• STYR 1
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  • STYR 4


Create your own customized vitamins, proteins and electrolytes using our patent-pending app. It seamlessly connects with our own range of wearable and fitness devices or it syncs up with many others such as FitBit or Jawbone. Combine your motion, activity and environmental data with our science-validated research to create personalized nutritional products as unique as you are.

This app uses background Bluetooth connectivity to sync up with STYR devices.

Category : Health & Fitness

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Reviews (30)

Ver. B. Jan 15, 2019     

It's ok. I'm pretty sure the associated step tracker is inaccurate and it's nutrition score is definitely inaccurate. The nutrition score doesn't seem to track some of the vitamins at all. For instance, regardless of the number of carrots I track, I still seem to be deficient in vitamin A. this may change if you upgrade to the premium service. I only use the free version. On the positive side, the journal function makes it quick and easy to log food and exercise.

A. G. u. Jan 2, 2019     

Have issue with Bluetooth connection between tracker and app. also, sometimes the connection between the app and the scale works and sometimes does not. much of the time, it does not. have read other tennis here and Facebook and others experiencing the same thing. The concept is good, scale, by itself is good, and tracker is good, fairly accurate. However, the teacher does not allow you to see previous day's numbers. And scale does not display things like muscles mass. Need the app for that.

Man. D. Dec 26, 2018     

The app worked great and I was very happy with my purchase. I download the update on the app on Dec. 17th. Now my tracker does not connect to the app no matter what I do. I've already tried contacting support, but all I get back are emails with checklists, and to update to the newest version. I've already done everything including completely uninstalling the app, reinstalling, and restarting my phone. It still will not connect.

Son. G. Dec 19, 2018     

I do not like the upgrade. The old version had challenges you could take which made it fun. This app is just logging in your food, drink, calories, steps etc. and that's it. Kind of boring. It has articles and ability to journal moments and share with friends, which I'll never do. Bring the challenges and little rewards/trophies back. Motivate me!

Mal. G. Jan 3, 2019     

I was really hopeful about this. I have the tracker, scale, and water bottle. the scale is my favorite. the tracker is basic and that's fine. the bottle never tracks my intake. even after 4 refills it says I'm at 5% (or less) for the day. the app is pretty worthless since you cannot enter in your own food. I couldn't even enter in a burger from a well known fast food chain.

Taw. Y. Jan 10, 2019     

The app is so complicated I cant even figure out how to use it. I dont know if the device is synchronizing to the app, and I can't find a help screen to get instructions, which means the "tracker" is little more than a rechargeable sports watch. It gives me a "daily nudge" - a daily inspirational quote - which I can only see pieces of on my notification screen and can't find anywhere in the app. The app offers a subscription that will "unlock 100s of additional features;" useless.

Jc. G. Dec 24, 2018     

I'm at a loss. The company updated the app and it has managed to provide less information than it did before. The dashboard is nicer and I like the interface options. However, the main reason i switched was because i wanted a scale that would track more than just my weight. Is tracking the other information only in the Premium upgrade now?

Dav. B. Nov 30, 2018     

This is my review of the app. My personal reflection. The print is too small and I think that is because the screen is too busy. There is so much on the first screen. I compared it to Carb Manager which is a program that I use. I don't think the app is that intuitive. When I look at it, I have no idea that you can press the S and get an additional menu. You don't get the impression from the start screen that you can scroll up. I missed a gear on the right side of the start screen that allows to you make changes to what is visible. One more thing, I hit the back button on my S8 and the app closes. I would have and continue to think that the app would take me to the start screen or the previous screen viewed. The app is always selling you. From the start screen, you have a constant message to upgrade to SPlus. You get plenty of it in the Fuel section. I'm finding that this device is not compatible with other programs. I use Carb Manager and I can import information from Fitbit, Garmin, and Google Fit. I can't do that with this program. I concur with another user that food logging is not very good. I have yet to figure out if I can add my own recipes.

