• Saxophone Transposed Lite 1
  • Saxophone Transposed Lite 2
  • Saxophone Transposed Lite 3

Saxophone Transposed Lite

Saxophone Transposed App is the first app developed and designed by the Saxophone Pawnshop IOS team from the Philippines. The software was created to help saxophone players to:
1. Transpose notes instantly to their saxophone equivalent notes;2. Register or identify notes your co-saxophonists are playing;3. Compose songs either by singing a tune or humming a melody to your phone device as Saxophone Transposed instantaneously shows you the corresponding saxophone notes and at the same time displays the proper note fingering.

The team aims to continuously develop further enhancements, improvements and add-on upgrades as a handy utility for every saxophone enthusiast.

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Category : Music & Audio

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Reviews (2)

Jef. W. F. Jul 22, 2018     

Didn't work at all, wasted my time and kept trying to add more apps for more horn keys.

Gia. M. M. Aug 22, 2016     

Nice fresh design, better than other crappy sax apps here