• Run R Script - Online Statistical Data Analysis 1
  • Run R Script - Online Statistical Data Analysis 2
  • Run R Script - Online Statistical Data Analysis 3
  • Run R Script - Online Statistical Data Analysis 4

Run R Script - Online Statistical Data Analysis

Run R Script is an online integrated development environment (IDE) for R statistical computing and Python programming language. It includes a console, code editor that supports direct code execution as well as tools such as user-defined data file, cloud-based code storage, offline incremental search for more than 3600 functions, R search powered by Google custom search and code completion.

Main Features:
- Write and run R and Python code instantly
- Execute code directly from the code editor
- Offline mode execution
- Quickly jump to function definitions
- Integrated R help and documentation
- Find information about R powered by Google custom search
- User-defined data file
- Support data in Excel format (*.xls, *.xlsx) with more than 1 worksheet, comma-separated (*.csv) or tab delimited text file
- Save your R code on the cloud to sync across multiple devices
- Collaborate, discuss and share code and the output in a group discussion
- Real-Time Global News
- Sign-in using Facebook, Twitter or email and password
- Offline Sign-in (email-password only)
- Offline mode functionality for some features

Web version: https://rcommand.com

By Liila Tech (Mobile Apps PT VaRiskindo)
Email: [email protected]
Web: https://apps.variskindo.com
Web: http://liila.xyz

Category : Education

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Reviews (9)

Dan. C. Apr 20, 2021     

This is SO TERRIBLE. Maybe it runs R, maybe it doesn't. I don't know because the interface is so awful my eyes started bleeding. I couldn't figure out how to actually get into the R script editor, which is the only thing I want. Sorry but this is an insta-uninstall for me, folks. If you remove the "cute" (actually dumb and annoying) animations, change the menus to a text description instead of "cute" (actually annoying and unhelpful) icons, and make it easier to get into the editor let me know.

zer. Jul 26, 2020     

For the last two semesters I have been using Run R Script(RRS) along with google docs in my intro stats classes. Here are the two main reasons why I believe RRS is a really great way to introduce R into a intro stats class: 1.) It is very easy to use and my students have had no problems using it; 2.) It can be used on a computer or a smartphone, this is extremely important since not all students have access to a computer.

Ang. M. May 9, 2019     

I teach intro stats and will definitely be using this app in my courses in the fall. At my school there is not nearly enough computer labs to accommodate our intro to stats students. This app has the potential to completely revolutionize how a intro stats class is taught.

Ste. K. May 16, 2020     

Very nice but offline mode is so unstable doesnt work always

JAC. D. Nov 17, 2018     

Requires login, but said my email had already been used. It had not.

Hem. S. May 29, 2020     

I should less than this if it would b possible

Bro. L. Jul 26, 2018     

The ability to save as and to change the current working directory would be nice. I'd like to be able to at least upload a csv file.

Jac. C. Sep 4, 2018     

Love the idea, but my phone literally wouldn't stop buzzing even after exiting the app. Sorely needs the help of someone with UI experience.

rac. s. May 27, 2018     

well great app by developer but it requires login to use. my suggestion is to provide guest login facility for faster usage.. great job by developer.