• Stay Alive 1
  • Stay Alive 2
  • Stay Alive 3
  • Stay Alive 4

Stay Alive

A healthcare professional knows how tense and stressful it is to deal with a cardio-respiratory arrest (CRA). The emergency situation and the need to act quickly often does not allow organized and paced action.

This application was developed to assist in the management of a CRA. It aims to organize the sequence of procedures, tasks and medications used as well as assist in monitoring the time of the massage cycle, the infusion of each drug and the cadence of the rhythm of chest compressions.
After termination of resuscitation maneuvers, the App provides you with a complete report showing the start time, the time of each infusion of the medications and the amount of each used separately, which can be consulted later.
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Category : Medical

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Reviews (2)

Lea. O. Nov 3, 2018     

The compression rate metronome doesn't keep time properly. I just end up turning the sound off because it's annoying. But then i miss the alarm notification that the times are up

Cor. C. Nov 29, 2018     

The metronome doesn't have a regular rhythm, it just beeps randomly. Half the app is in spanish.