• SoundCrate 1
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SoundCrate has tons of free sound effects to make life more interesting.
Someone just told a funny joke? Play a laugh track. Want to cause some trouble with friends and family? Play a fart noise when they take a seat.

There are dozens of different sound effects for every occasion.

INCLUDED SOUNDS:Clapping, booing, sneezing, laugh track, burp, crying baby, vomit, whistle, pssst, fart, pistol, sword, chainsaw, rocket, reload, sniper rifle, whip, cannon, machine gun, church bell, car horn, ambulance, shattering glass, ringing cellphone, toilet flushing, doorbell ringing, police car siren, airplane, elephant, lion roar, cow mooing, dog barking, cat meowing, raven, seal, dolphin, monkey noises, chirping bird, pig oinking, wind, thunder, rain, waves, crickets, ka-ching, gong, bubble gum popping, "pew pew", demon lullaby, censor, slap, explosion, your mom, woosh.

INSTRUCTIONS:Tap a sound button to play it. Click on a button while its respective sound is currently playing to restart the sound. Swipe left or right to switch to a new category of sounds.

Category : Entertainment

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