Pet. K. Dec 19, 2018     

There's a bunch of things wrong/needed: app needs a feedback or contact option. apparently with the update (I only had it a week and it was completely changed), data logged previously was lost. I can't connect to the tracker (I haven't even tried the scale again). the food input doesn't allow for manual input of calories/nutritional data--only verbal input & loads its inaccurate data. i hope changes are made to keep this app relevant.

Jes. H. Nov 26, 2018     

After two weeks- So far, so good. The app is fairly straightforward and easy to use. It combines with the manufacturer's wrist-worn activity tracker, water bottle (that tracks your daily water consumption), and body weight scale. The app it's free, the tracker, scale and water bottle are not. Additional feedback to come.

She. A. Nov 25, 2018     

I spent almost $60 to get the scale and the water bottle with the "free" activity tracker. The water bottle AND scale both won't sync with the app. I can't even add them. It just says that I cannot add the current device at this time and to turn my Bluetooth off and on if I think it's an error. It isn't a problem with my phone's Bluetooth though, because both of the devices show up under available devices if I go to my Bluetooth settings. Why won't the app that's built for these devices recognize them? And there is literally NO HELP OPTIONS. So basically, everything I paid for is useless. The only device that linked up with the app is the activity tracker, which is WAY off on the things it tracks. Don't waste your money.

Dan. B. Dec 23, 2018     

works great with the STYR scale to track weight. bluetooth water bottle is ok - the tracking seems inaccurate and i regularly log my own water consumption. the food diary is a great concept but fails to accurately track anything. before the recent update i had an easier time adding supplements and searching for food items. now it is nearly impossible! few of the barcodes are recognized and there is no way to add barcodes for items i regularly consume.

Mic. L. Jan 2, 2019     

All data is gone, won't sync, and is basically useless. Adding that even after the end of year "fix" of recent update issues, I still cannot get it to sync without removing the tracker and restarting the app...which means each day I lose the previous day's info. As someone else mentioned, it's basically a timekeeping pedometer.

Jam. D. Dec 25, 2018     

The idea of tracking and supplements is good, accuracy not so much. Most of the UPC codes I scanned went unrecognized. Water consumption and steps recorded inaccurately. And you have to pay for an expensive Bluetooth water bottle that doesn't function well and a Premium fee for all this fail. The point of a fitness tracker for me is to accurately record my steps and sleeping habits and unfortunately this doesnt do it. It feels like beta software that has been pushed out to the paying public.

Amy. M. Dec 31, 2018     

I bought the tracker and scale. I received two scales and no tracker. A few days later I finally got the tracker and neither device will connect via bluetooth. The app just spins looking for devices. I managed to get the tracker to appear in my bluetooth settings, but it still does not show up in the app. and there were no directions in any of the packages. hmmmmm 12/31 tracker connects only when on charger and scale only if I stood on it. Neither will sync

Jef. L. Dec 20, 2018     

Went from a 5 star to a 1 star with the new update and this after I bought the equipment!!! The update is terrible as most of the tabs do not seem to work. plus I lost all my data from the previous version. All that hard work I wanted to share with my Doctor is gone and no way to recover it. oh well I guess I will have.to look elsewhere. what ever happened to Beta testing before going live with a major update from a select number of users to go thru the paces, that's what I was taught!!!!!

Min. S. Dec 23, 2018     

If I could give this less than one star now I would. This app is constantly missing step data for me. Entire days! really frustrating because it means I fail challenges left and right. I will be switching brands/trackers after the new year. I had high hopes for the app make over and am severely disappointed especially because I paid for premium!

Eri. B. Jan 27, 2019     

DO NOT GET THIS PRODUCT/APP! The app changed so you have to pay extra for everything that seemed included. The bottle does not sync to the app. Their customer support was not helpful in any way. I had to pay to return my order because of an error on their end and they did nothing to fix it. I am also unable to request a refund via the site because of the error of the return. I am very displeased with the whole experience and fully recommend not using this app or their product.

