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RTC Tracking

Real-Time Tracking & Management, LLC (RTC) is a state-of-the-art software management platform that allows real-time transparency for work being performed by consultant(s) and/or remote employees on a 24/7 basis. Managing remote employees has been a difficult effort for many companies. RTC allows for remote employee management on a 24/7 basis creating 100% transparency.
Some of the key features include: instant visibility to consultant’s/ remote employees interactive timer, notice when work starts/ ends, automatic time sheets, what work is being performed, instant deliverables for review/verification, direct management, automatic invoicing, communication, document management.
Task Management with Instant Work Approval/Rejection:
Manage your project tasks with ease. RTC establishes tasks within the projects. RTC can designate consultants and/or employees to those tasks with a fixed number of hours. Within RTC, the company has the ability to accept/reject work of the consultant/remote employee. Once the consultant/remote employee has completed their assigned tasks, it is submitted to the company for review, acceptance/rejection. If the work is rejected, the consultant/remote employee is required to perform the work again and such time is recorded as negative time in RTC, which is not billable time. All tasks can be monitored in real-time.

Time Management:
All time is recorded in real-time. When a consultant/remote employee starts work the company is notified that consultant is working and company can login to RTC to verify what is being worked on, how many hours remain on the task or within the project. All of this is recorded within the consultant’s/remote employee’s time sheet instantly, which is visible to the company.

Consultant/remote employee must enter their work product when they stop the interactive timer. Consultant/Remote Employee is also required to enter some form of deliverables, such as, documents, photos, or some other type of proof of what work was performed. RTC makes this to the company. Consultants/remote employees are required to upload deliverables after stopping timer. This allows for company oversight and assists with managing quality of work performance, and project budgets.
RTC has an internal communication system to manage all project related communications.

Documentation in one Place:
All documentation is stored within RTC’s secure and encrypted systems. This allows for ease of management for both the company and consultant/remote employee.

Report Tracking:
RTC has the ability to generate project reports, financial statements, and percent complete of all of your projects.

Consultant Protection:
RTC helps avoid the constant risk of companies/clients refusing to pay for rendered services. RTC’s approval function confirms acceptance of tasks as well as that of final project completion.” RTC keeps track of all company/client-approvals, time sheets, and work being performed of which the company has full knowledge.

RTC’s transparency provides all parties a means of prompt resolution of a dispute as every transaction is recorded, approved, and confirmed through deliverables exchanged between consultant and company.

Project Management:
As task-oriented software, each task of your project can be inserted into RTC, keeping track of which personnel are managing those tasks. This real time collaboration allows for proactive team management as each task has a specific pre-assigned number of performance hours and defined deliverables.

Track Indirect & Direct Billable Time:
RTC can be modified to track your indirect and direct cost related to contract performance.

Category : Business

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Reviews (2)

A. G. u. Sep 16, 2019     

Quite handy and efficient. Reduced the work of handling excel sheets

A. G. u. Sep 24, 2019     

App works amazing, gives better understanding of my work to manager. Thanks to RTC.