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Scriptural Rosary

Holy Rosary
- Scriptural Edition, featuring audio recordings of students from the Catholic Franciscan University of Steubenville.
The appropriate mystery is loaded for that particular day when the application launches, or you can manually choose which mysteries you would like to pray along with.

Pray along with the students from the university and learn about the mysteries as a passage of scripture is read prior to each Hail Mary
- the audio features a beautiful female voice accompanied by a prayer team of fellow students.

Please contact me at [email protected] if you have issues and I'll be happy to help.

Thanks & God bless!

Category : Lifestyle

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Reviews (25)

Nar. C. Apr 3, 2020     

Please note a Scriptural Rosary inserts a scripture sentence reading before each and every single Hail Mary. It's a modern take on how rosaries were prayed in the Middle Ages. Beautiful illustrations. Beautiful audio recorded at a Catholic school. You must pray along with the audio. No text shown unless your phone supports caption mode. English only. Google OS warned me the Android release was outdated but it worked fine.

Sha. P. Feb 18, 2020     

I think I already reviewed this but I'm happy to again! I've used this app nearly every single day on my way to work each morning for the past 3+ years. It's been fabulous listening to the scriptures that go along with each mystery - I definitely feel like I'm walking with Jesus. I love all the doxology prayers and even all of the little mistakes, which I only notice because I'm a sinner and being too critical. It just shows how authentic the app is. I love it and highly recommend it!!!!!

Bre. J. Jan 5, 2020     

Overall wonderful app. I wish the line from the Magnificat "He has mercy on those who fear him in every generation. " was not left out in the fifth glorious mystery. I have to pause and add it myself since it is a bit distracting. Other than that, it's very well done and a great blessing

San. C. Dec 10, 2020     

The scriptures selected for each decade are wonderful for meditation. I would like if one had option of praying more than one set of mysteries per day. Thank you for giving this app to our troubled world to bring us all closer to Jesus and Mary.

Bec. H. Oct 27, 2020     

As a recent convert to the Catholic Church I was having trouble concentrating on the Rosary. A friend from my church recommended doing the Scriptural Rosary. I love it!I don't get distracted as bad. The scriptural passages help me to understand what the Mystery is about. I recommend this to everyone. Especially us recent converts. I do have a question. Why's AMEN not said after every prayer? I really want to know.

Rut. E. Aug 3, 2019     

thank you for this app. have used it at different times. Helpful when tired and hard to focus. Sometimes even just to fall asleep too. Came in handy while on a recent vacation and said it in car while getting to hotel late.

A. G. u. Mar 14, 2019     

I've been using this app for years. thank you Joe for all your efforts in developing this app and for the students who helped record the rosary. it really helps helps me to say the rosary on an everyday basis and I'm sure many others as well. the audio version just comes in handy so many times. I have low vision so this is this app is essential for me in saying the rosary and getting my prayers through to the blessed mother! and to our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ!! thank you everyone who helped d

Mad. M. Jan 2, 2021     

Could be better if the speed and settings can be adjusted. The android version does not have speed adjustments but the iOS version has. Hooe we can see more imor9vemebts for both. Thank you for this beautiful app!

Lol. C. Oct 6, 2020     

What a great idea to read a sentence of the passage between each bead. I thought it would make it longer but it actually helps the focus. Voice is easy to follow and good rythm. Thank you!! God bless

Del. T. Mar 30, 2020     

I have been using this app for years. It is easy to use and to follow the rosary prayer for each mystery because the voice is so clear. We use it in the car while travelling especially to far places. This serves as our guide. When our family faced the most difficult time in our lives, we just played this app over and over again. And I knew that the Lord will never leave us. Thank you for developing this app.

Gem. L. Jun 18, 2020     

This is a well designed app. The scripture verses help me when I get distracted. The voice is pleasant. When I'm in the car I can pray the rosary and follow the GPS at the same time. When the GPS speaks the rosary pauses and then continues hands free! It's perfect for me.

Lyn. G. Apr 26, 2020     

We love your app and use it every day. However, I feel there might be an error in the 4th glorious mystery. It is said in the app that the snake will strike at your head while you strike at his heel. This may need to be corrected. Thank you for putting together this wonderful version of the rosary.

Ans. S. Oct 16, 2020     

This app is easy to use but I wish it were more complete. If it can be updated to include the introductory prayers before the rosary, the litany of Loreto, and the prayers for the holy father for the plenary indulgence, it would be perfect.

Sar. M. Jul 1, 2020     

I love this app. I have been looking for one that expands on the mystery reading throughout the prayer. And the 'leading' voice with group responses makes it feel more connecting than just a single voice.

Agn. M. Oct 31, 2020     

Lovely, solemn, wonderful! Thank you so much for this app! Have had it for around 6 yrs now?! It helps a lot in focusing on the mysteries. Very soothing voices too. Have shared it with many. Created a Rosary group since pandemic and we use this! They love it too!! God bless you and those involved!

Hel. B. Dec 16, 2021     

I love the scriptural cpmponent. Makes it easier to stay focus, less mind wander. Even though it is actually longer than regular rosary, it seems shorter & much more enjoyable.

Bre. B. Apr 4, 2020     

My son, Brandon gave me a beautiful rosary for Christmas. I haven't picked up a rosary in 45 years. I couldn't remember how to pray it. I searched the Google Play store and found your app. I love that it's a Scripture rosary. It's taught my how to pray the Holy Rosary all over again! Thank you for this wonderful app! God Bless You! :)

Jam. M. Feb 26, 2022     

Wonderful app. Thank You. Only one suggestion: needed pause after, "blessed is the fruit of the womb (pause) Jesus,... To be remember and venerate our savior....

Vic. E. Aug 13, 2021     

very holy and extremely easy to use :) only thing I would change is have the words of the mysteries smaller on the screen as to not cover the beautiful images :)

Kar. D. Oct 14, 2020     

This scriptural rosary is very well done. The pace that it is said is very nice. I appreciate hearing the scriptures as they keep me "tuned in" so I feel like I am getting more out of praying the rosary, especially when I'm making dinner or cleaning up the kitchen. Highly recommended!!

R. R. Jun 21, 2020     

The prayers are said too fast as if in a race to finish quickly. It would be nice if said slower... I like to meditate on the scenes of the mysteries but I can't because of the rush.

LM. F. May 4, 2022     

I love this Scriptural Rosary, it always keeps me focused on the mystery. To me this version is so alive & beautiful. I recommend it always.Thank you

J.. G. R. Apr 11, 2020     

A wonderfully simple rosary. The voices are reverent and not distracting at all. It reminds me of praying quietly with a handful of friends and believers. A prayerful experience I recommend to everyone...especially those in most need of his mercy.

Ada. H. Jun 1, 2020     

Awesome no ads, no internet or data needed. I use when I hunt or fish in the woods or desert. Great to pray the rosary on the way to work or on a run or walk. Never have had any issues with app. Literally a God send.

Mis. O. Mar 11, 2021     

Like the idea of scripture throughout. But can't choose mystery to pray, can't pray more than one a day. Like to pray Pater and Ave Maria in Latin, which is not an option.