• Settled - IOU 1
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Settled - IOU

Track money owed to you and money you owe to friends and family.
The app also designed to track items, for example borrowed or lent DVD's, books, etc...

Category : Productivity

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Reviews (14)

Sea. C. Jan 15, 2015     

Such a simple idea yet I can't count the number of times I've forgotten about small debts I've been owed. If I had a dollar for every dollar I've lent out but not been paid back.... I'd have a lot of dollars!

Mus. G. Jan 30, 2015     

Should add a function to where u can post payments made on the debt. To show the progress toward it being paid off. Then it would be 5 stars. So far though other than that I like the idea abd how it works.

Eri. A. Sep 7, 2016     

Just what I needed. Just wish I had the option to deduct partial payments from the total payment. Still a very nice app.

The. B. Aug 20, 2015     

This is great. You never have to worry about if Bob ever paid you back that $20 or not. Also, loaning out books doesn't have to be such a gamble. You can put in who borrowed what book and when. It's amazing.

A. G. u. Jun 30, 2017     

Iou Been trying to find a simple user friendly and this does just that. Does everything I need it to do.

Chr. B. Aug 20, 2016     

This app is great. It is a simple way to keep tabs on who owes who what

Sar. F. Oct 29, 2015     

Does exactly what it's supposed to very easily and efficiently.

Cor. W. v. d. H. Jan 13, 2015     

Light on permissions. Great design. Well thought out functionality. Thank you

Mic. M. Jul 30, 2015     

Good app. Be awsome if had a 2x2 widget

Vas. R. May 30, 2017     

Nice and simple, i can't backup my data :( to transfer it on another phone...

Bec. L. Jul 23, 2015     

I just need to remember to use it!

Rob. F. Jan 20, 2015     

Is there any way to get rid of passed transactions that have been settled so as not to have a display of ongoing history? ??

Sha. K. Sep 12, 2017     

Simple to use and does what it says

Lay. H. Apr 16, 2017     

Easy to use