Jac. S. Apr 5, 2019     

my app continues to shut down and close when Im adding food...I just downloaded the app 15 min ago and only have it synced. So far I haven't been able to do much since it continues to shut down. I am a bit frustrated and unimpressed. I hope this app can improve! it seems like a great concept. I will continue to comment as it progresses or stays the same.

Sal. G. Nov 20, 2018     

Some of the items I scan seem to have incorrect nutrition facts, and you can't seem to edit it. Also, saw fruits or vegetables- like avocado- don't have a real serving size option. Overall app is really easy to use, but it would be nice if I didn't get adds for things I already have- like the scale...

Pea. L. Sep 3, 2019     

Well I have been using this for a day. Adding food is always glitching,changes. woke excited to see my sleep on the tracker but I guess it doesn't show any info on that! but I had a twenty dollar one before this that did better !! so I am not sure if I will keep using this or go back to the other one. I was interested in the pregnancy information that's been updated but I can't even figure out how to adjust any settings like that or if they have a postpartum period to help with nursing moms.

nat. g. Apr 16, 2019     

This app has been underwhelming to say the least. It started out as iffy but then they changed the app up quite a bit and everything was okay. It now has a very nice look to it but it also doesn't sync with anything now so it's completely useless. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling it but that did nothing. It's also unfortunate that Styr can't be linked with Google, which I think would be its saving grace.

Jod. R. Mar 17, 2019     

I previously gave this app 1 star because I couldn't get it to sync and I couldn't get support to return my emails. Apparently many others had the same problem, but it appeared to get fixed yesterday. UPDATE: app is back to not syncing. I've been just using the tracker to keep track steps without the app but has suspected it was overestimating steps. I wore both this and a friends fitbit fir a day and this showed nearly 30% more steps.

Jon. W. Jan 4, 2019     

updates downgraded app. i preferred the interface prior to the recent updates. entry of food items was easier and more intuitive. I personally would prefer to type stuff in and not speak it. Also, search is more difficult. Don't like the automatic entry when I search for something

Dav. R. Dec 28, 2018     

I'm happy to say the app's syncing issues are now fixed. The new UX is a big improvement, and I like being able to add to the journal by typing a narrative. All steps that weren't syncing have also now synced to the app (a couple weeks worth of data).

Kas. Z. Mar 14, 2019     

Mediocre overall. I liked the idea of having steps, water, exercise and food all tracked in one app. The step counter overestimates significantly, the nutrition counter is terrible in crements. If you eat half of something good luck getting it to allow you to edit to show your actual nutrition information unless you enter it all by hand which is tedious.

Tam. W. Jan 16, 2019     

update: still isn't working with my phone, doesn't recognize my subscr & syn fails. I deleted and got the new 4. with 7 octagon. I think this will be great with a little more work. I'm keeping fit tracker and the app. Im unsubscribing though. It keeps track of my weight, my calories, steps and my hydration. They also sell a water jug that has bluetooth and a scale. I love the workout videos and advise I get within the app.

Kit. K. Aug 30, 2021     

This App used to be great before they updated in December 2018. they claim it was streamlining but they removed features such as syncing with google fit and apple health. Made it much more difficult to re-add devices. if it can see it this app will add the device but tell you it is still paired with another device. you then have to remove it to add it again. this will never be fixed either because Styr Labs is gone. it's a wonder you can even log into the app anymore. I'm hoping someone will reverse engineer it to allow you to just connect Styr trackers to google fit.

niv. Dec 28, 2018     

I was absolutely thrilled when I checked in and found STYR had an app that would download to my older phone. Enthusiasm smashed when I went to open it and got the "has stopped" notif every time I tried to open it, even after restarts. Anyone else able to run it? Is it just me? EDIT 12.28.18 The new update didn't just fail to make it run. It created a flood of "has stopped" notifs I had to fight through to uninstall it. Essentially rendered my phone unusable. Would give 0 stars if I could.

rlm. Dec 17, 2018     

When I first downloaded it the app was confusing enough but was able to figure out as I went along. Could scan food, enter info. Today it insisted on an update and I think I'm ready to get a refund and return my order. Why keep something you can't use the way you first were able to. Very disappointing.