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Sunrise Alarm

"Sunrise Alarm" calculates the exact sunrise time based on your location and wakes you up at sunrise.
Other Features :
- Alarm Tone option
- Increasing Volume Alarm
- Alarm Offset (x minutes before or after sunrise)
- Snooze Duration
- Force Snooze
- Exclude Days of the week

Category : Productivity

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Reviews (26)

Wya. F. Nov 12, 2020     

It works great! I set a wakeup song, and use it to help make sure I'm out the door in time to be in my hunting stand before daylight. I would like having the option to choose other definitions of "sunrise", to me it's "first light" which is about half an hour before the app's "sunrise". More than 120 minutes in either direction would be good, since I have to be heading out the door when the alarm is going off. Maybe just an "enter minutes" option instead. Multiple alarms would be great, too.

Chr. T. Jul 22, 2021     

It stopped working. I've changed so many settings every night but it never goes off the next day. I'm so sad about this. I had the app on my old phone and loved it. It had great timing when it worked. This time, when I downloaded it I even paid for the upgrade trusting it would deliver but it sadly has never turned on since.

M. W. Oct 13, 2019     

Just so wonderful to wake with the early morning light and be up in time to see the pink blush of sunrise. I love that i can use my own music- to make it less disturbing for other family members- Brahms is quite gentle to wake up to. This app is very simple to use, except that it took me a while to figure out i had to disable the alarm before i could alter how many minutes before (or after) sunrise - kind of non-intuitive, but still simple to use. I love it.

Sim. A. C. Oct 25, 2018     

Simple and easy to use because any functionality is part of the paid version. Great...when it works. I just want to get up as the sun starts rising but have now been late twice because it failed to sound any alarm.

Sto. E. Sep 29, 2018     

I wanted to use this to warm me to go sleep 9 hours before sunrise. However, the offset can only be a maximum of 2 hours. This is such a pointless arbitrary limitation, and it makes the app useless for me. If you fix this issue (allowing a maximum of 12 hours offset in either direction would be the most logical) I'll re-review.

Kev. Q. Feb 10, 2021     

Got this to see if it could function like a desktop sunrise alarm, and let me tell you, the one thing it does really well is take up space on my phone. Hasn't gone off once. Not even late. At least then I could've chalked it up to user error, but nope - nothing. Nada. Zilch. Very disappointed 😔

Bri. C. Jun 4, 2020     

I've had this app for several days now, the alarm hasnt gone off once. Maybe I have to tweek some settings? I've been trying to figure it out... its frustrating, because I never know if what I did will finally have worked until the next morning when I realize that it didnt. I would love this app if it worked..

Ifa. Mar 19, 2020     

The app used to work just fine, and it was great. I'm not sure what happened, but the alarms no longer go off. The work around they tried to implement hasn't changed anything. Please fix this, it's a nice concept

Bop. S. Sep 9, 2019     

This app has 1 core function ... to sound the alarm at set time. It does not do that. Epic fail! What is the purpose if an alarm if it doesn't make any sound.

Dav. A. Feb 27, 2019     

Doesn't work! It goes off randomly HOURS after sunrise, if it does at all. Also, it should allow typing a city name or zip code in, instead of forcing GPS permissions.

leo. k. Dec 31, 2018     

It demands access to photos, files and media!! Really? Gps and audio would be expected but PHOTOS and files? Why exactly? Very disappointed because I was happy to have found the app I needed. Such a shame..

Tho. D. Aug 9, 2020     

Great app that allows users to set a time to get up and out the door at sunrise for morning activities such as walking or running. At least it was working OK. I am concerned about the reviews I just read that state the app does not work as expected. Will revisit this review in a week.

Hen. F. Oct 7, 2021     

I stopped working until I realized the app needs to be "not optimized" in the android settings to be able to run in the background... Otherwise simple in use, I like it.

Vin. G. Jul 31, 2020     

This app needs so much improvement. I think developers needs to grow up. If this is an alarm app. It should show alarm time somewhere in the app. But it doesn't. You lost your customer mate. This is just beginning, I'll spend more time on feedback if developers really wants to improve. Not worth paying anyway.

Man. L. V. Dec 25, 2021     

Does what it says on the tin. I use it to be able to take my dogs out at twilight so we dont meet anyone else. I would love it if it included a sunset function so I could use it to remind me to put the chickens away before dusk.

Cou. M. May 1, 2019     

Accurate! Plus, you can choose music from your phone to wake you. Perfect for me! Worth the upgrade

Dav. M. Oct 22, 2018     

Always goes off twice, like dismiss is snooze. It's annoying, would rate higher if fixed.

Nat. C. Mar 9, 2020     

Used this app for months and loved it. It randomly stopped working and now, even with the update, I can't get it to work.

Ran. C. Nov 24, 2018     

Often went off twice within minutes... But not always. Couldn't deal with time zone change. That was no fun two hours before sunrise

Ed. J. May 25, 2019     

I've been wanting something like this for years. Will be great when I retire and can get up with the sun. It's nice that it has the offsets for minutes before or after sunrise too.

Chi. C. Feb 4, 2022     

The offset is only up to 120 minutes, the dev should make it to 6 hours. Hope there will be for sunset too, so I can offset it for my bedtime.

sac. s. Dec 28, 2019     

I purchased it, money has been wasted, it's not working. 1. Detects loaction 2. You can set alarm 3. But alarm doesn't get alarmed

Mik. C. Apr 20, 2019     

Being a photographer this app allows me to wake up, get dressed, make coffee, and get out in time to catch the sunrise. love it.

Spi. A. Sep 28, 2018     

Does what it says. I like the alarm offset feature. Wake up with nature not just at 5am all year!

Mis. T. E. Jul 9, 2019     

just got app. so far it does what I need. will update after abt a week if use. alarm only has a snooze button? hmm

Wil. F. Jan 10, 2020     

Upgraded to Premium and app stopped working. Developers did NOT respond to my emails.