• Romance Buffet - Daily Alert 1
  • Romance Buffet - Daily Alert 2

Romance Buffet - Daily Alert

Receive daily alerts of bestselling free romance novels available for Kindle users. Constantly updated list of free romance books and paid bestsellers, plus a daily hand-picked list of books (in romance and other genres) available at big, temporary discounts.
Unlike some other book recommendation lists, Romance Buffet is based purely on sales results (and discount rates) and the recommendations are not based on advertising.

This app will come in handy for fans of Tamra Baumann, Abby Weeks, J.S. Cooper, Milly Taiden, Carolyn Brown, Diana Gabaldon, Robyn Carr, Bella Forrest, Nora Roberts, Deborah Bladon, Kendra Elliot, Abbie Zanders, Tracy Brogan, Susan Stoker, Debbie Macomber, Vanessa Waltz, J.S. Scott, Melody Anne, Aubrey Dark, and Lauren Rowe, among others.

Category : Books & Reference

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