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Spectrum Solutions presents Soupfly, a local guide app that reveals how your favorite restaurants, bars, and even supermarkets performed on their recent health inspections. How safe is your food?
Your city may have as many as 2000 different food-serving venues that are operating with a failing health code score. Don’t you think it’s important to know which one you are eating at?

Browse any place in your city where you might be sitting down to eat or purchasing food products from. From Fine Dining Restaurants to Fast Food Chains, to your Children's School and Daycares and even your local jail. Find out exactly what they scored on their last health code inspection and read the customer reviews that make it one of the best places in town, where you should NEVER eat!

Category : Lifestyle

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Reviews (6)

Yas. G. Oct 5, 2014     

Live this app!!

mar. h. Mar 29, 2014     

Gotta question the accuracy when it shows a passing score just a few hours before a failing score (e.g. La Gorda, Village Inn). Also, it's aggravating when you get kicked back up to the top of the list after viewing the details about a specific restaurant. I think I'll uninstall it.

Mad. s. Mar 28, 2014     

I really enjoy this app! I would like to see an addition added in. Try to add a search menu so we do t have to scroll till we find the restaurant or place we want to go to. Once it's done I'll give 5

Roy. Z. Mar 28, 2014     

Some places have 2 scores, one that is failing and the time stamp is 5 min later and its now passing. What is that?

Joh. H. Mar 13, 2014     

Great tool into finding restaurants with the "best" food based on health inspection scores.

A. G. u. Mar 28, 2014     

Missing a good amount of restaurants and freezes after a while on my galaxy blaze.