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Stories: party game

Stories have gained in popularity in recent years. In English they are mostly known just as Mystery Riddles, but in German they’re also called Lateral Thinking Riddles, Mysteries, Riddle Stories or Black Stories.

* Game
- over 50 the best mysterious stories
- you can tag a story as solved or as favorite one
- you can draw an unsolved mystery or choose from the list

* Aren't you ready to buy this full version?Install the lite version: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=pl.hexmind.stories

* More about gameStories are a special kind of riddles that are designed to be interactive. They are fun for car rides or other occasions. They are usually played in a group, with one person hosting the puzzle and the others asking questions which can only be answered with a "yes" or "no" answer. Depending upon the settings and level of difficulty, other answers, hints or simple explanations of why the answer is yes or no, may be considered acceptable. The puzzle is solved when one of the players is able to recite the narrative the host had in mind, in particular explaining whatever aspect of the initial scenario was puzzling.

* ExampleA man walks into a bar, and asks the bartender for a drink of water. The bartender pulls out a gun, points it at the man, and cocks it. The man says "Thank you" and leaves. What happened?

The question and answer segment might go something like this. Question: Could the bartender hear him? Answer: Yes Question: Was the bartender angry for some reason? A: No Question: Was the gun a water pistol? A: No Question: Did they know each other from before? A: No (or: "irrelevant" since either way it does not affect the outcome) Question: Was the man's "Thank you" sarcastic? A: No (or with a small hint: "No, he was genuinely grateful for some reason") Question: Did the man ask for water in an offensive way? A: No Question: Did the man ask for water in some strange way? A: Yes

Eventually the questions lead up to the conclusion that the man had the hiccups, and that his reason for requesting a drink of water was not to quench his thirst but to cure his hiccups. The bartender realized this and chose instead to cure the hiccups by frightening the man with the gun. Once the man realized that his hiccups were gone, he no longer needed a drink of water, gratefully thanked the bartender, and left. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Situation_puzzle]

Category : Casual

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Reviews (4)

Kat. May 6, 2014     

So fun! Im an activities director at a retirement community and I play it with my residents. Even those with cognitive issues are able to play as a group. Excellent app!!!

A. G. u. Nov 11, 2012     

The stories are really involving! Its a perfect game for a party or a trip.

Mah. H. Apr 23, 2016     

List keeps flashing while scrolling on Android 6

Ben. H. Oct 18, 2016     

Good but need a new set of stories please!! Update!! :-)