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Redação ENEM Nota Máxima

In this application you will have the disposal newsrooms who took note 1000 in the latest editions of the ESMS to read and learn from those who achieved top score.

The app offers tips, writing course, the list of possible topics ENEM, most common mistakes to avoid and philosophical quotes to enrich your dissertation.

Study and take the maximum score in the writing of ENEM, ensuring access at graduation you want the best universities of the country. Start now!

Did you know that the note in writing in ESMS is a major factor for approval in the vestibular?

This is because the wording has greater weight than the other disciplines, and in some cases enough to be worth 50% of your final grade!

Thousands of people were able to approval due to a score above average in writing. Through a great note in the writing of ENEM, you can achieve the dream access to university in the course of your choice.

This application contains all the information you need gathered in one place, to achieve a good score in the writing of ESMS. Enjoy, and study for the drafting of ENEM at any time and place, in the palm of your hand!

Note: The app works from the 5.1 version of Android. If your version is lower, please update your platform before downloading the application.

Category : Education

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