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Scientific American

Get Scientific American’s award winning scientist-authored content on your Android phone or tablet. As the leading authority on science, technology, and innovation, Scientific American’s content aims to engage, educate and inspire current and future generations of curious citizens and public and private sector leaders.
Current subscribers – If you already purchased a digital or print+digital subscription, access to issues in our app is included. In the app, go to “My Account” and log in using your scientificamerican.com account information to verify your subscription. After you are logged in, any issues that you have access to will have a “Download” or “Free” label.

For those without an existing subscription
- The app is available to download for free and has free issues for you to try. An annual (app only) subscription is available for $34.99 and is renewed automatically at the end of the subscription term, until cancelled. Individual issues are available at $6.99 each. Purchases can be made through the app and will be charged to your Google Play account.

If you have questions about your Scientific American Subscription Plans or if you would like to upgrade your current subscription to include access to issues through our app, please contact customer service.

Scientific American Customer Service:Email: [email protected]: 800-333-1199

Category : News & Magazines

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Reviews (27)

Lee. H. Aug 23, 2021     

I've had a bit more time to use this app, and really the lack of a dark mode is its biggest flaw. The other much smaller issue I have with it is the inability to read through a magazine end to end. When you finish an article there's no smooth transition into the next one. You have to backup and navigate to the next story. They do a good job with the set up of sequential thumbnails though. That makes it handy for later reference.

Art. F. B. Jan 18, 2020     

The digital version is very very bad, terrible. It promts you to pay a new issue even if you are a subscriber. You logoff and login again and still does not work. The graphs are imposible to view. The letters are either too small or too large. It's been like this for years. It seems they don't care. They don't fix it. What a shame. A diservice to the editors because the content it top, first class.

A. G. u. Nov 4, 2018     

Funny: Google asks if the app has multi-device sync. It doesn't even have SINGLE-device sync. It doesn't remember where you left off when you return. Ok - it may remember what article you were reading - but not a clue about where you were in the article. To make it worse, the app is too sensitive to accidental sideways motions while scrolling - so it switches to another article - and returning to the one you were reading takes you where? Always to the top. Love the magazine, but already cancelled my automatic renewal.

Rhy. H. Jan 18, 2022     

Was gifted an unlimited subscription. I had to fight for weeks to get access to the digital content on the app, which is poorly designed and a pain to use. They also never sent me any of the print copies that had been paid for, I eventually had to argue with them to get a refund because they simply don't provide the services that they make you pay for. I use to love this periodical, but they've lost me. Under no circumstances subscribe.

Cat. S. Dec 29, 2019     

Although I am a subscriber, I just can't download some issues - I mean, sometimes I can, while most of the time the only option is to buy an issue instead of downloading it. It seems totally random. I can read the same magazine issues online without a problem. Also, even when I'm logged in, it says I'm not authorized to see my own account details. That's a very poorly designed application.

Eri. M. G. Oct 6, 2020     

The new version is better, but it still gets confused. I use VPNs always and I think it causes an issue for this app. Over time it forgets (expired or bad token in bg?), and once it does, you cannot access your online subscription or other functions. I have to reinstall it, very annoying. Still waited for a real fix and better QA with this app.

Tho. M. Mar 13, 2022     

Crashes frequently ever time I try to look at the "Latest News" section, can't erase bookmarked/saved articles when I'm done with them. It renders well but the user interface is a joke.

Mic. G. Dec 11, 2020     

Not only do you have to log in each time you open, many times when I do log in, the app says I don't have a subscription when I do. It's a total crapshoot whether the app decides when it's going to recognize your subscription. Pretty fatal flaw.

Jef. Mar 25, 2020     

Awful! Terrible! As many other users have reported, the app randomly refuses to give access to the issues that you should be able to download as a SciAm magazine subscriber. And the issues that I was able to download a few months ago have disappeared from my download section within the app.

Apr. J. Oct 21, 2020     

About once a month, the app forgets me, tells me I don't have an active subscription, and no matter how many times I log out/log it won't work. The only fix has been to uninstall the app and reinstall, but now that doesn't even work. I am on a new Android device. Please fix this glitch.

Rup. H. May 17, 2019     

The app does the job, I'm happy with it. My only complaint is that it gets stuck on the "checking for new content" screen for a few minutes if you are offline when you open the app, and thats annoying. would be great of they fixed that.

