• Spartan trainer 1
  • Spartan trainer 2

Spartan trainer

With the application spartan trainer that designates a system of physical conditioning based on constantly varied exercises, with functional movements, executed at high intensity where to give the maximum that is in you.
It is a training technique that concentrates movements of different disciplines of training, consists of undertaking an exercise program (push-ups, traction, etc.), in a determined time and with a defined number of times.
This notion has as a principle to keep intact the long-term motivation of athletes. It can be done individually or in groups, and the sessions are usually short, varied and adaptable depending on the level of each participant. There are also other groups that do not have a name, simply the description of the exercises. The execution time of each group can vary, from only 5 minutes to almost 30 minutes, not counting the warm-up and the return to calm.
The trainings are normally structured in 3 main parts:
1-Entry into heat: a previous heating is carried out to avoid possible injuries. Warm up exercises are usually jump rope, sit-ups, arm push-ups, squats, spinals, etc.
2-Technique / Strength A: In this part of the training technique is practiced different exercises in which strength, technique and power are developed. In addition, the largest amount of weight that one can do is sought depending on the exercise and the number of repetitions given.
3-Part B: This is the most intense training moment in which the amount of weight is reduced compared to part A and the aim is to increase respiratory capacity. Usually they are combinations of the exercises previously described in part A and others without weight or resistance as for example: jumps, pull-ups, rings, push-ups, sit-ups, running at full speed, swing, push-ups.

Category : Health & Fitness

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