• Statistics Calculator 1
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Statistics Calculator

- Quick, easy way to calculate basic statistics and Linear Regression
- Import data from CSV file
- Easy data entry and data editing with interactive graph
- Quick results with graphical representation of data, regression line and estimates
- Save data to CSV file for reuse or backup. Save to PDF with custom notes
- Export data, analysis and graph to PDF with custom notes.
- Email exported files from app
Keywords: Statistics calculator, linear regression

Category : Education

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Reviews (29)

Wil. A. A. Apr 27, 2019     

Good app, and very complete.

Ras. S. S. Mar 18, 2017     

I liked this. It did what it was supposed to do. But I can totally understand why people are giving the new version bad reviews. There is a "Data range" input box, which must be manually specified before the app plots anything. At first I thought the app just didn't work at all. I have no idea why the author didn't just provide default values for this box. Using the first column for x-values, the second column for y-values, and starting from row 1 would have been perfectly intuitive, and it would "just work" when entering some values. Instead, users just entering some values doesn't see any plots, and the app appears be to nonfunctional.

Mar. E. Nov 21, 2013     

This WAS a handy little app that I recommended to my students until the recent update/redesign. No longer as intuitive & simple to use.

Dul. F. Mar 17, 2014     

However this app should improve on the graph grid.. and the graph scale has to be in bigger font.

Abd. A. Aug 10, 2015     

I loved it

Tre. S. Sep 25, 2015     

It won't calculate the linear regression line

tat. m. May 8, 2014     

it is good for an exam of statistics...

Jua. S. Mar 9, 2014     

This is helpful.

Abd. A. Jan 11, 2014     

I agree with it

IQ. s. P. Feb 22, 2020     


Pau. L. Dec 27, 2012     

The app works as advertised, and the ads aren't too intrusive. A huge improvement would be to be able to use an entered data set across multiple calculations... having to re-enter them over and over is a major pain. I tutor in stats and use this a lot.

Red. E. Jan 11, 2013     

Why? data entry needs a comma as a separator. Quite a pain as my preferred keyboard's comma is on another page. Even if comma were on the same page a blank space would be better as the space bar is wider.

Car. H. Jun 16, 2013     

Perfect for basic use. Works as advertised. Recommend you use a space instead of a comma for value sep. Thanks.

A. G. u. Nov 16, 2013     

Clumsy. Almost impossible to use. Uninstalled.

A. G. u. Jun 2, 2012     


Mar. A. Oct 31, 2013     

Simple 1D and 2D charts

A. G. u. Mar 30, 2012     

This calculator fails to give a correct regression line correlating two data sets under any and all circumstances in which the data is not in asending order... the program sorts it when its not supposed to. Other than that it seems to work well. (Hence the second star).

A. G. u. Mar 31, 2012     

It provides very basic graphing, and could use some development to use logarithmic scales. It could also use a different input UI, like a table or small spreadsheet.

A. G. u. May 16, 2012     

Program does not correctly run regression analysis. Reorganized data sets in ascending order when it shouldn't have. This needs to be fixed ASAP! Other functions work fine

A. G. u. Mar 12, 2012     

Has helped me so much until getting my legit calculator. The linear graph is really easy to read. Could really use the 'nCr' function for binomials, but otherwise great app so far.

A. G. u. May 23, 2012     

Mobile analysis tool

A. G. u. Jan 29, 2012     

The problem with the variance and standard deviation has been fixed. Now it uses the formulas with N-1, appropriate when a sample is used to estimate the population variance. It would be nicer if the application indicates whether it uses the N-1 or the N formulas, so the users don't get confused. It is actually good to compute them both! It also calculates linear regression for two variables, returns the parameters of the regression line and the correlation coefficient and plots a scatter plot with the regression line. It would be nicer in the 1D case to have more statistics like median and quartiles and a boxplot and barplot showing the data distribution. In the 2D regression case it would be nicer to have a plot of the residuals to check for eventual trends.

A. G. u. Jan 5, 2012     

The idea of the software is good, but here is a problem with the result of variance and standard deviation. in partitucal I think that the software compute the variance as the sum of the square of the difference between each value of x and the mean divided by the number of values (n) while this sum should be divided by (n-1)

A. G. u. Dec 17, 2011     

Wrong! Check the results you get using this and the actual results. Even if it is only some calcs that are wrong then you can't trust it at all.

A. G. u. Oct 18, 2011     

Don't really like it because it gives you the wrong answers...

A. G. u. Sep 27, 2011     

It could use a numeric keypad entry system instead of the phone keyboard.

A. G. u. Sep 21, 2011     

you can't input frequencies, resulting in a very slow/inefficient way of gathering results by having to manually put in every number in the data set.

A. G. u. Sep 20, 2011     

Love it :)

A. G. u. May 7, 2012     

Very simple, very basic fail. I can't believe that someone can create a nice looking app like this and the simple regression calculation is incorrect.