• Talking Skeleton !!! 1
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Talking Skeleton !!!

Meet your very own 3D skeleton,customize and name your skeleton.HALLOWEEN SPECIAL
- Extra Keyboard Sounds #1 now only $0.99 instead of $1.99 !!!
Online demo video :
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJcS7pnWDJkFacebook Page :
- https://www.facebook.com/TalkingSkeleton

He/She, repeats anything you say, and can also touched on the head and belly. And throw things at him !

- 5 different modes to try out
- Action Mode
- buttons to try out fun actions and animations with your skeleton
- Playback Mode
- Record and playback your voice using the control buttons
- Music Mode
- Play various tunes using a fun selection of sounds
- Photo Mode
- Take your picture with your skeleton and select different poses using your camera.

Talking Skeleton !!! is hours of laughs for everyone !!!

Category : Entertainment

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Reviews (27)

Joa. M. Nov 6, 2013     

It is not that good an app, for first, it does not repeat what you say clearly or correctly, it doesn't even finish off what you say. This has poor effort put into it and I might uninstall it. I would not recommend this to anyone, so do yourself a favour and don't get this app. ANOTHER problem is that it is hard to click on something. Thanks for reading. :-)

Cal. Mar 13, 2015     

Its awesome and all but I cant get the packs it says you cant get it because there's an update and I got to Google play and there's no update. Otherwise its all good and hilarious

Amb. N. Apr 9, 2014     

I have downloaded talking tom and now I am downloading this app because it looks interesting and i hope it doesn't make me sad.

Mel. H. Apr 13, 2013     

This looks like fun, but unfortunately it won't even get past the loading page and force closes. Sad.

joy. u. Aug 8, 2014     

And I can't dowbload it beacause my phonr is broken I have no games and I will just dowload it and I can't but when I watched it it looks good and I will have fun :) I'll try next time

A. G. u. Jun 18, 2014     

1 too scary. 2 too boring. 3 it freaks the heck out of me

Cha. S. Apr 8, 2014     

Really disappointed was so excited to have this guy but it wont load all the way , it freezes up at the beginning stage ... errrrrr been trying to clean phone storage and other stuff but so far so nooooo =( goooo

Mak. B. Aug 10, 2014     

Hi ppls hmm I say kinda well because its got alot of space that's like the same as my talking tom so yeah bye

Riy. K. Aug 27, 2013     

It's makes me sad because it doesn't downloadk

Adr. B. Jan 7, 2014     

I love this app , but when I try to exit the app , it won't exit , so I try to turn it off , and when I entered the app it started to load like usual , but it still does the same thing . You can download this app , but I would only give it 4 stars , you can give the app 5 stars . In till then I will find out the problem .

Dea. P. Oct 30, 2014     

Skeleton is cute but background flicks and twitches so fast it gives me a headache. Fun idea but needs work.

Deb. A. Mar 8, 2014     

Tug y Bruton Hey tong^tuff\\backslash a Zaza AZ NOT, but the best. If I could gets to you by email or its attachments, may not know the 88uhihbhjhujji video of it is. It will take a moment. I'm a bit more about it and the rest, I think it was

Sha. S. Oct 26, 2013     

As everyone knows I love Monster high so this app is freakishly fabulous for me ...

Han. T. Jun 21, 2014     

I have this on my old phone and I play it on my new phone a lot it is fun!! It is like talking Tom

Lor. S. Jul 22, 2013     

PPL dont wast ur time.

Ash. H. Jul 11, 2014     

The skeleton won't repeat what I say. Looks fun, but it will not talk back. Please fix this.

dav. c. Jan 12, 2014     

Very poor I dont like this stupid app

Lex. L. Jan 29, 2014     

I think it's a little scary I'm scared of a lot of things

Kay. H. Apr 18, 2014     

I would doneload it love yal:-D

Des. L. Jun 1, 2014     

it is scary because my little sister is scary of it and it funny

Wil. N. Dec 23, 2014     

Bought the packs, but can't open it to use it, also stopped talking

Ang. M. Feb 22, 2014     

I never tried this before but I know this is going to be great. .

Ton. B. Jan 29, 2014     

Now I don't have to deal with him

luc. b. Mar 15, 2014     

Vastig of time very bad theam

Agn. C. Dec 10, 2013     

I hate this app as it is stupid

NAW. A. K. Apr 24, 2015     

a great app from flystore its very funny

sha. k. Dec 20, 2013     

I LOVE it very much thanks for giving this app in play store