• South of Seoul 1
  • South of Seoul 2
  • South of Seoul 3
  • South of Seoul 4

South of Seoul

The definitive guide to all things Pyeongtaek. You will discover: restaurants, cafes, free shows, parks, kids play areas, clubs, bars and much more. After you get comfortable, you can even upload your own favorite places. Don't spend another minute wondering what's happening or where to go. Download the app and start exploring today.

Category : Business

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Reviews (21)

Kel. B. Oct 28, 2018     

Look, sometimes it's a little buggy. But being an expat in Korea, especially this particular area of Korea , would be so much harder without this app. All the information you find is specifically for Seoul area. This is the easiest way to find things to do in the pyeongtaek area.

Ray. F. Dec 9, 2018     

Really helpful for getting around South of Seoul~

Sar. A. Sep 9, 2019     

The best app ever)

j. j. Nov 17, 2018     

The android app s broken. It only displays a blank white screen.

Chr. L. Sep 16, 2018     

This app has the most nonsensical UI imaginable. You shouldn't have to include multiple sections of how-to on a guide app of the local area. How come a simple search doesn't work?

A. G. u. Aug 31, 2018     

The delivery app was very promising but does not work more than half the time! So annoying!

Des. C. Aug 19, 2018     

Why would anyone download an app that pretty much wants access to everything on your phone?!?

Chr. W. Jul 24, 2018     

This is a great app for helping you find things to do and places to eat in and around Pyeongtaek! The best part is that you can check out other user's reviews to help you make a decision. I have to admit, when I downloaded it 6 months ago it took forever to load so I deleted it. A friend encouraged me to try again and I am really glad I did! There must have been an update. Whatever it was is fixed and I am back out there exploring!

des. t. Sep 16, 2017     

Have been trying to use for weeks and just shows loading button but never loads. I have tried uninstalling and installing again and still have the same problems.

Liz. H. Sep 27, 2017     

I hate that I have to sign in every time I open the app. The notification number never goes away. I appreciate the app and it's potential. It needs work.

Dan. O. Nov 12, 2017     

Used to be good, screwed it up with new version.

A. G. u. Oct 20, 2017     

Great informations about Pyeongtaek and nearby cities!!

Ash. R. Oct 9, 2017     

This app has been very useful.

Mic. B. Oct 14, 2017     

Love this app. It's great...if it ever loads after signing in

Tin. M. Apr 23, 2017     

Why does this app want access to all the information on my phone? Lowering my rating for that.

Chr. M. Aug 27, 2017     

I dont understand why an app like this needs as many permissions as it requests. Access to camera, microphone, phone, sms, media files (photo,video,and music), calendar, contacts, location, bluetooth connection, device id, and "other". How nice of them to provide a meager amount of information about the pyeongtaek area in exchange for essentially any information that you keep on your phone. Hope you don't value your privacy, because that's the cost of downloading this 'spyware'... haha sorry i somehow misspelled 'app'

A. G. u. Dec 5, 2016     

Very useful for knowing what is going on around me. Not only events but good info on restaurants, cafes, nightlife, hospitals, parks, etc. Cant recommend this enough

Mar. K. Dec 14, 2016     

Wish I had this when I first arrived. This hands down the best and most USEFUL app for every Expat in Korea. Everything you need in one place. I can't wait for the expansion to more areas!

Kri. P. Dec 22, 2016     

This is a great app for learning what the areas outside the military gates have to offer.

Car. M. May 24, 2017     

I had this before but it wanted complete access to my phone so I removed it. It seems that the permissions have somewhat changed so I may reinstall it after further evaluation. However, if an update appears requesting more permissions then I would uninstall and not recommend. Otherwise, this is a good app for finding local restaurants and events.

Lan. W. May 14, 2017     

Great and useful information for everything around the neighborhood. It's a must for expats.