• The Escapists: Prison Escape 1
  • The Escapists: Prison Escape 2
  • The Escapists: Prison Escape 3
  • The Escapists: Prison Escape 4

The Escapists: Prison Escape

The Escapists, you’ve done the crime but can you survive and do the time? The Escapists is a unique prison escape sandbox game where you get to experience a life behind bars and barbed wire fences. You’ve had a life of crime but now you’re caught. With thrilling and immersive gameplay, you need to create an escape route in a world of other prisoners and ruled by routine.

From roll call to lights out, you’re banged up. There’s no get out of jail free card in this game, you need to break out. Are you up for the challenge or are just going to sit there in your cell? You need all your wits and skill to bust out. No walls are going to hold you, you need to escape!

While under the careful watch of the guards, you’ll need to get used to prison life while you use strategy and daring to swipe useful objects from under their noses. Make innocent looking items into useful tools like shovels for cunning escape plans or handy weapons to survive in a fight.

Escaping requires cunning, strategy, the right equipment and staying at least two steps ahead of the guards. Bribe and fight your way through the prison ranks. If your fellow prisoners like you enough, recruit them and create your own gang. You might even take over a prison! The guards are out to stop any escape attempts, so you’ll have to avoid suspicious behaviour by attending roll calls, working a prison job and hiding your stolen contraband.

The Escapists is a thrilling sandbox strategy prison simulator that challenges you to bust out in a number of different ways. You want to break free but you're banged up and you need to escape! How you survive and do that is up to you, but when you’re out of your cell, a rigid daily schedule is designed to keep you in line. You're expected to work at one of several jobs during the day, exercise and showers are mandatory.


• Addictive prison simulator game, steal spoons and forks, use them to dig a tunnel out of your cell.

• Over 6 themed prisons, try to escape from minimum security jails or fearsome big houses like Alcatraz.

• Find, steal and trade items to create dozens of crafting combinations to aid your escape

• Use the exercise yard to increase your strength, handy for scaling walls.

• Find other prisoners to trade swag with, you’ll need duct tape, a screwdriver or nail files.

• Dodge contraband detectors. if you pass through one with contraband in your pocket, the heat meter rises to 99 percent.

• Adapt to life behind the steel doors with prison routines and jobs and master the game's six penitentiaries, there are three extra prisons waiting to be challenged.

• Push yourself to survive and increase your strength, speed, and intellect. There are multiple ways to break out and escape, you just need to find them.t need to find them.

The Escapists is tough game, just like jail. Can you dig a tunnel right under the walls of the prison? Or even steal a guard uniform to blend in with your captors? Addictive and tense, it’s a real challenge to escape your first prison. Commit a few inside crimes, there are dozens of items to find, steal and smuggle. Some are contraband you can sell or trade for more useful gear. Create clever makeshift weapons and tools, a bar of soap in a sock is useful in a fistfight.

Materials purchased or "borrowed" from your fellow inmates are used to craft tools and other items like wires, a bottle of bleach, a piece of timber, a bar of chocolate, a plastic comb, and much more. If you’re smart enough, you’ll figure out ways to make your escape. There are dozens of items to find and use to get out of your cell, including a pickaxe, wire cutters, zip lines and more.

The Escapists is an addictive strategy prison simulator game that challenges you to break out of jail. Don’t be a prisoner, be an Escapist!

Download The Escapists today, it would be a crime not to. You can’t check out and you can never leave, unless you have an escape plan…



Category : Strategy

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Reviews (22)

teh. g. d. Jan 18, 2020     

it's amazing and really fun, my only problem is I'm not good at it and I can never get pass shankton (3rd map I think) but I still love the game, I like to just wait for a long time perfecting different strategies, but I often get quite frustrated and end up uninstalling, but that just means I get to redo to progress and try new routes. currently looking at the tunneling one, that was my plan for shankton last timeanyway... anyway, it's great, I love it, you should get it to person reading this!

Hai. W. Sep 1, 2019     

This is an amazing app and I have played it for about a year. The only thing I have noticed is that sometimes it glitches. One time 2 guards froze and I needed ones key but they were frozen. Only them. Other than that all I have noticed is that in jingle cells the metalshop job is glitched. I couldn't do the job because I couldn't reach the pressing machine no matter what I tried. Otherwise it's a great game. I totally recommend it.

Der. 2. Dec 5, 2021     

Oddly enough, I feel this game controls better on mobile than on the console and vice versa with its sequel. The game is extremely enjoyable, escaping the prison in the least amount of days. You learn to get acquainted with the guards and the schedule to try and formulate the perfect plan. Fun to play and control. Worth your money for sure.

Anc. Feb 17, 2021     

The gameplay itself is amazing, and the graphics make me feel like I'm playing a classic bit-type game. The only thing bad about it that I despise is that the more prisoners there are, the lower the fps drops. It's really frustrating, and I can barely play the 3rd and 4th map without it dropping frames.

Gal. Z. May 23, 2020     

This game is absolutely great. I have a few fixes and I know there is an escapist 2 but I just wanna say that I think you should make the workout buttons bigger, and that there is a glitch when you are too fatigued to read. It doesn't let you interact with anything until you have enough energy to read and when you do by going to the shower or restarting the game the first thing you interact with no matter what it is you will read. Pls fix and other than that this game is great and I highly recom

Jak. B. Dec 3, 2018     

Has some great ideas but frustrating execution. Most of the game mechanics aren't explained. Lost about an hour of progress because of it when a prisoner hit me and stole 2 keys that I had spent an hour obtaining. The game auto saved immediately. These little frustrations are commonplace. The juice wasn't worth the squeeze at that point.

