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Route Report

Route Report works with you to provide helpful insights into your driving.

Simply open the app to monitor your trips and driving data. You can review detailed maps of individual trips to understand how far and how often you’re driving, along with any speeding, sudden braking or distracted driving events that may occur along the way.

Route Report does all the work for you, so you can keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road.

While running in the background or when a trip is in process, Route Report’s battery usage is similar to other navigation apps.

Keep up with how you are driving by using Route Report.

Category : Auto & Vehicles

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Reviews (30)

Chr. W. May 29, 2022     

Had to uninstall app. It eats up lots of space. After a few months, my memory kept popping up low, even with having everything I could on my SD card. I'd uninstall some other app I hadn't used in awhile, would fix it for a little while. Once I got down to not wanting to uninstall anything else, I uninstalled this one. Haven't had the problem since. Not worth so much headache, when you can drive perfectly fine, yet get dinged for time of day and eats so much memory.

Sha. Apr 11, 2022     

Good concept. Too faulty. Counts changing music even tho it is bluetoothed as distracted driving, speed limits on their map is wrong and will count you as speeding etc. I've emailed them three times now. The bluetooth thing could be an error from my phone because it did seem to work better when I had a different phone but as of now I've used it for a month and I'm over it. I'll pay the extra money and switch to a cheaper company later. Not worth the headaches.

Cla. C. J. May 12, 2022     

The application is reporting inaccurate speeding when getting on the interstate on ramp. It said that the speed limit was 25 mph and that I was doing (max speed) 63 mph for .37 miles. This needs to be fixed. You can't do 25 mph getting onto an interstate or highway 🙄 because you will get run over and cause multiple accidents! The app is using your smartphones GPS system and precise location, it should know that your getting onto the interstate on ramp and adjust the on ramp speed accordingly.

LaW. W. May 25, 2022     

Inaccurate. The concept is great but you're going to be flagged for speeding most of the time due to ramps and sudden speed changes. If I'm on a street with a 45 limit and the next street can be a 25 your going to trigger sudden braking and speeding. If your using maps through your phone meaning it's open while your driving your distracted. And I have a uconnent system so the car answers calls and text but I'll still be flagged for distracted driving.

Tif. W. Feb 23, 2022     

Haven't even made it a week to get my score. It counts every time I'm moving as me driving so if I'm a passenger and use my phone boom distracted driving. If they are speeding then it's on me. I've seen a speeding though where it was actually under the speed limit over a bridge so I'm not sure what's going on but definitely not happy. Update: uninstalled the app. Was replied you could change when you are not driving and I've been through every part of the app and that's not true.

Dan. H. Jan 17, 2022     

The app has incorrect speed limit data and no way to report issues with the data to the devs. This means that even if I drive exactly 70mph through the 70mph interchange between M6 eastbound and 131 southbound in Grand Rapids, MI, I get dinged for going 20mph over routely's (incorrect) 50mph speed limit, every single time. I thought maybe I had been wrong about the speed limit all these years, but a quick trip through the interchange in Google Streetview showed that routely is wrong. The worst part is that routely is designed to ignore occasional transgressions, but if there's a problem on a road you frequently traverse, you will be identified as a repeat offender. The only remedy is to either take a different road or drive dangerously slowly. The app works great 99% of the time. It's fair when it has good data to go from - it hasn't dinged me for using my phone to check in for drive-up at Target, for showing a coupon at McDonalds, or for driving my reasonable 5 over ... but the devs to to add a way to report incorrect speed limit data, and then need to get it fixed pronto. Even better, they should create an algorithm to identify areas where a great percentage of the cars are marked as speeding (50%?), and flag the speed limit data as wrong in those areas (and stop enforcing it).

Wil. D. Dec 20, 2021     

Poorly done and inaccurate. This app is inaccurate regarding the locations that speed limits change and in addition will consider distracted driving anytime you're at a red light and look at your phone. Or if your phone is still open and you take off and your phone hits the floor it is also distracted driving. This app was not put together with the real world in mind. It's just an excuse for insurance companies to offer you the carrot of a discount while tracking your every move.

