• Teresópolis TV 1
  • Teresópolis TV 2

Teresópolis TV

Channel 13 - Teresopolis TV, was born of the need to show teresopolitanos and visitors, all this beautiful city has to offer.

Education, Tourism, Culture, Service Delivery, Public Utility and information are our goals.

Teresopolis is a city with a fantastic cuisine, fine inns and hotels, natural attributes unique one of the least violent cities in Brazil, with a peaceful and orderly people, and this has to be shown and valued.

REPORT 13 in 3 minutes; SHOP 13 - OPPORTUNITIES, AND OFFERS BUSINESS; Virtual real estate; AUTO-SHOP; PLACES AWESOME, CURIOUS THINGS ... are some of our attractions.

We keep a serious informative, bringing viewers the news of the day-to-day Teresopolis, Brazil and the World. Cultural Agenda and Weather; Information on our principal tourist attraction and more.

Thinking of becoming increasingly accessible our content, we invested in a website - WWW.TERESOPOLISTV.COM.BR where programming will be broadcast live via streaming video services, including link to Smart TV and the possibility of installing a APP for faster and light access for mobile devices.

We are in the AR 24 hours a day. We want to have you as our viewer, critic and partner.

Category : Communication

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