• Surround App-Weibo in English 1
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Surround App-Weibo in English

Follow Sina Weibo in English, it is your personal channel to expand your social network to China. It’s a full English app assisting non-Chinese readers like you to engage with Chinese social media – beginning with Sina Weibo where you can get a deeper understanding of Chinese culture by staying on top of the first hand news posted by local media, bloggers, celebrities, plus connecting with your business partners, friends and fans in China.
You need a Sina Weibo account to use this app, if you haven’t, we have developed a guide to help you. http://www.surroundapp.asia/how-to-sign-up-for-sina-weibo/

After logging in, you can view your Weibo timeline, check out each post and turn the Chinese post into English by simply tapping the ‘translate’ button. You can also search your friends and interact with them by clicking ‘reply’, ‘repost’ and ‘comment’ on their posts. We will continue to improve the app with more features like Suggestions on who to follow, Image Upload, Slang translation, Human translation, and take it beyond Sina Weibo to Tencent Weibo, WeChat, RenRen, QZone.

Key Features:
• English interface throughout the app
• Viewing your Weibo timeline
• Auto translate Chinese Weibo post into English
• Translation of simplified and traditional Chinese into English by basic machine translation
• Write a post and translate that into Chinese, you can post in both languages.
• Reply, Repost and Comment on Weibo posts in English or Chinese
• Search people 
• Follow/unfollow people

More features on the roadmap:
• Image upload
• Suggestions on who to follow
• Translation of comments
• Slang translation
• Human translation
• Other Chinese social media platforms like Tencent Weibo, WeChat, RenRen, QZone

We are aware on the difficulties in having Chinese machine translated into English, we are not in the market to solve that, but we want to give you some feeling where a post is about. We are working on an enhanced machine translation function.

We are constantly developing and your comments on the current build are very important to us. You can send us feedback in the following ways:
• Tell us your comments here: http://www.surroundapp.asia/feedback/
• Send feedback to us inside Surround App (more…)
• Email us at [email protected]

Have fun following Weibo in English today!www.surroundapp.asia

For the most up-to-date information, please check out our website or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Weibo and Google+

Category : Social

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Reviews (30)

Pau. M. May 9, 2017     

The persistent reviews indicating connection errors going back more than 12 months show that the developers are not in the market to fix those issues which preclude use of this app. However, given difficulty of login through the official Weibo app on Android, and through browsers (Chrome, OperaMini, the native browser - or even through the old Symbian N8 app, that used to work), it is likely that this isn't an issue that can be fixed.

Ken. H. May 19, 2016     

It keep saying off line no connection when i have Internet all the time need to fix it guys. I have read alot of review but look like surround app doesn't care at all they dont want fix it . This is a joke

Stu. M. Jul 21, 2015     

I have a weibo account and have the weibo app installed, but when I click on any of the people I follow, this app says they all have zero followers and zero posts.

Lin. N. Jun 16, 2017     

Same problem as everyone else. No point in downloading / keeping an app that can't even connect to the internet. Weak. DO NOT BOTHER TO DOWNLOAD.

Mat. W. May 22, 2016     

What's wrong with this app? It won't connect. Keeps telling me it's offline and to connect to the internet. Doesn't matter if I try to use wi-fi or normal internet connect, the result is the same. What good is this app if it doesn't work at all? I want to use Weibo, but can't speak Chinese; so this app is my only hope. Please fix the bugs, so that I can use this app. At the moment I can't even create a weibo account, let alone talk to anyone on Weibo. It's very disappointing.

Aal. A. Mar 12, 2016     

Can't rate this app . I try many times to register but failed. So i thought to uninstall this application.

Arj. S. May 24, 2018     

This app has some many bug's that way it doesn't connect . Plz don't waste your time to download this app❌

Kit. K. Jun 9, 2016     

Says to check my internet, that I am not online. But I always am when I try to open this app. Looking at your reviews I am not the only 1 with problem.

A. G. u. Mar 3, 2018     

The first time i even click the app there's no connection already even if I'm connected

Jes. J. Oct 11, 2014     

I tried every way you recommend to sign up. 3 hours later I give up. Its a phone number or nothing and it wouldn't accept mine

A. G. u. Nov 24, 2016     

Why it always say that you need to have a connection while i'm using a connection..i can't open my weibo account because of this..please fix it ..

Chr. P. May 24, 2016     

It always says I'm offline and if it ever connects, it can't refresh, update posts or translate. I guess it's a defunct project now.

Ak. K. May 2, 2016     

It says that Unable to connect, but i have a connection and I can Access other apps that needs Connection..

San. s. S. Aug 21, 2014     

This is me trying out the ice bucket challenge, it is to raise awareness for ALS disease. I have donated as well. Enjoy!

Sha. O. Dec 12, 2014     

Its great. But its too boxes you know. Lack of colour. I hope you can make it colourfull and cheerful. Also, i cannot find person, or read a person weibo. Only that person. I just can update weibo in chinese and read my following weibo in english only in timeline. Please make it great. Please.

Cel. Jul 14, 2016     

Why is that it doesn't allow me to enter and connect to this app. It keeps telling me that I should keep my self online to connect and every time i tap the retry button. Nothing happens. Please fix it. If this bug are fixed then this one would be a great app also.

Fu. K. Sep 2, 2016     

My internet works perfectly but its just not working ... it keeps saying "check your internet conniction ... I hope you'll solve this problem as soon as you can

Lis. H. May 20, 2016     

Can't start app to login anymore, says I have no network when I am on wifi

Yas. E. Oct 11, 2015     

Kindly remove from the market its not nice to waste people time.

Sel. B. Jun 4, 2015     

I can't sign in and also, I tried sample but it doesn't even load anything. I'll keep it for a few days but if it doesn't work, Uninstalling.

Vio. C. Dec 6, 2014     

So many time i try to sign up /sign in.. there always trouble

Ama. Jul 8, 2016     

My network connection is perfectly fine but it keeps saying that I'm offline with no internet connection. I didn't even get to try this app as I can't even start using this. Please fix this!

Joe. B. Oct 28, 2016     

I too can't get it to acknowledge my Internet.

Hnn. A. Oct 8, 2015     

Keeps telling me I am not connected to Internet when I am already online.

Flo. M. Apr 19, 2016     

It says 'Cant connect to the internet' but I am connected and was able to use other apps that needs internet

air. j. Jun 27, 2016     

I wanted to log in my Weibo account to translate some article post on my news feed but it says Off Line Please Check Your Internet Connection Make Sure Your Online then at the bottom there's a try a again button but everytime i click it still the same thing flushes and saying same thing please fix it for i really need it for someone like me who cannot understand and read Chinese but has a Weibo account

Lin. S. May 24, 2016     

It not working for me keep on telling me to connect with the internet when I am already connected

Bil. M. Sep 14, 2016     

Don't think these guys are in business. Unable to connect to internet being reported since late 2015. Don't bother downloading.

Mer. M. Feb 11, 2017     

Why this app doesn't work at all??even if I have an internet connection it says you are offline all the time. So please fix the problem fast.

Jyh. C. Mar 31, 2018     

No internet connections even I am on wifi? This app last updates is 2014. Just don't use this guys. This developer give up this.