Cat. w. May 4, 2022     

I am very frustrated with this app. I have maintained my speed the whole trip and at a turn it said I was going 64 in a thirty for .02 miles at the same spot every day. I don't understand why I would all of the sudden speed when a didn't the whole trip. It does not record accurately. 😐

Yas. B. Mar 3, 2022     

I have to use this app and I can say that this not the best at all. It put the wrong speed limit all the time say that I'm using my phone when its playing music. It always have the wrong location. When I'm not driving it still run and say I'm speeding but the car wont be moving. Very bad issues with this app.

A. G. u. Aug 19, 2019     

The app is flawed if you drive a company vehicle. You cant turn it off or else you'll have to redownload it and call to get authorized. If you turn it off, the system crashes and no longer let's you log in to trace your route. It's a serious battery killer that constantly runs in the background. This app needs to be updated so that it can be turned off without crashing.

Jim. K. Jun 23, 2021     

I put this on my phone for an insurance discount. Besides recording information that has nothing to do with what it's supposed to be monitoring, it's buggy as hell. It records trips at random. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. I've checked to see that it's running before a trip and it doesn't record. It seems to know when you're with someone else who has the app (can you say invasion of privacy?) and randomly assigns one of you as a driver, usually a passenger who's using their phone.

Cul. F. May 5, 2021     

Permission allows me to set tracking locations only when driving, but unless you agree to allow it track you all the time it won't work. The app can't tell the difference between a bicycle ride and an automobile. I don't agree to have my personal information sold to whomever "service provider" wants to pay Airy to have at it. Hard pass Thank You

r. m. Jun 24, 2021     

The app tracks every trip like it is supposed to but never can tell if you are the passenger or in another vehicle. You have to go into the app periodically to update that information. Also the "sudden breaking" is very responsive and could mean anything from a slam on the breaks to the decelleraciton right before entering a school zone.

Gla. N. Mar 11, 2022     

It is perfect way of tracking my driving, has really helped me to stay focused during my driving. Helps me to know when I have a mistake on the road and definitely have to correct immediately. Thanks to the router app for the great work. Congratulations and keep it up doing great work to the drivers on the road.

Mic. S. Apr 21, 2022     

I have to have this app in order to get my insurance discount. I've had it on my phone for two weeks and it doesn't record a thing. I keep getting messages from the company saying I'm going to lose my discount if I don't download it and use it. Hello....it is. It's not working! Needs a plug in thing for the car. Not just an app. Junk app. Good idea.

Jer. C. Apr 22, 2021     

Complete garbage. Clearly half-baked. Go look in your settings and see the default android icon for this app - they didn't even set up all their icons correctly! Most importantly it just doesn't work. both myself & my partner gave this junk app 2 months - it intermittently recognized trips, then it completely stopped. All the app diagnostics show it's good - yet it doesn't register any trips are occuring, uninstall & reinstall, same thing - on 2 different phones. drinks battery when it's running, which isn't surprising with the permissions it needs. I understand it needs to collect motion and location but it burns battery at the rate of running google maps in navigation with the screen turned on - when the screen isn't on. Our insurance company gave us a discount of basically $5/mo each to use this - it wasn't worth the battery drain when it did work, it certainly wasn't worth the multiple phone calls to their support line when I received the "your app isn't seeing activity" multiple times.

Dar. P. Mar 10, 2022     

I have always been considerate of the speed limit. However having Routely is actually fun. It's like a driving game . It's Routely against me and I don't like to lose. I also can see how it can save lives by causing you to be awareof those sudden speed drops.

Jul. M. Jun 23, 2020     

This app and I seem to have a few arguments LOL. It does not know if I'm driving or I'm a passenger. It does not know what vehicle we are in. It can't tell when my passenger is using my phone. Although there is the ability to go back into the app and let it know you were not the driver that day it can get a bit annoying and tedious. Otherwise it works really great at keeping track of where you are at all times and you can't be an insurance discount

A. G. u. Jul 3, 2019     

The application uses a lot of battery power, prior to installing this, I could go a full day before I had to charge my phone, now I'm down to 15% by 1 in the afternoon after a full charge. I've also had the application flag me for speeding when i was doing the speed limit. There is a section of the interstate here where the speed limit is 80MPH, but this application assumes that if you're going 80 that you're speeding even if 80 is the speed limit.

