• Simple Paleo Diet Plan 1
  • Simple Paleo Diet Plan 2

Simple Paleo Diet Plan

When it comes to Paleo Diet, you can eat anything from the hunter gathered – things like meats, fish, nuts, leafy greens, regional veggies, and seeds.Sorry, the pasta, cereal, and candy will have to go! Anything that didn’t exist in caveman times will not be existing on your plate or in your stomach. And instead of counting calories and perfectly partitioned portions (say THAT three times fast), you’ll be focusing on eating the right foods instead. Some people hate counting calories. Maybe you do too. I don’t like keeping track of how much I’ve eaten or obsessing over how many grams of a particular nutrient I’ve had. Not only do I hate counting calories, but I know that calories are really only half of the battle, as they’re not all created equal – 400 calories of burger do NOT have the same effect on your body as 400 calories of high-quality vegetables and protein.
Fortunately, if you can expand your horizons and remove certain types of food from your diet, you can stop worrying about counting calories FOREVER and instead focus on fixing your relationship with food.
Now, this article is SUPER long, so we took the liberty of converting it into a nicely designed guide for easy consumption (not literal consumption, unless you print it on bacon).

Category : Health & Fitness

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