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The Jewish Phonebook

The Jewish Phone book App enables users to conveniently locate any Jewish business in Brooklyn NY. Users can also search for residential Phone numbers in the Williamsburg and Borough Park section of Brooklyn.
The app uses sophisticated smart search technology so users can search for information whichever way they prefer. The database behind the app is collected via public sources, as well as the Jewish Phonebook's own unique sources, like the ‘submit your business/resident’ option, a practical feature that allows any individual to add new information to the Jewish Phonebook general database.

The database will be updated every couple of months in order to ensure that our users have access to the most up-to-date information available.

Category : Travel & Local

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Reviews (22)

Jon. G. Jun 9, 2015     

Very usefull for daily use

Yos. Y. Jul 21, 2015     

Very I formative and helpful

e. s. Apr 29, 2015     

Can't search fone numbers of missed calls or so.... every number I type in comes back as 'no residents/business were found for query....'. When I check names it's in fone book.

Vis. R. May 28, 2015     

Keep it on!!! great job Well done, easiest and fastest way to find a number ever! SUPER PLUS!! It's amazing, THANKS A LOT

sru. h. Jun 1, 2015     

Really have a lot of use of it.

Yos. L. Jun 1, 2015     

Convenient and a major help

Har. H. Mar 26, 2015     

Very good for on the go. thank u very much הצלחה רבה!!!

Sha. R. Jun 4, 2015     

Its really amaizing, very usefull and accurate

Sau. R. Feb 25, 2015     

It's great for what it is made for

vic. c. s. Mar 10, 2015     

Very easy to serch just love it

Sha. H. Feb 18, 2015     

The app is great in case of an emergency, though you have to be ultra specific and know exactly what u want, theres no broad suggestions. Theres also alot of misspelled words and grammar errors which cause it too look chassidish.

Mey. Feb 22, 2015     

Search is good but lots of mistakes in the listings, example: i searched for a business and it came up with the owner's private home address as the business address. You need to have a place where i could correct the info.

BYL. T. Feb 19, 2015     

Fantstic app, great layout, easy to use, professional interface! LOVE IT!!! Where can I make changes to residential listings? (I found some minor mistakes) Another thing I would would reccomend doing is make it that if any number in the phonebook calls the phone it should come up on caller id.

Jay. R. Feb 20, 2015     

Very Simple & E-Z Search Lot's of Info. Thanks

Yan. D. Feb 15, 2015     

They included my business information without asking me to confirm any details. When I called to update them with my correct phone nunber before they printed with the new phonebook, they still could not manage to correct it. I don't care if they don't include me, but if they do, can't they at least verify it or follow through with an update???

Elc. M. Feb 15, 2015     

A good app but you have to extend to more places

Yos. B. Feb 16, 2015     

Was waiting for an app like this!

Cha. M. S. Feb 15, 2015     

free is always welcomed

Yoe. W. Mar 10, 2015     

Why do they need access to phone, call log. Big privacy breach

Chu. S. Mar 22, 2018     

I was never able to use it, it never opened! I have a new galaxy S8 so It should've worked!

Zor. M. S. Feb 12, 2015     

There are Jews outside of budapark. Who needs budapark info!?!

A. G. u. Apr 16, 2017     

A wonderful app thanks