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Sittercity connects you with experienced sitters and nannies, right in your neighborhood. And with over 4 million caregivers nationwide, Sittercity can help you find the sitter that meets your family’s unique needs

[+] Post a job right from the app detailing your needs and have qualified sitters apply[+] Get instant notifications when you receive sitter messages or applications[+] Filter your sitter search results based on criteria like experience and skills[+] View sitter profiles with contact info, photos, experience, and background checks


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Category : Lifestyle

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Reviews (27)

Amb. S. Apr 11, 2022     

App is useless. Used to work great, but now it won't even load. Website works, but there's no point in having an app if it isn't going to work. Delete it or fix it. It's been a problem for far too long. I even waited to leave a review to allow time for the app to be updated or fixed since I've had good experiences in the past, but this is beyond ridiculous. You are hurting both those looking for help AND those looking to help. I've missed several messages and opportunities since the app crashed.

Mad. M. M. May 12, 2022     

200 dollars and the app constantly crashes, it blanks out my telephone number and address, I get and email text and notif for EVERYTHING plus marketing emails. Navigating the app is slow amd buggy and there's not a lot of sitters on here. IM IN SEATTLE!

Cam. G. Apr 6, 2022     

I adore this app because of the family I found, however it's a very bad app. I'm a sitter and my profile is set as a parent (showing me sitters in my area) when I've double checked my account. Plus I have to use the online version which is tedious on a phone. You are LIMITING people's job opportunities, plus families are finding it hard to post opportunities.

Sam. V. Apr 30, 2022     

Broken app loads pages about 1 in 5 times, most pages won't load. Service seems bad too. Applicants seem to apply just for the badges and then skip the interviews. Wasted time and money so far.

Lis. M. May 15, 2022     

179.00 for a yearly membership went down the drain! I'm a single widowed mother of 3 I live paycheck to paycheck! These women charge 10-30 an hour! And! Most of them are teachers looking for a summer job. I only got 2 applications for my post. I am not happy! I would not recommend this app at all for single moms! Don't do it! You will lose all your well earned money! Your time and your mind!

Аня. Л. Apr 9, 2022     

App does work. I just have a white screen after login. Why have an app if its so bad? Just don't offer it at all. Broken item is worse for business than no item at all.

Kat. H. Apr 15, 2022     

This is not a user friendly app. They don't alw you to control your account within the app and they make it very difficult to manage your account. Not worth the hassle.

Ser. K. Mar 25, 2022     

Useless app. Can't do anything in this app. Trying to update information and nothing works. It's owned by some corporate entity and nothing works. Stay away.

Jos. J. Apr 5, 2022     

Please fix this bug: When setting my availability dates it won't let me set anything greater than tomorrow's date. It has to be equal to

Tri. B. Dec 10, 2019     

The app is great when it works, but it hardly ever does. I can't even tell you how many times I've deleted it and installed it again. It never loads, I miss messages and opportunities from clients. Fix this please, I don't always have access to my laptop so I would love for the mobile app to work. *edit I use the browser version which is fine but I don't really see the point in the app if the only way I can check my messages is through the browser.

Sha. T. Aug 31, 2019     

App is broken. The web interface works fine, but the app is junk. Once I login, a box comes up that says "OK" for no reason. You can't click the button nor will it go away, so the app is useless. I uninstalled the app and reset the cache in hopes of a fix, but no. I paid the subscription fee, but if the app doesn't work I see no reason to use the service.

Gre. E. May 1, 2019     

App is terrible. Very slow and I've been experiencing issues where is won't even work, saying there's no network when I'm on my home WiFi and everything else works totally fine. Update and focus on the app or just disable it until it's ready and is usable. This feels like an early-stage MVP that was just released to say there's an app.

A. G. u. Mar 27, 2019     

just use the website. The app worked normal/fine in the beginning but I haven't even gotten the messages tab to load in months. Just set up email notifications and check in your web browser or on your computer. It has worked so poorly for months that I don't see how they have any excuses why it's not even a functional app. Shouldn't even be an app in the app store.

Ang. W. May 22, 2022     

The app will not open on my 5g phone. It works fine on my note9.

