• Tehillim Together: Worldwide Tehillim Campaigns 1
  • Tehillim Together: Worldwide Tehillim Campaigns 2
  • Tehillim Together: Worldwide Tehillim Campaigns 3
  • Tehillim Together: Worldwide Tehillim Campaigns 4

Tehillim Together: Worldwide Tehillim Campaigns

Tehillim (Psalms) Together: where the ancient power of prayer is harnessed by modern technology's ability to unite people across the globe.

Instantly create and share Tehillim campaigns, then complete your Tehillim from the stunning Sefer Tehillim included in the app.

Features include:

*Quickly start a Tehillim prayer campaign (Tehillim groups) for a loved one

*Share with people whom you would like to join the campaign

*Update the status of the person in need of prayers

*See how many times Tehillim was completed for campaign

*Personal Tehillim stats

*Sefer Tehillim with: interlinear translation; search by: chapter, day, tikkun klali, segulot.

*Audio recording of each chapter of Tehillim

*General sick person list: add a name, or read for current list of names

Category : Social

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Reviews (13)

A. G. u. Mar 18, 2019     

I I've been looking for an app like this for so long that reads the chapters out loud! I love that there is the transliteration as well right underneath!!! this is phenomenal!! thank you to whoever took the time to put this together, BH I'll be saying much more tehilim now!!

Alf. R. May 30, 2022     

It is really awesome,I can practice here my pronunciation and reading..Baruch hashem!!!!

Adi. H. Aug 11, 2020     

Great Tehillim App.however it say not avilable to open and check my internet..i have internet and it will still Not open. Can it be fixed somehow? Thanks

Law. A. May 17, 2022     

I use this app on my phone, but am disappointed that there's no wat to get it to work on my tablet. To the developers, any way of making that happen? R Lawrence Austen

A. G. u. Jan 3, 2019     

Clean, clear app motivates you to say more Tehillim.

RUS. Y. May 18, 2020     

Excellent ! I love it and also the companion app : Real clear Daf . Please check them out . I sincerily believe you will be more than happy you have . Shalom to all . Boruch Hashem !!!

eli. f. Apr 14, 2021     

One the best apps I have. It's a blessing!

Eli. I. Aug 6, 2020     

Shalom i want to login again but i cant access can you help me .please. toda raba..........

A. G. u. Jan 1, 2019     

they were are very helpful

A. G. u. Jul 24, 2018     

A beautiful and powerful app. Please use it and start your own campaign in time of need and participate for people you don't know.

Mei. H. May 11, 2020     

Beautiful layout.

A. G. u. Feb 7, 2018     

Amazing, one of the ways technology is being used out in a meaningful way!

A. G. u. Dec 19, 2017     

Great Layout - nice and easy to use!