• Seduction Techniques 1
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Seduction Techniques

Seducing a person is not as complicated as you would think.

It requires a bit of audacity, talent, and confidence, but contrary to what one might think, no need to know a whole bunch of complicated techniques.

To play a role, to pretend to be someone else, to manipulate people, is useless. As usual, you have to know how to stay yourself.

Download my app, and follow my advices. I have become a master in the art of seducing, so listen to the advice of someone who knows what he is talking about. And if the application you liked, do not hesitate to put a good note.

Category : Lifestyle

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Reviews (4)

Dan. P. Feb 24, 2020     

The best for me

Ahm. A. Jun 3, 2018     

This app is great . It gives advise to men who struggle with finding things to say to females . Actually I think it's a great tool to help men to do and say what women likes to hear .

rad. v. Jul 14, 2018     

Seduction techniques ? You mean to manipulate and control other people ? No .... Stop teaching my brothers men to lie = negative bad behaviour , Stop e encouraging me as a man to be bad hateful and disavantage people , sad

Dan. O. a. Aug 30, 2018     

Cool and intresting