• Study Mate-timer, group study 1
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  • Study Mate-timer, group study 4

Study Mate-timer, group study

Use only start and stop buttons for your stopwatch.!!
- That you need to use this entire app.
- Then you can get weekly, monthly statistics of your study time.Join study groups!!
- see their study patterns and study records.
- study more than your competitors by observing them in real time.You can join a study room to see how other mates are studying at the moment.[stopwatch | statistics | study room(group study) | chatting]You need to study as much as your competitors do.You can check how long they study in StudyMate.Hey Mate! Study hard until you achieve your goal !!!Plan your study time and achieve it. Your study life will be more successful with Study Mate.
Join study groups!!
- see their study patterns and study records.
- study more than your competitors by observing them in real time.

You can join a study room to see how other mates are studying at the moment.[stopwatch | statistics | study room(group study) | chatting]

You need to study as much as your competitors do.You can check how long they study in StudyMate.

Hey Mate! Study hard until you achieve your goal !!!

Plan your study time and achieve it. Your study life will be more successful with Study Mate.

study,Let's play finished soon!

Gongbubeop scientific StudyPlanner

서울대 출신들과 교포들이 직접 만든 영단어 어플!

안외워도 예문만 읽으면 저절로 외워진다!

Category : Education

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Reviews (28)

sag. s. Mar 1, 2021     

It is a nice app, but some more basic features should also be given. Like it is common that sometimes students forgot to stop their timer, and timer show you 20 hours (for example) of studied time, which is 100% incorrect, but we can't change this time manually, so there must be a option so that we can manually decrease hours studied in such cases!!!

Foc. O. Aug 28, 2020     

Yeah this app is really useful it has helped me a lot. I would say pls add a quick timer for breaks.... Like we can put timer for 20 minutes and take a break and come back when it rings.... U can also make "will be back in x minutes " show up in the group. U have added only stopwatch. I would request u to add a quick timer . U can also add daily n weakly reports like.. "u are the least studied member " or "u r the most consistent member" Add coins and badges.. For completing goals. Thanks.

Ara. J. Aug 10, 2020     

This is the best learning app. Helps me a lot to focus on studying during this lockdown. It would be great if you add the option to include multiple admin for the study groups. Also please consider changing the App Icon. The current icon is not so attractive.

Meh. N. O. May 1, 2021     

The app has been helpful as I can clearly see progress and ability to focus with time.So far it was one of my favourite apps but the latest update was upsetting because some features have disappeared like when someone's studying the app used to show a little motion icon of book turning its pages which was very cute and the feature 'break' used to show an icon of a coffee mug from which hot steam was rising in the air. If the designers of the app are reading this, can you please bring these back?

The. T. Z. Sep 2, 2020     

I like this app very much no big issues at all but the loading time is so bad. For example i clicked pause or break it takes about 1min to do that. And if i press study room it takes another 1min and if i click on a stidy room it takes another 1min and chats they are quite slow as it takes about 2 mins for the message to go and come. So please fix this issue

Aal. S. Feb 28, 2021     

Love this! Would be great if you could set a template image for your timer though, it would get into studygram and study twt. Also, would be nice if there was VOIP functions in the chat and a bit of personalization! It's a great app

Lol. Feb 11, 2021     

Love the idea, however severely basic interface, lacking so many features, if it wasn't for other students studying I'd be discouraged to use it, can't even upload a photo or have a pomodoro timer integrated into the app, this app can be so much better ik it.

Naz. S. Sep 1, 2021     

There is no option to record the study time of each subject separately in its own room. For example, I can not separate the time for studying language from the time for college and both are shown in each other's room

Bas. M. Sep 23, 2021     

Firstly, thank you for the update, the magic wand feature next to the admin name is beautiful, and also a very good holiday option, but I actually have three things that will make it a perfect application hope to see in the new update 1- Fixing the problem of adding personal profile photo, so now I can't set one. 2- Enabling the admin to delegate others to the board and group tasks, i.e. adding other admins. 3- Expanding the message field, where I can delete, quote or send stickers.

