• Shroomi - Danske svampe 1
  • Shroomi - Danske svampe 2

Shroomi - Danske svampe

Shroomi gives you more than 200 mushrooms on your phone. They can all be found in the Danish nature.
It is easy to use and contains many sponges, inedible mushrooms and toxic fungi.
You can read more about each sponge, where you can see good pictures, descriptions, confusions, season and growing places.
This gives you a really good starting point for determining your mushrooms. You can also see pictures of the confusion compared to the fungi.

In addition to the mushrooms themselves, you can find much information about mushroom hunting. You can find the following articles in Shroomi:
- Good mushrooms
- Mushrooms in Denmark
- Start the sponge hunt: Good tools for your hunting
- Beginner's sponges
- Cleaning of mushrooms
- Storage of mushrooms
- Worms in mushrooms
- Old mushrooms and their edibility
- Mushroom soaking
- The structure of the fungus

You can find many features that make your mushroom hunt easier:

- More than 200 mushrooms with descriptions of the fungus, good characteristics, smell, taste and confusion
- Search function that quickly displays the relevant fungi
- Overview of all the fungi so you can quickly see a fungus family
- Mushroom storage guide
- Confusion that shows some fungi and fungal families
- Good pictures of the mushrooms
- Overview of fungal families where you can see all the fungi in that family

Shroomi also contains recipes where you can access many recipes with mushrooms.
Among other things, you get the recipes for all classics with mushrooms such as mushroom risotto, mushroom sauce and mushroom soup.

Good mushroom hunting!

Category : Books & Reference

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