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Quiz Yourself

Quiz Yourself is home to the world’s most insightful personality quizzes.
Discover things about yourself that you didn’t know before in our personality, love and careers quizzes, and go even further with Who Am I? our most advanced quiz.

Every quiz in the collection is fun, instinctive, and has been developed by a team of expert psychologists and creative developers using the latest research into personality and behaviour.

We use a combination of Big 5 and Myers Briggs profiling technology and work with industry experts to make sure our quizzes are the best in the world.

Our current selection of quizzes includes:

The VisualDNA Personality TestThis quiz will help you understand what makes you tick, what you do brilliantly, and what you could do better. Explore your personality, your mindset, your attitude to money, and much more.

Who Am I?: The Big 5 TestFind out how the balance between 5 key personality traits makes you who you are. Understand how different combinations of openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism impact on your behaviour, from your taste in movies to your self-control under stress.

Love QuizWhat do you need to make a relationship last? How does love make you feel? With the Love Quiz you will explore the world of romance and understand how your emotions, perceptions and desires play into your love life.

Careers QuizHow does your personality type impact your career path? Understand how you work, what drives you, and what you can do to improve your work life.

Category : Puzzle

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Reviews (28)

Jes. L. Oct 31, 2015     

Every time I open this app, it says "whoops, sorry no Internet connection, try again later". I have full bars! And like another previous comment, it says I've taken a quiz but never have and have 0 points. Such a waste of time. Bummer I really wanted to like this one. Uninstalling.

Aar. M. Aug 16, 2015     

First of all it shows as if I've already taken the quiz - which I haven't. But more importantly, it never let's me take the quiz. Either says he don't have an internet connection or some other error... Uninstalling.

Rya. S. Jul 22, 2015     

It is stupid because it says. There is no Internet connection please try again later and I'm have full bars on wifi

Pai. L. Jun 14, 2016     

It says I have no internet when I clearly do. I will rate higher if this can be fixed

Ber. l. Oct 19, 2016     

It keep saying no internet while I have internet or I couldn't write this plus you can't email them no such address

Par. R. Jun 28, 2016     

Every time I play the game it says whoops no internet try again later. I wait a hour or two and then it says the same thing.

Van. S. May 23, 2015     

It tells my stuff that I already new but they told my stuff that I didn't know😎.

A. G. u. May 3, 2015     

Doesn't even work, android is crap if i could i wouldn't put a single star

Cas. B. Jul 27, 2015     

It says I have no internet connection, however, I'm connected to my WiFi with full bars.

Ava. A. Feb 21, 2016     

I have full bars and it won't work and even if I have Wi-Fi

Sum. V. Jun 26, 2015     

Keeps saying no internet access bur I have my service and Wi-Fi and its still doing it

Ama. J. May 11, 2015     

I like this app but I think it is silly how you have to earn points to take quizzes.

Sav. Jun 8, 2015     

Its a good app to get to know yourself better. However, It is annoying to need to gain points to progress.

nes. 1. Apr 27, 2015     

Its a good app , although it also gets annoying having to make more points so that you'll be able to take another quiz

Ale. D. Jun 8, 2015     

You have to earn points I'd all and there's not a lot of ways to get them except for buy them

Jos. G. Jun 5, 2015     

It's alright I guess sometimes slow

Jam. G. Apr 7, 2016     

Although I have Internet connection, I could not access this app, which seemed like a waste of time to download.

Kel. C. Dec 6, 2016     

I dont know what you guys are doing, but EVERYONE is having problems.

Ran. S. Jul 21, 2016     

You all where right when I downloaded this app I thoug ht it would be interesting it shows no Internet even I have full bar of Wi-Fi main I hated this app

Ang. L. Jul 22, 2015     

It keeps saying that it cannot find an internet connection. I have full bars and a full Wi-Fi and still nothing happens. Can the creators take a look into this.

A. G. u. May 4, 2015     

Very interesting I think it was very accurate in my case. Only problems are the annoying points system and also sometimes the meaning of the pictures is unclear but apart from that its a good app.

Han. F. Apr 18, 2015     

It's a fun app although the result was completely wrong. I redid the test and it was still wrong.

Abb. K. Mar 15, 2016     

I'd love to use this app, but every time I try to load a quiz, it tells me there's no internet connection. Which is ridiculous.

Cat. C. Jul 23, 2016     

Says no internet connection even though I have full bars don't bother getting

Mic. B. Sep 19, 2016     

Tried to play but keeps saying there's no Internet connection

A. G. u. Nov 20, 2016     

With full bars of wifi, Im repeatedly informed of my 'lack of connection', however, all other apps that need wifi work for me.

sca. S. Jul 21, 2016     

Ok i get that you start off with one quiz but if you want two thousand points you have to buy them that's ridiculous and they were $18 my kid almost spent my cheak on the game

Bri. B. Feb 24, 2017     

It's okay accept it keeps saying internet connection which I have