• Super Digestion Moose 1
  • Super Digestion Moose 2
  • Super Digestion Moose 3
  • Super Digestion Moose 4

Super Digestion Moose

Super Digestion Moose
Tap food to eat.Avoid starvation.Beware of laxatives.

If you think it is too hard, try aiming below the food!

Watch PewDiePie play it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3W8ieackaE

Category : Action

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Reviews (28)

Ash. C. May 1, 2022     

I played this game ages ago and loved it! I lost my data when getting a new phone and couldn't find the app again after. But now I can't play it at all. It just sits on the opening screen that says, "powered by unity." Please give this game some updates, it was one of my absolute favorite games!

tsu. Mar 23, 2019     

Definitely has potential. Played this game years ago but the lack (or inexistence) of updates and support is what makes the game suffer. If you spend more time with this, then I guarantee you that this is going to be a satisfying app to play with. Pros: Graphics and Idea. Cons: Repetitive Gameplay, Broken Mechanics, and Lack of Updates.

Uns. Oct 24, 2018     

This game cured my depression. I thought ever since my mom died I wouldn't be able to digestion again, but then I found the super digestion moose and holy super digestion moose this is a life changing experience, I swear I've nutted about 6 times playing this and my God it's hot as balls. The way he eats, the change MmmmmMMMMMM would digestion again

Eva. H. Jun 19, 2019     

Freezes on the logo screen and won't load on galaxy note 9. Or, it takes so long to load that no reasonable person wouldn't uninstall.

Met. C. Mar 17, 2019     

Its hard to tap the small food but other then that im never playing this again it is so gross seeing a moose use the bathroom.

A. G. u. Feb 5, 2019     

I wish I could loose a few pounds that quickly. lol 😂 5 stars just for the extreme wait loss program lol.

Ang. R. May 1, 2020     

Its weird, and funny. Like when he poops. (Mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)

Hai. R. Apr 20, 2020     

Meh this game doesn't really have a point to it plus it's really hard.

Dom. J. Jun 28, 2019     

it needs access to your phone's calling log and number

A. G. u. Feb 26, 2019     

I downloaded this game because I saw Pewdiepie play it. Sub To Pewds

rig. n. Dec 11, 2018     

Love the belly

Ali. D. Mar 29, 2016     

I gave it 2 stars because the game art and design are adorable, and the concept seems fun, but poorly executed. I would have given it less stars if not for those things. I wanted to be able to share this with my friends, but the game play is both hard and boring. It's a one-trick pony, and unfortunately, the cute factor only takes it so far.

Kor. K. Aug 29, 2014     

I downloaded it because of the title. It took a few tries to get good but now that I have the knack it's awesome! Definitely one of my favourite apps. The only thing I don't like about it is that once you eat a mushroom or brown thing you instantly die. I think if you added another item to collect and save that would be like a mushroom antidote it would be perfect. That way you could have the chance to redeem yourself.

Zac. H. Jun 18, 2015     

Frick this game! Hate it so much I wanna kill the creator... people must have pretty boring lives if they always wanna play this crap. It does not even work, it won't let me tap the "food" then the fat idiotic moose does not eat it. FIX IT FATTIES!!

Zez. B. Sep 14, 2014     

I love this game I saw pewdiepie play this game but why he keep pooping while hes walking but cool game I like it and who don't like this game dat mean hes not a bro like pewdiepie peace.

Alo. D. Sep 15, 2014     

Wow I looked for this game cuz pewds playd this its cool. That would be a weird way to lose all that fat.

Mic. V. Sep 17, 2014     

It so great and at the same time funny cause it poo a lot, if you are going to get it don't eat the mushrooms

Ext. M. Nov 7, 2014     

Leaderboard is messed up too many low life cheaters on top please fix oh and food a bit too hard to catch

Tes. K. Nov 13, 2014     

This game is very difficult and somewhat frustrating! But because the moose is so cute, I keep playing. I love it when he talks to me. Hehe. Love the art style, that's always one of the biggest reasons I download an app. I do have one complaint: I don't think you should die right away when you eat a mushroom. Otherwise, completely love it! Keep up the awesome work!

Kay. H. Jan 12, 2018     

This game is very unforgiving. Food falls too fast to hit and the moose starves so fast that you can't afford to miss.

A. G. u. Mar 31, 2018     

The game doesn't really tell you what you do the sounds hurt your ears and the game itself dosent work I do not recommend it I'm uninstalling it right away

All. C. Mar 16, 2017     

I like the game and the concept but I feel like the controls aren't sensitive enough, and you should change the tapping motion to a swiping motion because it feels more natrual. and maybe the food should be a bit bigger. the graphics are amazing as well as design. but you should also consider adding music?

O. F. Sep 18, 2014     

I like it but it is too hard. Please add a easy mode! I would keep playing this but my phone needs empty storage. ^-^ I would recommend this to a friend that likes hard stuff. =P

Tes. A. Sep 4, 2014     

I really love the concept of this game! That's why I rated 5 stars. I have a few bug problems, but I bet they will get fixed any time :)! I saw Pewdiepie playing this game (like most people) so I searched for it, but then I saw it was for Apple only, yet I scrolled down further and I saw you made it for android too so I was relieved! ;D keep up the good work and if you can fix the problems! I have trouble re-trying so I have to start over. Anyway, love it! ;)♥ edit: the new update works perfectly!

Sac. Oct 31, 2017     

Well I loved the game and it's super cute!!! But after reading the other reviews I can see that a lot people from 2014(and not only 2014) commented in this game wanting new characters if you get enough food, but you still have not taken action on the brilliant idea😐I love the game but reivews are left so you can change the game and warn other people, so pls add more characters and even mabie music and a mushroom and rotten apple revive like a green lemon.Pls consider what I'm saying I mean my highscore (54) has to be worth something!!!!!!! Thx for reading.

Rod. A. Jan 25, 2015     

Its a great & funny game but its frustrating & hard to feed the moose. Please make the game easier !

She. F. Aug 22, 2014     

But it gets boring after a wile with only one mode, if it had different modes idk what but different modes, it will deserve one more star for me. ^_^

Luk. K. Jan 26, 2015     

This game is really hard, but it has a moose that poops until it dies, so it's ok.