• REDCON 2
  • REDCON 3
  • REDCON 4


Command your own battle fortress! Assemble the mightiest artillery force and bombard your foes into oblivion! Lead the Empire State offensive against Traitor General and his foul rebellion.

★ Build and customize your battle fortress as you wish
★ Use Active Pause to freeze time and issue multiple orders instantly
★ Command vast arsenal of weapons, from individual soldiers to superguns
★ Infiltrate, Annihilate or grind your targets down through Attrition

Set in the dystopian future in which the First World War never ended, humanity knows only war and bombardment.

You are a Strike Commander, tasked by Fuhrer of the Empire State to spearhead an artillery offensive against Traitor General Kranz. You might be the one to end all wars.

Customize and manage your battle fortress. Grow and upgrade your arsenal of weapons and utility facilities, then place them in different slots of your fortress layout.

You are in command. Target your guns and command your soldiers. Active Pause allows you to freeze time and issue multiple orders simultaneously. Put out fires, repair damaged weapons and unleash orchestrated assaults on your opponent.

Get rewards for victory. Gain new fortress layouts as you conquer the rogue state of Krux, earn medals and perks to aid you in battle.


The free game is limited to 18 missions. If you like the game, you can upgrade to a premium edition. There are no repeatable microtransactions!


There is always a chance for victory! Read more on how to build your fortress and get most out of your deadly arsenal.https://hexage.wordpress.com/2016/03/25/redcon-strategy-guide/

Category : Strategy

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Reviews (17)

Bri. L. Apr 7, 2022     

It's a great game that I kept wanting to go back to. Once you get to point of the campaign where you design your own fort, it's downright challenging. Some fort designs may be effective in one fight, but the next fight will inevitably require you to rethink your strategy. Especially towards the latter stages, it can be a race against the clock to disable their ICBMs before you're wiped out. My only qualm is that once you beat the game, you can only start over if you want to keep playing.

Nic. A. Apr 3, 2022     

Unique game. Except for the sheer hardness of the ai. Even if you follow a walkthrough to the t you still will lose. One level in particular (pylon vs missile pod) is basically impossible. I've searched for hours trying to find a solution. And very few people have one. And even then it was sheer luck.

Age. 7. Apr 5, 2022     

Good gameplay, very challenging at some points, can seem like bs at some points since sometimes the enemy has twice the manpower but aside from initial overwhelming odds its actually posaible which i actually commend, having a vs mode so you can play over LAN would be savage. Only thing is the level of control you have is 100℅ which is too much sometimes but thats the whole point of the game. Keep it up and maybe implement local multiplayer

The. 4. May 6, 2022     

This is a very unique game, internal tower management with a lot of variables to consider when facing off the enemy fortresses. I have found nothing else like it, the degree of strategy needed and the management aspect is one of the qualities of this game. Aside from that, it has a midly intriguing story and world lore from within it. How the world came to be, what events led towards it, the true colors of both sides in the war. I do hope a sequel comes, nothing like this has ever been made yet.

Phi. S. Apr 7, 2022     

legitimately the single greatest phone game, I've played it all the way through about 11 times and enjoyed it every time. It definitely has some challenge to it which makes winning quite satisfying and I've yet to find a mobile game that has as much love and craftsmanship put into it as this one. I love the story and wish there was more, absolute 10/10, no question.

BOO. 2. May 6, 2022     

I really liked the game and it provided a good challenge but the campaign just ends ubruptly which is annoying, it's like they forgot to release part of it it doesn't even stop at a clif hanger. I wish the was a multiplayer mode or something so there is an element of replay value. Played through it three times now

Jus. W. Jan 11, 2022     

Honestly, been playing this for way too many years, just worth getting the full game cause when my internet's out, this game always runs flawlessly and hardly drains my battery. I've been in love with the challenge of this game and the ability to pause to give orders or assess an issue keeps it from being overwhelming. Graphics are uniquely styled to the game, everything keeps your glued to your phone, 10/10, one of the few mobile games I've paid and enjoyed for over 4+ years now

Cam. P. Feb 7, 2019     

It's got some serious potential, but the gameplay gets so unbelievably difficult that I'm almost wanting a refund. I wish there were a choice to play skermish to progress in XP while going through the campaign. When a battle is reasonable, it's absolutely enjoyable. When the battle is stupid OP, I just need to quit because it makes me want to scream and throw my phone. If it weren't for the absolutely extreme difficulty on the campaign, I'd give it at least 4-stars.