Mar. H. May 21, 2019     

Although the app works as expected with no glitches there is a drawback of which I was unaware when purchasing my digital subscription via the app store. Purchasing the subscription on my phone via app store restricts my reading to my phone only. However, had I purchased the digital subscription on my computer, I would be able to read on other devices as well. Scientific American was of no help when I contacted them about finding a way to read on my other devices. Very disappointed.

Sco. C. Aug 20, 2020     

Easier to read than the PDF file. But links are frustratingly either wrong or out of date. It is also difficult to multitask while reading in this app because it often restarts after switching to another app.

J. B. Nov 26, 2020     

The app would be fine if it updated my subscription. Most of the time when I log in it says I'm not subscribed while I have a paper and digital subscription. It's kind of ridiculous this has been an issue for so long with this app and hasn't been patched.

Tim. C. Aug 25, 2020     

App is an advertising vehicle for magazines I haven't subscribed to yet, and won't now that I've deleted the app. The magazine I subscribed to sci Am is a download pdf. Sci Am should rethink there design and use nyt or wapo as templates. The actual articles in magazine are solid and I learn a lot.

Sta. C. Feb 1, 2021     

I've not had the login problems, lost subscription problems, or app crashing problems others here have had, and I am a subscriber, not through the app but through the SCIAM website. The only reason I did not give 5 starts is the lack of help info. I simply want to know WHERE are my downloaded issues stored on my device (Samsung Tablet) and that is nowhere to be found.

Dyl. M. Mar 4, 2020     

Offensively Bad App/Subscription Service! You will not get what you pay good money for. The app consistently refuses to allow you to d/l the issues within your subscription period. I have spent more time attempting to log in and download than I have reading. I'm calling tomorrow for a full refund. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME!

Jam. L. N. Mar 19, 2020     

Actually accessing the content you've paid for becomes impossible. Continually tells you the account you've created, after PAYING for a subscription, is unable to access the features. You would imagine a science publication would try to make it as easy as possible to disseminate information, not hijack it. Very disappointing.

Joy. P. Sep 3, 2021     

If you are going to subscribe, go online or get physical mag subscription. Otherwise, despite screenshots of app confirming subscription and credit card payment SciAm will claim you need to talk to Google for refund or help (you are a subscriber to the app not their magazine). And Google will direct you back to SciAm (repeatedly). Neither will honor a refund policy or fix your problem. You'll be left taking it up with your credit card company.

Ara. Y. Jul 29, 2021     

It would be great to have three options for reading text: normal (white background black text), sephia (sephia background black text) and inverse (black background white text). No issues with the app.

Ale. K. Sep 8, 2020     

Doesn't recognize your subscription. Needs to be fixed asap. Edit. After sometime of trying (~15minutes) it did work. Still quite unacceptable but after it did work app is fine.

Zex. Z. Nov 20, 2019     

There's no sign up function in the app. And if you subscribe through the app, your account cannot detect it so that you can only use it on Android app but not iPad or website with the same account. It's ridiculous!

Qiu. D. Mar 31, 2019     

the default font size is too small, and the bigger one is way too large to read comfortable, ios app has the same issue, its very annoying, please fix it.

War. B. Sep 23, 2018     

I sub'd to SCIAM via the google app. It seemed like a great idea. Paid my $45.99 and lo and behold nothing happened. I can't access any mags, and all they want to do is sell me stuff that I have no interest in.. Absolutely distraught! Waste of money and I have no idea how toget my money back. I cannot recommend this app to anyone. To add injury to insult, I could have sub'd to SCIAM for about $10 less. My recommendation is DON'T USE AND DON'T SUBSCRIBE.

Bob. R. Aug 25, 2020     

I've subscribed to SA for many years, this app. allows me to carry good reading everywhere. The only feature I'd add would be a bookmark to resume reading where I left off.

JH. W. Aug 31, 2019     

Needs a Dark Mode. As per the title. The app is basically functional, but a reading app without an option for Dark Mode in 2019 is really substandard.

Ral. H. Jun 19, 2020     

Useless waste of device memory. According to their own help desk, it requires a user to login every time to validate to view content. Keep your paper subscription and "drag the tag along if you want to read away from your abode. Wonder if they use quil pens for their original?