out that on my version of the app, some word endings are missing! e.g. catastrophizing just says catastrophi and the save button says sav and the edit says edi. feels like I'm using a foreign app!

Ang. J. Jun 18, 2019     

Very happy with this app. It's so simple yet effective, and the developers addressed concerns about trigger words, which shows they care. Currently the posts don't automatically save if you switch to another app, so that could be something to keep in mind. But even being in the process of CBT helps :) The emojis don't all show, but those little mascots are adorable!!

gra. m. Jul 14, 2019     

i didn't get to actually use the app because it already asked me for a payment method and i don't like the idea of being locked into something. it would be better to have an option to keep going with the free version and not be required to give up a credit card number or something. if i want to pay for it later, i want to be the one to decide that for myself.

Mon. V. Jul 11, 2019     

Used it once, it was helpful, but now it won't let me use it without a subscription. One of my issues is impulse spending... maybe not the best model for a mental health app? would prefer using w/ ads. But then I can't even use it, so time to find something else I guess.

Kel. M. H. Sep 5, 2019     

Its only my second time responding to the app but so far the reading materials have hit me on the head. I find that i am degarding and belittling myself a lot. I am appreciative of the learning tools in this app. My only suggestion, make it a free app if possible. So many more could benefit from the learning tools but not many have the funds to do so.

Art. Y. Sep 1, 2019     

Clean and smart design makes you want to use it! Would appreciate a data download and delete feature. Developer is friendly and responsive. Disclaimer: I was an early adopter and was given Quirk for free.

Kri. A. Sep 7, 2019     

I've used plenty of CBT apps, most of them on iPhone. This one has the right idea, but terrible execution. No matter the problem, it has the same process for you, treating all your issues the same. Moodnotes for iPhone, notably, educates you with every step, helps you think of alternative thoughts SPECIFIC to the issue you're having, and doesn't cost an ungodly $4 a month. Needless to say, this app joins the discard pile of mental health apps that simply cash in on mental illness.

Fra. G. Nov 27, 2019     

The content of this app is robust and psychologically all very valid. But the navigation is very clunky and after weeks of using it I have yet to understand how I'm supposed to journal my thoughts.

Ril. M. Jul 11, 2019     

app was working fine until it updated and says i have to buy a subscription. if you're going to do that, make it a different app so people don't lose their data. having a really fing bad day and opening the app to be greeted by this: not a good experience. don't trust this developer!

Ben. P. Jun 18, 2019     

A beautifully simple app that allows you to put down your thoughts and utilise logic to combat anxiety, depression and negative thinking. Seeing a visual representation of my thoughts really helps, highly recommend

Sco. B. Oct 8, 2019     

Fantastic. Facilitates CBT in a thoroughly intelligent and useful way. Requires effort to make the most of it (not unlike meditation), which so far for me is working really well

san. k. Jul 25, 2019     

just suddenly went paid. had been sitting on my phone for sometime and just opened it up today to find a subscription notice. doesn't provide enough value to justify subscription. uninstalled!

Joe. B. Jul 9, 2019     

Could not even open app after installing without signing up for autopay and repeat billing. Wanted to experiment with app following interesting review on NPR, but not willing to go there. Uninstalling.

Amb. D. May 30, 2019     

i really like this app. I'm giving it 4 stars because I'd really like it if you could set it to give you a reminder to record your automatic thoughts at certain times of day.

Ser. F. Jul 26, 2019     

A brilliantly beneficial app! A training tool to incorporate the law of attraction into your thought process... a work out for the brain as a way to correct your negative thinking. Much cheaper than a therapist!