Aim. D. Apr 16, 2022     

The app is fine for me for the most part, with the exception that I would have a near perfect score if it wasn't for the time of day. For one people going to and from work cannot help the time of day they drive and although I understand that during "rush hour" there is a higher risk but I live in an area that does not have rush hour traffic. This is a problem if I'm a great driver but I lose a discount based on my time of travel due to work. Ridiculous to track in low traffic areas.

A. G. u. Apr 28, 2019     

the app "works" i guess. i emailed them with a serious question, almost a week ago, and no one has responded. the app can definitely tell when you're on the move, which is what its designed to do. however, there isnt an option for being a passenger. i had surgery this week, and 80%+ of my tranport time has been as a passenger. even during my work week i do car pooling. its constantly building a profile for me, whether i am the one driving or not. this is a huge flaw with the app.

Lov. M. May 27, 2022     

I can do trips short drives & this thing still doesn't work correctly in the background it does not track Accurately and then it'll pick up you utilizing your music through the Bluetooth as if you're touching your radio or something has too many glitches crashes way too many times it does not do what it is supposed to do

Sha. C. May 26, 2022     

This app has a mind of its own! It will notify "Routely is standing by" but its 11:30pm and never drove that late at night and has done same thing at 3am and checked my phone after using restroom. If that can't be accurate,the rest of the isnt accurate either

Rog. P. May 25, 2022     

The app seriously needs to be updated. Speed limits out of sync. Highways clearly marked but not recognized by this app. The time of day should not affect our score. We cannot help the time that we have to go into work or home from work. That should not be against us.

A. G. u. Mar 19, 2019     

I have tried this app and it does not track any of my trips. I have had more than 10 trips with this app installed in my phone but it didn't work even once. My app is up to date, I use latest version of android, I have given all permissions needed by the app, my battery well above 25% all the time. I have uninstalled the app and activated again to see if this works today.

J9. K. Aug 21, 2020     

This app is required for my insurance discount. It works fine on my phone, but not this one (my husband's cell). I've called my insurance company twice about this. My time is valuable and I just can't spend big amounts of time getting it to work. It says everything is ready to go, all necessary apps are engaged, location, etc. but it won't function.

Jol. C. Mar 23, 2022     

Everything others are complaining about is true - the speed limits are often inaccurate and it dings me for distracted driving when playing music, using gps, etc. Just one example: it consistently marks me as speeding for doing 36 in a 35 because they have it marked as a 25mph zone... on my street, where I've lived for 9 years. It's funny because residents have actually been lobbying for years to get the speed limit reduced to 25mph. I guess Routely did it for us!

Pau. K. Mar 10, 2022     

I love Routely be abuse it makes me aware of how my driver experience is for others. It helps me to be aware of myself when others are riding and .Ike wise when I'm THE RIDER I when that individual insurer if they had routes they would pay attention to their old habits and not allow them creep upon them as well! It also keep me from getting in a big rush and leave early enough to get there to my destination in good timing. I was skeptical at first but it's not my enemy it builds better driving h

Jos. S. Apr 8, 2022     

Being a decent driver I figured it wouldn't be an issue. The app itself has been fine I have a decent 8.5 score after a little less than 6 months using it. Here are my complaint: 1.The apps speed compared to my actual driving speed seem to have a 3-5mph discrepancy 2.There is no way to tell the app I am not driving in real time only after the trip is logged. 3.I drive a company vehicle for work and there is no option for that except for "other" 80% of my logs are other due to this fact.

Ray. W. Nov 26, 2021     

It seems the app counts all times as "rush" hour. Working from home, I usually drive between 11 am and 2 pm, max 4 miles. Somehow that range is rush hour. Where I live, there are very few cars out. That is worthy of a 25% ranking for that category? The app definitely needs to consider miles driven and adjust what is considered rush hour, all areas are not the same.