Jon. P. Nov 4, 2019     

I LOVE this game! Love the artstyle and the mechanics, but there are 2 things. I'm okay with the free missions, but I would like the option to have a level select. I loved the final mission, and I wanted to try a different route (e.g., using the airship), but I need to restart the campaign. This is annoying. This would give the game more playability Also, MAYBE, a custom level generator (Once again, more playability). Of course, this could be limited in the free version, but it would be fun :)

Bar. C. Feb 13, 2020     

Great concept. Excellent graphics. Solid UI. The story is engaging. The first part of the campaign is free, the rest is available for purchase. Premium additions to the game are a one time purchase, and inexpensive for the work that went into the game. There's no nag screen, ads, or push to spend $ until you beat the free section. It's worth noting: the last level of the free part feels unbeatable. I see a lot of negative reviews and I think people are missing a game mechanic. Just keep trying.

Rip. Nov 30, 2020     

I found the paywall to be a little annoying, but I understand that Hexage has to make a profit without ads. The campaign has a wonderful mix of difficulty, fun, and length. Some levels are a little tricky and require a solid plan to beat. The dialogue is beautifully written to give both comic relief and an intriguing story to follow. In conclusion, the game is a shining example of what game developers need to strive for. I recommend buying the game as it is well worth the price.

Pra. M. Apr 23, 2019     

This is an amazingly fun game with tons of content. People complain about how intense the campaign is (which it can be in some parts) but I think that if you use the pause button and micro well it is definitely the right difficulty. My few gripes are there is no level select, and money given in normal campaign is far to low to have fun with. If you play for fun, stick to easy so you can explore all the options. Lastly perks are ok, but it is too rare to recieve any of the interesting ones.

Tha. R. f. N. Apr 5, 2021     

The game itself is Relly entertaining to play. There is no type of sandbox or skirmish mode, only the campaign. This is unfortunate. Yhe only way to keep playing after the completion of the campaign is to restart the campaign. You start from square one, obviously. I gave this game 5 stars because it has a great soundtrack, game system and, in my opinion a really deep story.

Nat. D. Nov 12, 2020     

Overall this is a great game, however the main downside is the difficulty of some levels. I have been stuck on the "Bulwark" level for a day or so now, and I don't understand what the strategy is for it. The fact that the enemy instantly destroys any rooms I repair makes the level nearly impossible, because my soldiers are immediately scorched and have nowhere to go.

Jai. K. Apr 9, 2021     

A really good game. With the free version you get a few levels than you buy the rest of the game. Treat this like a demo, if you aren't enjoying it right away this game might not be for you. Its hard, mistakes will be punished but it is really rewarding. Hexage could have filed this game with ads and lootboxes, but they didnt. A one time purchase for one of the best games on your phone. The graphics are unique the gameplay is good the music is amazing. I could gush all day about Redcon.Try it!

Kev. L. Dec 30, 2018     

While a truly fantastic game, Redcon becomes impossible to finish in the last 10 levels, unless you've already played it in the past. Indeed, once you've invested money in something, the t money is gone forever and you can never get it back. And since the amount of money you get in the game is limited and well below the total of everything you can buy... Well, you end up being completely stuck on the last level because you do not have the right tools to complete it.

Ros. M. May 24, 2020     

Truly a masterpiece, this game is truly gorgeous ignoring rare bugs it plays really well its well animated and has an interesting lore. The only thing I didn't really like was the fort inflexibility but maybe that makes the game more challenging and interesting. There were some bad ratings regarding the games high difficulty. Well I personally had problems with the 3 nukes level but found the game just about right, being frustrating sometimes but not impossible, and you can beat it with redco 3.