• Relationship Saver 1
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Relationship Saver

We've all been there. Your phone dies, but someone is trying to contact you. The person is angry or very worried because you aren't answering. Don't let this happen to you again!
Relationship Saver will keep your loved ones informed if your battery is too low! Simply choose your contacts and, if desired, customize the text message. When the preset battery level you select is reached, Relationship Saver sends each customized text to everyone on your list!

No more fights over why you didn't return someone's call!No more accusations that you were lying about your phone dying!Relationship Saver has you covered!

Relationship Saver doesn't judge
- you can set as many contacts as you'd like, each with their own custom message! You can also use it to keep friends and family notified that you battery may die. Automatically text anyone and everyone you care about, so no one is trying to reach you when your phone is dead!

Category : Communication

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Reviews (3)

Car. A. Á. G. Apr 27, 2017     

You cannot disable it, as you go in settings and do so, as you go back to main screen and sign bro settings, it's enabled again. Also it would be nice to be able to set a 5% battery level trigger.

Jos. Aug 31, 2016     

Battery drains hard as I don't have access to being able to charge while at work during the day. Wife knows to reach me following the text message occurrence if she needs to talk before my long commute home. Definitely worth the 99 cents as that doesn't touch the value of keeping contact and communication with the wife or family.

Mar. W. Sep 3, 2016     

As a construction worker I cannot charge the phone and working all different hrs this app is a great idea works amazing keeping me out of trouble