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Congratulations for being invited to SocialLadder--Use your private invite code to join one of our communities and then use your social currency – how active you are on social media
- to unlock access to exclusive experiences and products.. This app will never post without your permission.
Enter your invite code Connect your social media accounts and get a score
- Browse rewards,

Compete in daily challenges to increase your score
- Top scores unlock once-in-a-lifetime experiences

Category : Lifestyle

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Reviews (27)

Mak. S. May 21, 2022     

UPDATE: The app originally had a crashing issue, BUT, the support team is AMAZING. They worked with me very diligently and quickly to resolve the issue completely. I have changed my rating from 1 star to 5, because now the app functions exactly how it is supposed to, and because again, the technical support team is INCREDIBLE!

Tin. N. Apr 27, 2022     

Which is slow can be a little complicated but just need to work on it has a long way to go to catch up to other social media apps

Tah. A. Jan 22, 2020     

I have been using SocialLadder app for the past few weeks. I found the app user friendly and easy to navigate. I've made many new contacts and discovered opportunities that I had not thought of earlier. The weekly challenges are always welcome and give me an adrenaline rush and a new incentive.

Mat. Jun 27, 2021     

What tash of an app. After the last update, it asks me to log in, then it says there's already an account associated with my log in and for me to log out. Twitter doesn't connect. Now once I click on the app to TRY to log in, it just opens then crashes.

lor. r. Jan 21, 2020     

SocialLadder is the greatest app, easy to use and easy to understand. I've meet many new friends and awesome opportunities. It's the best app for Festival promotions 💜💜💜💜 always fun and exciting challenges every week.

Sar. S. May 17, 2021     

Love the idea of this, can't wait to see how the app grows and expands given time! Current use is a little buggy but works and keeps getting better. No curated list available yet, hopefully will be coming soon. Am looking for more invite codes please share yours if you can!

Kev. D. Nov 9, 2018     

The app is easy to use and provides an easy way to earn points which can be used to redeem concert tickets and other cool merchandise. Loved the concept and the experience!

Dyl. R. Dec 9, 2020     

Can't even get into this app. Every time I try to launch it, either directly through the app or through notifications, it crashes.

Van. H. Mar 7, 2021     

The concept is great but I don't think mine is working right. I keep seeing people completed challenges that are not offered for me, no groups have been "specially curated" for me, I go to browse other areas that are listed in the help section and they all lead me to forbidden links as well as the invite to join challenge on one of them

Joa. J. Jan 21, 2020     

Social Ladder is the best app to promote events! Easy user interface, along with connections to users social media. Very easy to navigate.

Jes. K. Sep 17, 2021     

So many bugs. It tells me almost every day that my account is not connected, even though it is. Decides when and if it lets me submit things. Just annoying.

tyl. m. Jan 22, 2020     

I've worked for a few festivals and venues doing promotions and SocialLadder is by far my favorite interface to work with. It's easy to understand exactly what you need to do and what the rewards are.

Jac. P. Nov 29, 2020     

Keeps crashing after the latest update. Not satisfied with the app at all. Update 11/29: Still crashes after yet another update that got released yesterday.

Ash. J. -. Feb 11, 2021     

Bad app with lots of bugs especially for android. Had to delete unfortunately . Great concept not enough time

T. R. Jan 23, 2020     

Very good social media platform. Provide unique challenges and nice rewards after completing every challenge.

Hig. R. Apr 15, 2019     

I still haven't got my verification email after 2 days I even emailed them and still haven't received one back the app crashes every time its opened

Jor. S. Aug 16, 2019     

Ridiculously slow and clunky. Insta connection doesnt work. Absolutely deleting.

Mr.. S. Jan 12, 2020     

Very buggy and crashing. Keeps having me put all my life info over n over when I've done this already more than 3x already. Get my info already saved lmao. Android device.

Ric. M. J. Dec 10, 2020     

Crashes everytime I try and open it and now it wants a Google email when I used a yahoo email to set it up with.

Sla. w. S. Dec 3, 2020     

It keeps crashing on my android. Not happy with how it's working. Please help fix this issue

AMA. M. Dec 7, 2020     

Crashing hard every time after the update. Please fix bugs! Thank uuu!

Ach. S. Jan 23, 2020     

I have fond of this site now. got lot of rewards after completing thr challenge. great yo use new chat feature.

Lor. H. Aug 20, 2019     

Social Ladder App has so many funa nd great features and challenges that you are always busy and excited about all that the festivals have to offer way in advance!

Dyl. S. Jan 21, 2020     

Wonderful App. Easy to use, fun and interactive!

Gar. B. Dec 27, 2020     

After the bugs were fix for android users it works great.

Dic. L. Sep 2, 2021     

Shows I'm logged into accounts but can't post. Kinda a big deal when you need to promote.

Tyn. T. Dec 1, 2020     

This app keeps crashing even after the update.