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See How You Eat Coach

Our free app the See How You Eat is all about eating regularly and becoming more aware of your eating habits. SHYE Coach is all that & more. It's about finding balance, giving up dieting mentality and learning to eat according the 80/20 diet rule. 80/20 principle means you don't always have to make 100% perfect choices to get results.
Say no to calorie counting and fad diets. This app is a smart way to track meals by following the 80/20 diet rule. Find permanent balance and stop yoyo-dieting forever. Finally you can give up lose weight programs, crash diets and all restrictive thinking
- even studies show they just make you gain weight.

HOW IT WORKS?First it'll show you how you eat now. Then it guides you to make better choices next time to have balanced meals & eating rhythm. It teaches you to understand hunger and to find right portion size for you. And all this is done in your own pace.

#1 Benefit
- You'll lose weight without dieting

- learn to make balanced plates
- learn to eat more regularly and why it's important for you
- learn to give up the dieting mentality and why it's good for you
- learn that balanced eating is quite simple and fun
- start to get more energy to do things you like
- start to lose weight by itself if you have extra weight due to bad eating habits
- understand that eating balanced means many times eating more not less
- you'll hope you had learned all this years ago
- you'll get the easiest tool to help you to eat healthy ever

- the easiest picture food diary ever
- get feedback of your choices with hearts
- learn to eat more vegetables
- meal reminders
- share your pictures to anyone you want
- share your pictures easily
- set your goal
- your goal follow up
- learn to eat balanced
- breakfast, snacks, lunch and dinner
- keep diary for 28 days
- write notes of your meals
- 80/20 weekly follow up
- quality nutrition and motivational tips for 28 days
- new guiding levels for 3 first weeks
- guiding levels include assessments for meals, hunger and portion size
- work sheets for planning (sent to you by email)
- available both in Finnish and English

P.S. You can still see the name Nordic Diet Coach here and there inside the app, but soon the name is history and See How You Eat Coach continues. #NODIET

Health Revolution Ltd is into developing simple and easy-to-use nutrition coaching concepts for mobile platforms. Our mission is to help people discover the basics of healthy eating in a way suitable for today's hectic lifestyle. We are against fad diets. We stand for permanent balance. Our vision is a world without dieting.

Category : Health & Fitness

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Reviews (21)

Tes. A. May 19, 2022     

I am SO impressed at this app - it gently guides you towards balance with the hearts system, never asking you to count calories or restrict, but to become mindful of what you need. It is revolutionary! And amazing value for money. I have tried so many other apps/systems, and was despairing that I would ever find true balance! 2 weeks in I have effortlessly lost 3lbs and am eating more than ever - and enjoying vegetables. No guilt, no shame, just one mean at a time as Mia says in her videos.

jo. h. Nov 21, 2019     

I have to agree with others. The app's limited ability to only assess each meal at a time instead of over the course of a day can be discouraging. Edited to add: Updating the app to explain the 80/20 rule would have been helpful BEFORE charging so many of us.

Rod. S. Oct 11, 2019     

Not useful, this app is preprogrammed to certain foods and proportions as the developers think, but you can eat a perfectly balanced meal, and the app will rate it with a poor score, difficult to explain, but I gotta say: I regret every penny wasted. Uninstalled the first day

Jan. W. Jun 8, 2019     

I started using this app a week ago and so far I absolutely love it. I'm a visual person so being able to see my food intake for the day, week, month is brilliant and really informative, im already making more informed choices for what to eat. Thank you so much for this, well worth the cash.

Mic. R. Jul 7, 2019     

Great Concept: Has issues. The way the portions are setup and rated needs work: Like with snacks. If you don't put in junk good your rating is lower. For a meal:

A. G. u. Mar 1, 2019     

I like this app, but I accidentally set some meals for 3am and 6am instead of pm, and no matter how many times I change it, the settings won't stay updated.

g. l. May 16, 2022     

Simple, does what it says.

Mar. L. Dec 18, 2021     

Don't like it. How do i log my tea with xylitol and milk for example? Doesn't fit the plate layout. No option for tea or coffee under drinks.

Kri. D. Jan 7, 2019     

such a great app.. very useful

Jes. M. Feb 26, 2019     

love it!!!

A. G. u. May 11, 2018     

Clever concept. Has helped me a lot. I realised how one-sided I was eating. Got good tips how to make improvements.

Sam. C. Feb 27, 2018     

I feel like the star/heart rating is poor. It doesn't support those who eat a balanced diet over the course of a day (eg pure veg for lunch, carbs and protein in another meal later) rather than keeping each individual meal balanced.... Also adding more processed foods adds more hearts which is odd...

Zoe. E. Feb 5, 2017     

Like the app but it doesn't work across devices so I have half a week on my tab and half on my phone. Annoying, but I guess I'll just have to use one or the other

A. G. u. Mar 6, 2017     

I had some problems initially saving photos when taken directly in the app, this is now OK. I'm now having problems backdating photos to previous days which is still not resolved. The idea of the app is great. I am hoping it will improve as I iron out the problems and get to grips with it.

ויק. פ. Jun 26, 2017     

Just downloaded it I used the free version before wish there were a sync option between 2 versions so i can upload all my old meals

Ann. H. Nov 9, 2016     

A brilliant app. No more restrictive diets or time consuming calorie counting just take a photo of your meal and use the app to simply assess how healthy your meal was. Aim to reach a score of at least 80% not as easy as it sounds but you find your score improving daily as you learn what constitutes a healthy meal. Even after a short time using I look & feel better have lost some wt & getting closer to a healthier BMI score. Had problem initially downloading but customer service excellent.

A. G. u. Aug 30, 2016     

I have been looking for an app like this for years! Thank you for helping people get out of the diet mentality and into eating healthy instead.

Ele. L. Jul 16, 2016     

Love it!

Sop. H. Jun 11, 2016     

I'm totally addicted to this app right now. My problem has always been that I eat irregularly and I have difficulty eating a well balanced diet. This app gives me a reminder when it's time to eat a meal or have a healthy snack and that helps so much! It makes a huge difference when I'm busy. Every time I eat I take a picture of my plate and save it in my "food picture diary" and evaluate it's balance. It's actually made eating healthy and regularly fun for me. The daily tips awesome and super helpful!

Nel. S. Sep 8, 2016     

My only gripe with this is that you're expected to have a balanced meal every time (snacks included). I do well to have a balanced meal once a day, but surely yogurt and fruit is a good snack without having grain added? There's no overall daily split.

L. M. Jan 18, 2018     

I WAS considering a refund. Changed my mind. Looks like progress..thanks