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Spill Zone

Dear Scientist– We desperately need your help in the lab. Spill one chemical into another until a solid color remains. Help us discover the best solution possible, but be extremely careful– Too many spills and you’ll have to start over!
Spill Zone is a brand new unique and challenging puzzle game where the goal is to make the entire puzzle one single color. It’s kind of like the flood fill operation in your favorite paint program. Just keep spilling until everything is the same color. Although it’s a simple concept, it will require experimentation and strategy to solve each puzzle in the fewest moves possible. Play through all our challenging levels in the single player mode. Connect with Google Play or Facebook to see what level your friends are on. There is also turn-based multiplayer mode where you get to take turns playing a friend to see who is the true Spill Zone champion. There’s so much research waiting for you in Spill Zone, so get out there and “Experiment. Fail. Repeat.”


Category : Puzzle

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Reviews (30)

Eva. W. Aug 3, 2019     

Fun and challenging puzzles, great game for passing the time!

Jul. May 8, 2020     

Update #3: Just waiting for additional levels. Update #2! This game has only gotten better and it was great to begin with. It deserves a rating of at least 5 stars! I'd give more if I could. Continually Fun & Challenging. What more could you ask for? Nothing. ****Update: I am updating my rating. Going from 4 stars to 5 STARS. The longer I play, the more challenging it becomes, the more I enjoy myself.

Cha. M. Nov 26, 2018     

Challenging Game!

Ada. S. Jul 12, 2016     

This game has a great balance between skill and luck. You think about it for a few then fly by the seat of your pants. I binged on it over the course of 5 or so days. As a TMOS fan, Tomo has a captive audience in me. However, of his releases, this one in particular really sucked me in. Great game, Tomo! Thanks. UPDATE: I am still playing this daily and look forward to the challenge to come out. It's the gift that keeps on giving!!

Bec. M. Sep 17, 2016     

Cute fun game. And you don't have to do anything special for extra lives! Lovin the update.

Pie. P. Jun 18, 2016     

No point in playing this game its f ing bull crap

Dac. P. May 8, 2016     

I really downloaded it for my son to do I just love it I love it.. For myself

Bob. S. Dec 17, 2016     

Great diversion on a train ride. Look forward to the daily challenges

Daw. U. Jul 21, 2016     

Love the mental challenge to complete the puzzle in the shortest moves.

Tom. M. Oct 26, 2016     

Entertain you for a long time.

Deb. B. May 8, 2016     

Only wish for more levels.

Cha. O. May 10, 2017     

Makes one use the brain to solve the task.

Nue. P. Sep 19, 2016     

Just love it.. keeps your brain active...

Ogr. S. Sep 14, 2016     

Still Great!

Kim. C. Apr 9, 2018     

Loved it cant stop playin

loh. n. Oct 10, 2016     

Very addictive

Lor. O. Mar 11, 2016     

Love the challenge. I'm a spill zone addict. Help me lol

Glo. Apr 12, 2016     

I go to spill it and it tells me over and over and over spill me in a surrounding color!

Pav. R. Feb 1, 2016     

I like brain challenges, and that time burner is really good! 5 stars from me!..

Ada. P. Apr 10, 2016     

Fun to play great graphics good content.

A. G. u. Feb 3, 2016     

After hearing about this game I downloaded it and I am hooked.

jtf. i. T. Mar 2, 2016     

Great tech support.

Joy. B. Jan 24, 2016     

Addictive and challenging. Love it

Tan. S. May 1, 2016     

Very cool game

Kel. W. Apr 29, 2016     

Love this game

Mic. M. Dec 20, 2015     

This is by far my favorite game so far from tmsoft. It's challenging and addicting. I've been able to leave all ad videos, so they havnt been annoying. I also cannot understand how so many people can give this a 1 star.

Jim. H. Dec 21, 2015     

Never before has a game so colorful, been so colorful. I no longer do anything, except play this game. Dragons and witchcraft seem so trivial, shooting or driving is so mundane. Don't get me started about the work and years wasted trying to build an empire, and for what? This game is instant satisfaction. On a side note, I've noticed an increase in my size, length and girth, and last night not one, but 2 really really hot chicks fell in love with me. One bought me a motircycle! Thanks Todd!

Kev. W. Dec 17, 2015     

Spill Zone is a great workout for your brain and is lots of fun. The early levels may seem easy, but they are just getting you ready for the challenge that is ahead. I highly recommend this game for people of all ages.

Roy. D. Dec 18, 2015     

Spill zone is simple to learn, but so hard to perfect. The game makes it reasonable to advance, but getting 3 stars can be a real challenge in a good way. The challenges bring variety to game-play. Give it a try!

Gal. C. Dec 15, 2015     

Vibrant colors and inticing game play make this another big hit! This has become one of my favorite things over Peeksa and Crispy Wings!!