Sad. H. Jun 5, 2019     

The May 28 update is Broken. If you can't fix it no matter what you do, try THIS: apkpure(.)com. I've gone for version 3.1.2. Just remember to turn off Sittercity's Auto Updates in the app store cause it WILL sort itself out to Updated and Broke if you don't. ~Sittercity, my phone is up to date, has been restarted multiple times, and I've un- and re- installed several times as well. The UPDATE is broken, NOT my phone.~

Dyl. S. Feb 4, 2020     

There are many problems with this app.... UPDATE: The customer service team did respond to my issues and they were resolved. But it was not in time for me to find a last minute sitter when I needed one. So I'm updating to 3 stars. I hope this doesn't happen again, especially since I paid for a subscription but haven't yet been able to use it. Others have reported lots of app usage problems and the fact that they don't offer any refunds is a downside. They should offer a free trial.

Lil. Y. Mar 21, 2022     

The app opens up to a blank white screen & crashes!

Jas. M. Dec 13, 2018     

Works well so far, have not had issues with messages yet. Navigation is easier to use than mobile site but has less filter options than mobile site! App allows you to filter by job type whereas on the mobile site you can filter by number and age of children, keywords, hourly rate, start date, etc. If those filters get added, this will app would be majorly improved.

Ol. M. Mar 18, 2019     

yeah you guys need to fix the issue with the messages and applications tab where it keeps loading n never comes up. esp In messages. when the applications I've applied to do load the they Are either not in order or dont show at all. also it would b great to have a notifications that let's me know when get a msg from a parent. not one that emails me. I dont check my email that often.

Mad. A. Aug 14, 2019     

Since the app didn't work, I tried using the browser version instead. Still doesn't work! I mean it works as I can find jobs to apply, but, I never hear any response back! I've waited months and months , constantly checking my inbox but no one's contacted me. And I know for sure it's not me because I put my highly qualified credentials out there. Are you guys now charging us to communicate with potential clients and not telling us? Please let us know.

Nyl. A. Apr 1, 2022     

The app isn't working once again. Now it thinks I'm looking for sitters. No I'm the sitter looking for work. So when I message on the app the conversation I type pops up on the left like the parents and it's very confusing. I just deleted and downloaded again. The website works perfectly. I guess this company just has terrible app developers. Pls hire someone new. Pay them what they ask for or something. Come on!!

A. G. u. Feb 20, 2019     

The site is awesome, but the app is not working. I've downloaded the app twice to my samsung galaxy s2 and the app icon is nowhere to be found on my phone. oddly enough, I can access the account through the open functionality on the google play store app. I've read that the app is buggy, but not as bad that it wouldn't generate a app icon on my phone.

Rak. M. Mar 1, 2022     

They charge you a monthly fee and the sitter don't appear to be pre-screened. Even after you pay the monthly fee they want you to pay for background checks on each individual sitter which can become costly. Several of the sitters do not pass a basic background check. This is problematic. Many of the available sitters only have experience babysitting the own siblings or family members like neices and nephews.

D.. B. K. Jan 18, 2019     

everytime I click on apply it just goes back to the previous screen where the need for sitters are listed. this is ridiculous just got the simple fact that is the entire concept of SitterCity!! you guys need to fix this issue ASAP! And YES my phone IS already updated to the latest software so please dont respond saying I need to update my software.

N. K. Dec 14, 2021     

Really needs to make it easier to post under different categories without making a 100% brand new profile each time. Very time-consuming and frustrating when there are other easier options out there. Otherwise really helpful app. Thanks.

Hit. T. Jan 30, 2019     

As a service SitterCity is fine, and if you use it exclusively on the computer you will probably be happy. this app is a horrible buggy mess. also any coupon you have to "try" the service doesn't include actually booking a sitter all contact information is actively filtered out to prevent you from using the service at all unless you pay. I wish I'd known the above before I posted my job, I would've went with Sittercity's major competitor.

Tom. L. Jan 21, 2019     

Slow, constantly crashes, message threads are missing huge parts of conversations until you restart the app, the whole thing is just frustrating and poorly built. This has caused me to waste my time trying to schedule or coordinate care. I am using an LG G6 Plus running Android 8.0. I regret paying money for this service.