Edw. S. Oct 24, 2018     

Nice and unique game concept, gameplay is simple too. Lotsa way to escape, lots of item to craft to help the character escape. I hope you enable player to gang up on guards with other inmate like I see in other version soon. (I saw it on youtube). Also a sorting system for craftable item recipe and a reliable saving system (not only auto-save) would be helpful.

Mar. Dec 28, 2018     

Was really looking forward to this but the controls are really sloppy paired with the rest of the world working really fast. Everybody runs everywhere, super annoying to catch up to people just to know their name to see if you somehow lucked out by finding the person you are looking for. You have no idea where everything is, aside from when the green arrow tells you. No percievable way to map things out, where people are and where to start with your escape. Sadly confusing and boring.

Jon. P. Mar 16, 2022     

I'm changing my review from a 1 star to a 5. The issue with my newer device not being able to run this game has been fixed! I completely forgot to fix the review... The game itself is fun. No ads, no bs, all strategy and fun. I enjoy this game greatly and the wide variety of options the player has to escape. Great game, keep them coming! :)

Jos. F. Apr 6, 2020     

The gameplay is pretty fun and includes quality of life improvements the original PC version needed. However, the game's controls are difficult to come by, and longer you play, the more you'll come to realize that it's riddled with annoying, inconvenient bugs.

Dra. X. Feb 19, 2019     

Hi! I really enjoy the game a ton. But I have a big issue, several bugs. Big issue ones (fixed with reload) - Unlockable hints not beeing able to purchase even though I have more than enough money required - Everysingle character but myself stuck, not beeing able to move at all - Permanently framedrops to 1, skips ~3secs But the worst one, constantly happening: - Heat raises when guards see you even when I participate the daily routine. Unfortunately unplayable at jungle prison.. ( Thx for fix )

A. G. u. Feb 24, 2019     

The game is very enjoyable and it's hard to get bored while playing it but there's a few reasons why I think it could be better. 1 there is still no multi tool which Is weird because you added it in to the PC version so please could you add it for mobile. 2 the cutlery goes down in two hits while on the PC the cutlery takes more hits to break. besides the game is really good so keep it up ;)

ZER. Feb 6, 2021     

The game is great everything works fine for me however if there will be an update I will recommend adding an option for turning off auto punching. Also when the auto punching is on, you cant bait prisoners out which is kind of annoying. Please make the fights take longer to have that escapist rpg style . Also please fix the fact that you can't fix "sturdy..." tools.

Pat. J. S. Jan 26, 2019     

Great game, love it, great replay value. My only problem is an awful bug. If you are at roll call when you should be, you shouldn't get in trouble. When guards walk past however, they raise my heat as if I am wandering around. This has gotten me up to 80 guard heat from 0 and is hurtful to some escapes. Please fix. Thanks!

Rid. Jan 20, 2022     

Too many issues for me to find enjoyable sadly. What persists through mobile and PC in both 1 and 2 is your heat rising while literally walking to the schedule as you pass a guard. It's infuriating because you can't do anything about it. There's nowhere you can hide waiting for heat to drop, again in any version I've seen; one misclick can ruin ALL your progress. Having to move my character slightly every. time. I browse the net. At least skill building is easier than PC on 1.

A. G. u. Mar 31, 2019     

Finally beat the game and I love it. i love this game and it brings a lot of potential for other titles like this. it may need to chill with solitary a little but overall this game was the best paid game ever. I really think it's worth the money. The computer version, (the escapists 2) is better but for an android game this is top notch. the amount of stuff you can do makes this game 90% better. I loved to cause havoc in the cafeteria. I feel this game has the skill to be on a console!!!

win. Apr 30, 2019     

One of the most fun mobile games out there. Is there a way that you could incorporate 1 level from the Escapists 2 into this? I don't feel like spending more money, but I've seen people play the Escapists 2 and it looks awesome, and I definitely would have bought the second one instead of this but I got this before the second one was out, and the second one is like this one but (somehow) better!

Red. Feb 3, 2019     

i would give this game a 5 star, the game the game is addictive just like the pc version. but its extremely laggy and sometimes crashes. i was playing the game normally and it suddenly crashed and when i try to open the game and play it all i see is a black screen. please acknowledge this, i can't play the game and its really enjoyable.

Tre. Nov 12, 2021     

Played 10 mins and have to say there some problems. 1. The resolution does not fit my phone screen size and you can't change it. Also parts of the sides of the screen are cut off. And it's like there's 2 of the same games on top of each other but the bottom one is a little bigger. Its weird to explain. 2. Gets very laggy/drops frames when there's a lot going on screen. Fighting gets laggy making it a little hard to fight someone too. Even if it's just one guy. Unplayable do not recommend.

Lil. P. Jan 25, 2021     

Now this games is good. Is very nice and fun and I am a soccer for games with 8 bit-32 bit graphics. I would give this a 5 star but it's not perfect but it's OK because there's always Room for improvement. I would really think it would be good if they Remove the bars on the Side. People who played this game know what am talking about. And the multiplayer's kind of Empty but that's not the games fault. Overall it's a fun turn based (not really) Kind of game.

Gam. :. Apr 7, 2019     

Can we have multiplayer? Plus when you finish the game, if you don't have it, you could let people make custom bases and choose police or prisoner. It would be much funner! Maybe even get more people onto The Escapest 2 and the Escapest. Just some ideas you should add.

Art. L. Nov 10, 2018     

Honestly the greatest game I have ever played! Just one suggestion I can add, it would be cool to be a guard or Warden in the prison so you could get a perspective of what its like to be a guard/warden. Would also be great if there was a multiplayer mode for the game.