Al. H. Jul 24, 2020     

An inquiry : What’s the function of burning mode? I am very happy to find this app. It triggers me to study much. It helps me to study competitively with other students. Now I study much than before, Alhamdulillah. Thanks to all the developers of this app. I haven't found any issues with this app. Also I have to say that it is the best study app I have ever get benefitted from. I recommend it highly to every student. Best of luck everyone 🙂🙂🙂🙂

Adi. K. Jan 30, 2021     

Best App Made Perfectly. Now coming straight to the point only faulty in this app is we can't control timer from notification, can't mute notifications of chats from group. Add notification control panel and this app will be just Epic..

Tan. Jul 31, 2021     

Good app for group studies.But one star because, 1. I am not able to upload my profile pic. 2. I tried to send photo on a group and it did not go. It kept on loading. Now I am not even able to delete it and also I am not able to send any chat further and also not able to see chats sent by them. Fix this and I will update my review to 5 stars.

PZX. Aug 31, 2020     

Can you guys please bring the timer in the notification bar so we don't need to open the app again and again for stopping or starting the timer. It's really annoying. Thanks.

Gap. Jan 7, 2020     

I Would give it 10 stars if i could.!! Because This app made me study!! Means, competitve based education. I compete with my class mate .as a result we both Improved Soo Much..... Thank you very much.. MUST DOWNLOAD IF YOU WANNA STUDY. And important on choosing ur team mate. Thank you for free Grouping. Hey what does the ash highlighted time means? ❤❤❤❤❤ ⛤⛤⛤⛤⛤⛤⛤⛤⛤⛤

Luc. B. Feb 23, 2022     

App is great but give support for landscape mode can't open study rooms in that mode. And also give option to make co leaders.

Rez. E. Aug 10, 2019     

it's a really good app but only if u could make being able to chat optional for study group it would be great, i don't want my students to start talking to each other and distracte each other, thank you!

Chr. P. V. Jul 17, 2020     

Perfect app. Easy to use. Perfect groups. Loved it a lot.............. Edit... The problems are fixed now.... There are adss... Thats not a big issue... I love this app

edo. r. a. r. May 20, 2021     

Very worst appp itt asks email either I entered my correct email address but it doesn't works... actually I I'll doesn't give any stars but I t not there...worst app I didn't see. Ever..😠😠

Ans. B. Aug 23, 2020     

It is really helpful and motivating for students . Just the visual appeal of the app can be improved .

sum. b. May 24, 2021     

Please bring back that tea icon while on a break and the book icon while studying. If possible then please allow to state in what time that person will be back from the break. Thanks for the day off update.My study mate app timer is not working since I updated it, Please resolve

Rid. K. Oct 24, 2020     

I can't able to dicuss in group my msg are not going it's juat loading even here is good range and I have sended this feedback it's gone it means msg are sended on other app but not on this it's just load since a day I have tried much time install and uninstaall app but since same load when I discuss something I can't able to others msg and mine also not going whats the hell problm this plzz ctlrct it I have even check setting all is good plzz check it aout and fix this prblm overall grt app🤩🥇

Bat. May 6, 2021     

It was great until today I've installed the new update and suddenly recieved a massege says "The unicorns have taken over.." I can't study without this amazing app but I need to know if there's anything wrong with the new update🙁

Pur. S. Jun 11, 2021     

My login problem has resolved but now messages are not sending. APP has bugs. Please look into this. It would be a great help

Lin. S. Nov 5, 2020     

It's a great app but from 2 days I am facing problem with timer When I start a new day it starts from 3 hours so I couldn't get my right time of study. Please fix it.i have reinstalled it but the problem remains

Rid. k. Aug 17, 2020     

Its really good but here u should even add that option of add task according to me and some changes in group design i mean perfectly arranged data

kan. p. Dec 3, 2020     

It would be better if we can stop the timer from the notification itself. It's time consuming to go back and open the open to stop the timer.

CA. F. J. Apr 4, 2021     

Very usefull app for group studies.... Can you plz add this feature that if we have by mistake left the timer on while we are not studying then that time can be deleted from our total time studied?

Ana. M. Mar 2, 2021     

New features like study hours graphs, pie-chart, goal-achieved or under achieved, ranking in group & so on could be added.