• Quit Meat - Easiest Way to Become Vegan/Vegetarian 1
  • Quit Meat - Easiest Way to Become Vegan/Vegetarian 2
  • Quit Meat - Easiest Way to Become Vegan/Vegetarian 3
  • Quit Meat - Easiest Way to Become Vegan/Vegetarian 4

Quit Meat - Easiest Way to Become Vegan/Vegetarian

You want to eat less Meat & Dairy? Maybe become Vegan? Then Quit Meat is your Best Friend!
Follow day by day your animal product consumption, see how all the little progress you make into a vegan life benefit to the environment :

Just indicate each day which meat and dairy products you ate. The app will show you interesting insights on your diet.

The app calculate how much you reduced your animal products consuption compared to average people. It then tells you how much water, greenhouse gaz you saved accordingly. You can in that way see the direct impact of your efforts on the environment !
Hare you already Vegan? Just indicate when you started being vegan and see how much resources you spared by quitting animal products.

We know it is sometimes hard to find meat and dairy substitutes. Therefore we included in the app several vegan recipes and advices. You will never be out of inspiration!

We love animals and are amazed by how close to us they can be. That's why we curated numerous interesting article about them. The perfect material to enrich your small talks ;)

Category : Lifestyle

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Reviews (25)

Lin. A. Sep 2, 2019     

The graphics are cute and the fun facts are a nice touch. Overall I think this is a usual app for a person transitioning from meat based diets to vegetarian ones but not someone (like myself) who is already vegetarian but wanting to transition to vegan. I would characterise this app as "almost" good because it has potential but not enough follow through, like being able to save an recipe or being able to create a profile so you could interact with others interested in vegetarianism.

Ade. S. Jun 23, 2020     

I really like this app. I downloaded it right when I went vegan, but if you've already been vegan for awhile you can set you're date. However, I wish the app would go into more detail about the "animals saved" portion (still not sure how the percentages are calculated). But I really love watching the water/emissions saved go up everyday.

Niq. Sep 24, 2020     

There should be a way to scroll back in the tutorial if you want to revisit a previous screen. Also the calendar to adjust how long you have been vegan should also include the option to specify how long you have been vegetarian, since the app gives you the option to choose a vegetarian plan.

Boo. t. Nov 9, 2018     

Its very good but there are a few things that could be improved like having nutritioanl information on the recipes. It would also be nice if you could actually see which specific days youve been veggie/vegan by pressing the thing that tells you that you have because it says ive had a vegan day but i have no idea when.

Tif. C. Feb 24, 2020     

I was a bit skeptical about this app but am a fan. Not sure how accurate the stats are, but still a fun and motivational app for people who want to go vegan/vegetarian or even just to cut down on your animal product intake. Also done in a very cute way that's visually satisfying.

Dan. W. Jun 6, 2019     

Helpful app. I'm trying to go vegan to see if it would be helpful for my multiple chronic illnesses. Anytime I think about eating something bad for me I can click on this app and remind myself of all the reasons to eat healthier. Plus the app offers links to interesting articles and recipes too.

Ant. S. Sep 17, 2018     

It's just what I expected. Its a wonderful app. Grateful for it but it's not perfect. In the meat category there is do option for chicken. even tho its a great beginner app. I feel like its very limited and needs more options. I would add a option to input your vegan meals and give more vegan recipes (this app doesn't even mention the vegan icecream or vegan meat options like gardein or beyond meat.)

Myk. A. Feb 10, 2019     

Adorable, easy to use, informative, and motivational! I highly recommend, even if you aren't vegetarian or anything! It just feels good to be able to see how you're doing and the positive effect you can have, plus the recipes and facts are super handy! I love it!

Mir. R. May 19, 2019     

Easy to use app, super motivational and informative. If you have been vegan for a longer time, you can choose your starting date (if vegetarian, you'll have to fill in what you ate every day from the day you started to make it accurate).

Ere. S. May 25, 2019     

I've been vegetarian for 2 years now, and have been trying to go vegan for a while. This app is so helpful! It has a fun design, cool features, and it gives me the motivation I need to keep trying. The only issue I have is that it won't let me change how long I've gone without meat or my current diet. Otherwise I love it!

Lil. D. Jan 16, 2019     

This app is a really awesome idea, I've just quit meat and somedays you need that reminder. i think it has a lot of potential to be a really good guide for new vegans and vegetarians. It just needs more recipes.

Kat. C. Sep 25, 2019     

Its a cute app that you can log all animal products, not just meat and see the effects it has. Its really helping to motivate me to be more vegan and veggitarian. They also have recipes that i want to try and educational articles i want to read!

ntf. Jul 5, 2021     

Cool ap! Love the concept of it! I'd like to see more stats (average usage, vegans as a group impact etc.) And I'd like to know how they're coming up with their data. But overall, it's pretty awesome!

Ana. C. Mar 8, 2020     

In general it's super useful, but I faced an issue. I became a vegetarian long before I became vegan and even if there is a place where it's written "vegetarian...days", I don't see, how I can change this data.

Adr. M. Oct 23, 2018     

I have learned so much from this! I can also show real benefits to people who keep trying to force meat on me! That really is a problem and now I have facts to remind me I am actually doing something beneficial for our survival on the planet. It is also very easy to see and I am vision impaired. I can't describe how beneficial this app is to me.

OcĂ©. D. Feb 2, 2019     

It helps me a lot to realize the beneficial impact of my vegetarian lifestyle on the planet and the living world. It allows me to see my progress and my participation in the safeguarding of life. In addition the articles offered are very interesting, it is a very good idea and recipes are a great help! Thank you for this complete and educative application.

Eri. E. Feb 6, 2019     

I really like the app, but it might be nice to see weight eaten and weight saved totals instead of just percent of an animal. It seems like at my current pace, while eating no beef, I'm going to get to "1 cow saved" by 2040 or later just because cows are so big

Arc. Sep 19, 2018     

Great app with lots of neat insights. I only wish it had notifications to remind you to log after each meal. At the moment, if you forget to log for a day the app simply thinks you were vegan for a day.

Ste. D. Jun 24, 2021     

I like it but i wish you could choose the units you recorded your intake with. I'm not used to trying to measure food in grams and it's annoying to have to pull out a unit converter every time i want to enter in my consumption.

Eve. Feb 2, 2021     

Great premise but not accurate. Still don't "get it". Hope they will simplify and make more useful. Best part is education and recipes!

Sky. P. Mar 24, 2021     

Like a sobriety app but for vegans. I like the interface and how it makes you feel good about not eating animal products. Gives you updates about the good you're doing, even if it's questionable. I love the little pro animal facts it gives too. Cue app

Hel. T. Oct 2, 2018     

Not much to say all it tells you is how many days you've been vegan or vegetarian for. Not by what foods you've eaten all day but by you just clicking on a picture of meat to say if you eaten that or not?? Not what i was looking for. I was looking for a tool to help me on my vegan journey, what foods are ok and recipes etc. Useless really. Sorry.

Kyl. Oct 1, 2020     

Very nice app to keep me feeling good while on my vegan path. Informative as well with recipes and stats like water preservation and gas omission savings. Definitely recommend!

Ell. Nov 7, 2018     

It's a very simple app. Nothing fancy here, but it works. Could be better with 1. A notification service reminding you to log your food every day. 2. More recipes.

Kak. P. Apr 11, 2021     

I really like it, only regret I have is not finding it sooner, because I can't remember when I ate dairy produces. And you have to add it one day at a time which can get annoying. Otherwise good app, makes you feel a bit better about yourself.