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Short Check Lists

Decide often within seconds? Professionals here rely on their years of experience. However, successful managers use checklists - especially when much is at stake. SHORT CHECK LISTS unites the most important rules for managers.
Why do even old foxes checklists? Routine causes omit certain points of a process - to mention sheer routine. Checklists help, with proven rules to solve the tasks successfully. Valuable, indeed vital are even checklists in aviation and surgery, but also in general management, they are used daily.
SHORT CHECK LISTS includes 50 checklists on key management areas to work as efficiently sovereign occur, sell successful, lead people to master talks and styles in social behavior.
The user to work more efficiently and effectively with the 50 Quick Guides: The preparation time is shorter, the error rate lower and the chances of success much higher. Through the use of SHORT CHECK LISTS successful strategies are multiplied.

Category : Business

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